Hey to all. I am going to be buying an MP3 here very soon and appreciate the quality and wealth of information that I've read so far.
At the moment I have a Kymco People S 125. It's a good scoot but for my commuting needs I really want something more. The MP3 really fits the bill for me. The problem is which model to pick. Money won't really be the problem and buying used is not an issue to me. Here's what I'll deal with that will determing the model I buy:
1. Primarily this will be a commuter. Some inner city interstates but mostly city streets will be what I'll be riding the most. On occasion, I may go for the weekend ride and may encounter some hills.
2. I'll be the only one on this bike and doubt I'll have an opportunity to have a rider on it all that much.
3. It must be reliable.
4. My riding experience is about 3 years. I've put about 11000 miles on scooters in that time and consider myself ok as a rider.
I must note that I've heard of the 500 having some problems. The 250 seems to be the most reliable and as I understand, it has the most proven engine of the 3? I've also read that the 250 is a bit doggy because the weight is a little much for the engine size.
Oh, and I love the red color of the original 250.
Thanks for all your help in advance.
Don in KC