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Hey to all. I am going to be buying an MP3 here very soon and appreciate the quality and wealth of information that I've read so far.

At the moment I have a Kymco People S 125. It's a good scoot but for my commuting needs I really want something more. The MP3 really fits the bill for me. The problem is which model to pick. Money won't really be the problem and buying used is not an issue to me. Here's what I'll deal with that will determing the model I buy:

1. Primarily this will be a commuter. Some inner city interstates but mostly city streets will be what I'll be riding the most. On occasion, I may go for the weekend ride and may encounter some hills.

2. I'll be the only one on this bike and doubt I'll have an opportunity to have a rider on it all that much.

3. It must be reliable.

4. My riding experience is about 3 years. I've put about 11000 miles on scooters in that time and consider myself ok as a rider.

I must note that I've heard of the 500 having some problems. The 250 seems to be the most reliable and as I understand, it has the most proven engine of the 3? I've also read that the 250 is a bit doggy because the weight is a little much for the engine size.

Oh, and I love the red color of the original 250.

Thanks for all your help in advance.

Don in KC
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My opinion, (and not because I own one)...250 sounds perfect for your needs about and even a jaunt on the highway. The color Red, is very nice. I remember how excited I was getting mine....I'm right there with ya now! Be safe, please ride AGATT (if you haven't done so already)
Happy Trails!
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Since money is no object, buy one of "each"! Little xp, two months on mp3/500, think a 400 or 500 should be your choice. Differance of under $300 between them, the seat/trunk set up, and some cosmetic differances to my knowledge. The 400 has more color choices. No bad reason for the 250cc, just think you can handle the bigger size and may be bored fast with it. Best of luck deciding.

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IMHO I think the 400 is the all-round best size. It has the power to climb any hill even with a top box and bags loaded with stuff, and even a sexy girl on the back. It gets almost the same gas mileage that the 250 does, and I believe that is cause the 250 is reving its guts out all the time.
All three MP3's had some problems posted here. It seems that a problem shows up within a year of purchase and once it's taken care of, either bike is very reliable.
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Since you are not swayed towards any size as of yet, apply Occam's Razor: all things being equal, the simplest answer is likely the best. And with that reasoning I think the 400 is probaby best here - you may want the extra power over a 250 and it simply won't have it when needed; conversely, the 500 may be oversized and does not have the storage capacity of the 400 (more convenient for a city runabout).

Strongly suggest you test ride at least one, if not two sizes of the Mp3 before committing... even tho you've got experience, it is just 'different' enough, as they say...

No matter what, have fun with selecting and riding you're next scoot !
@toronto40 avatar

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MP3 250
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I recommend the 250 if its mostly for the city. The 250 has plenty of power for the city and for the highway as well unless you like to ride over the speed limit. I ride about 80% streets and and 20% highway. The 400 is almost a 100lb heavier and is slower on take off than the 250, which doesn't help you much in mostly city driving I have never had problems on the highway, but I don't ride in the fast lane either. If you want to cruise comfortably at 65 or 70mph, this bike will be fine for you. Your gonna get max storage on the 250 as well, plus you insurance will probably be less. If I was mostly riding highways I would probably get a 400 but for mostly citiy driving its just now necessary. Whatever on you purchase I'm sure you will be happy with.. Good luck
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I would recommend a 250. I upgraded to a 400 because I live outside of town and wanted power to easily pass on two lane roads to to hold speed on steep grades in the mountains. I also travel a lot on it having visited 15 states in the last year.

I still have the 250 and when I do go into town it is a more fun ride with the quicker acceleration at lights and lighter for lane changes. It will keep up with traffic on freeways at 75 mph true speed.
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You will be riding one up mostly. Commuting in city traffic. Some highway. I would have to say a 250 fits the bill nicely. As fuzzy said it is very fast accelerating.

I have been riding mine for over a year with 8500 plus miles on it (mostly commuting about 70 % two lane highway at 60+ and the rest city) and I can honestly say that I have never felt underpowerd. I am not a speed freak by any means. A possible exception to this would be the ability to pass when the person in front of me is going only slightly below the speed limit.

That said if I lived in a hilly area or was gonna do a lot of extended touring including interstates I would probably go with a bigger engine but for what you described the 250 is ideal.

Oh and I have not had any problems (knock on tupperware) with mine. I perform regular maintenance checks but am not anal about it.

Good luck with whatever you decide and as others have said def test ride a few.
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Thank you all for the advice. I'll test drive both the 250 and 400 and make my decision.

Now for the agonizing choice of color...
@ward22 avatar

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MP3 250
I'll throw in my 2 cents worth and reaffirm that the MP3 250 would be your best choice. I've had mine about a year for quick errands around town and find it gets 60 mpg and has the best storage of the three. As for color - how can you go wrong with silver? Any color - they are a blast and have plenty of zip, have fun!

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I've owned both a 250 and a 500. I put about 6000 miles on the 250 and I have 7000 on my 500. I wish I could own both. The 250 is more nimble in the city and the 500 is great on the interstate. Based on your description, I would probably recommend the 400. It has most of the best of both the 250 and 500. It is lighter, more nimble, and has more storage than the 500. It is quicker and more stable stable at highway speed than the 250.

Whichever you choose, enjoy!

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