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So my sister was at a Vet clinic here in town and one of her clients is a member of the local MC club here.

Yesterday he brought his dog in and was telling my sister about the raffle they're having for a Harley. She asked about tickets and said she mention it to me, he of courses asked if I rode and she said yes he rides a scooter.

His response was "yeah a lot of people are riding mopeds these days"

My sister replied "Well no, it's a Vespa , it's bigger then a moped, I'm not sure what size it is but I know it will do about 70 and he rides all the time."

She said the guy paused for a moment and then asked if it was black and did I have a sticker on the back of my helmet that read it's not a damn moped.

She said yeah that's him.

He said 'Yeah I've seen that guy, he's all over the place and damn he's got some balls. I saw him riding last winter in the coldest weather that even my ass would not have been out in."

I just smiled.
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That's an awesome compliment!

My neighbour rides a MC - a big testosterone-type racing guy. He always shakes his head when he sees me pulling my scoot out of the garage to head off in the morning in the sub-zero autumn weather. He shakes his head and says "You scooter people are seriously tough."
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I love it!

I usually see lots of scoots and cycles on my ride to work, but only saw one other today. We had a chance of rain. Wusses!

Love the sticker on his helmet!

09 Piaggio Fly 150
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09 Piaggio Fly 150
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Further proof that scooters are just more fun to ride
@benito avatar

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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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That's great, here in the winter, you very very seldom ever see a motorcycle out riding in the cold. However, you will see scooterists out there, me included when there isn't any snow or ice on the road.
@voneschenbach avatar

A fracking cage sadly
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A fracking cage sadly
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Now where are those Pirelli studded tires?
@techguy avatar

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Kymco P250 Now, P200E in the 80's
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I am sure you cmake some if you can find them online... drill, bolts, inner tube..
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2005 GT 200L Grigio_Smoky a.k.a. "Il Grande Lebowski"
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2005 GT 200L Grigio_Smoky a.k.a. "Il Grande Lebowski"
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Perhaps you need a new sticker for your helmet to commemorate the compliment! Razz emoticon
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@john_potter avatar

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'07 GT200, '03 HD883R
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QuipMC wrote:
Perhaps you need a new sticker for your helmet to commemorate the compliment! Razz emoticon
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Very cool. Being a new Vespa owner I will soon experience my first winter on a scooter.
No ice=ride

GTS 250ie YELLOW N WHITE,Giallo Lime
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GTS 250ie YELLOW N WHITE,Giallo Lime
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Enjoy your scooter time, it's the best therippy out there. 8)
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