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Saturday, September 26th, 2009

Southbay scooterists and all bay area scooterists likewise:
Shine-up your scooter and dancin' shoes - it's parade time! Dress like you mean it! Dress like the fool you are! Show your scooter pride!

VCLG and friends will be riding in the Willow Glen Founders Day / Italia Fest Parade in San Jose.

If you'd like to join us for a community cruise down Lincoln Ave in San Jose through the Willow Glen neighborhood come on down. This is a non-death defying chance to show off your vintage or modern scoot cruiser style and a chance to practice your best Vanna smile and wave.

The Italia Fest goes on right after the parade. We always have a great time doing our thing. Deets will be posted in the near future.
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Founders Day Parade Sept 26th
We will be staging on Lincoln Ave at 9:15 a.m. just south of Pedro St. Parade starts at 10:00. So shine up your scoot and get your best Vanna waves and smiles on. Hope to see y'all out there! Italia Fest was held earlier this year.
This is a fun community event and a great way to promote scooting in the Silicon Valley.
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Are you coming-out for this, Jefe? I heard you made it out to Trial's; on your scoot no less.
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With enough painkiller I should be fine . Will bring out the ET this year.
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I was looking at the parade info, and it sounds like they're going for a "Past, Present, and Future" theme.

I think it's time to break-out the T5.

.... and some ripped jeans

..... and a rockin' blazer

.... and a popped-collar polo

.... and a LOT of hair gel/moose
(Oh wait, I already do that last one).
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that would be awesome jess!! and make sure your ripped jeans are acid washed!

my orange scoot is still broken-(fly side seal), so I will probably be rockin the smallframe..I will dress as 70/80's as I can too!

hopefully the GS will make it over-Susan will probably be on that scoot
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Had a great time doing this last year. Sorry I won`t make it this year. I am stuck doing inventory at work
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This was great fun last year - all Southbay Scooterists should come on down if you can.

Unfortunately, like the old Snapshot228, I've got a conflict - will be tooling down Highway 1 to Cambria on the GTV for a little holiday...

The rest of you have no excuse!
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this saturday!
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nickandsusan wrote:
this saturday!
Be there. Toot your scoot!
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I am dressing myself and Yukihime up '60's style with 'flower power' decals, a sparkly pink 3/4 helmet, embroidered jeans with a paisley motif, boots and a vest. (Sorry no fringed jacket).
Also some 'John Lennon" type blue sunglasses.

Peace out y'all!
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Just took the T5 for a spin.

A little b*$&#y at first, but she's willing to cooperate.

I think she's ready for Saturday.
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In case you missed it, our cameo is on YouTube (@ 1:20).


Appearances by VCLG Members Peet, Giggy, and Lisa.
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ThatBloodyStig wrote:
Just took the T5 for a spin.

A little b*$&#y at first, but she's willing to cooperate.

I think she's ready for Saturday.
awesome!! your T5 is rad!
hopefully my sprint will be up and running too
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nickandsusan wrote:
ThatBloodyStig wrote:
Just took the T5 for a spin.

A little b*$&#y at first, but she's willing to cooperate.

I think she's ready for Saturday.
awesome!! your T5 is rad!
hopefully my sprint will be up and running too
Looking at the pics from last year, it looks like BleuBelle would a more appropriate choice to get dolled up for the parade than Yuki, as she's smaller, lighter etc. Besides, she doesn't get out as much and would like a run.

She'll still look swell with the 'flower power' decals.
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I'll be at the Mini Gourmet @ 8AM tomorrow morning (Bascom and Moorpark, across from SJCC).

Please feel free to join me for a cup of caffeine and a little parade energy. A quick jaunt to Meridian/Fruitdale/Race/Pedro will get us to the parade in no time.

Sound cool?

VCLG will be staging just south of Pedro St. on Lincoln Ave.
Group 45.
Please stage by 9:15 a.m.
It's a parade so bring your best Vanna waves and smiles. So spiff up the scoot and come on out.

You selected a parade category of "Past", "Present" or
"Future". Costumes for the "period" are encouraged. If
you are in a vintage car - we encourage you to dress in that
year's costume. 1927 is when Founder's Day occurred - this
is a key date!

The parade will start promptly at 10:30am
Please keep your group together! Follow any instructions that the
parade officials give you.
We will be using the center two lanes of Lincoln Avenue to parade in.
Please use caution when approaching the pedestrian walk signs at some of
the cross walks.
Cars and horse drawn vehicles need to adjust their

Participants should decorate their units - non-decorated, purely
commercial units are discouraged.
Handouts -- many of you have asked about handing out information or
candy. This will be allowed if you provide 2 people for each side of
the parade and the information is handed to people and not thrown or
dropped. No stickers, helium/Mylar balloons or gum may be given out.
Absolutely no items are to be thrown from a moving vehicle.
Parade Floats - decorative material on parade floats shall be
noncombustible or flame retardant; motorized parade floats and towing
apparatus shall be provided with a minimum 2-A, 10B:C rate portable fire
extinguisher readily accessible to the operator. Avoid such materials
as hay, straw, dried flowers, tissues, paper napkins, or other materials
that have to be fireproofed. Floats cannot be larger than a flat-bed
truck (cannot extend outside of the bed). All floats will be subject to
inspection by the San Jose Fire Department. You may be requested to
show proof of flame resistant liquid to protect decorative materials on
the float. Please bring extra liquid in it's container for
documents to show as proof of flame resistance. No smoking on or near
any floats at any time.

Portable Generators - portable gas generators are allowed. All
generators used on the float must be securely mounted (strapped or
bolted) on the vehicle or other substantial base. A minimum of 12
inches clearance must separate any part of the generator from decorative

General Information:
Portable restrooms will be placed along Lincoln Avenue. The distance of
the parade is .6 of a mile.
It is recommended that children under the
age of seven be put in wagons or strollers. The entire distance will
take approximately one-hour.
Once the parade begins the walk, it will
be non-stop except for an emergency or when the SJPD allows some traffic
to proceed through Willow Avenue.

The parade will end at Minnesota Avenue. Participants will turn right
on Minnesota and disburse.
The public parking lot on Minnesota may be
used to drop off passengers in cars, on floats, etc. Please quickly
drop off passengers and proceed through the parking lot to Brace Avenue
where you will turn left. If necessary, walkers may be picked up at the
public parking lot, again, please exit as quickly as possible.

For questions call Norma at (408)298-2100.
For assistance at the parade look for "Parade
Staff" in orange safety vests.

Participants' report-in time, staging area, and parade order.

Just for clarification, the Italia fest is not being held in conjunction
with the Founders Day Parade this year.

Southbay scooterists and all bay area scooterists likewise:
Shine-up your scooter and dancin' shoes - it's parade time! Dress like
you mean it! Dress like the fool you are! Show your scooter pride!

VCLG and friends will be riding in the Willow Glen Founders Day Parade in San Jose.

If you'd like to join us for a community cruise down Lincoln Ave in San
Jose through the Willow Glen neighborhood come on down. This is a
non-death defying chance to show off your vintage or modern scoot
cruiser style and a chance to practice your best Vanna smile and wave.
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We will be dressed in the best 60's outfits we have.
Not sure if we will be up in time for breakfast/coffee though
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Okay, I'll need a little last-minute-help. I didn't LIVE the 80's like everyone else (rather grew-up and lived vicariously through themedia).

"How do you properly give your jeans the tattered & ripped look?"

I took scissors to a pair of old jeans, but the cuts are too clean for what I remember mine looking like (in elementary, mind-you).
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ThatBloodyStig wrote:
Okay, I'll need a little last-minute-help. I didn't LIVE the 80's like everyone else (rather grew-up and lived vicariously through themedia).

"How do you properly give your jeans the tattered & ripped look?"

I took scissors to a pair of old jeans, but the cuts are too clean for what I remember mine looking like (in elementary, mind-you).
i think cords were pretty popular back in the 80s..im just wearing jeans and a funky shirt
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I have cords!

Albeit, black cords, but could work for the look.
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ThatBloodyStig wrote:
I have cords!

Albeit, black cords, but could work for the look.
sweeeeeeeeet...are you gonna wear an OP shirt?
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nickandsusan wrote:
ThatBloodyStig wrote:
I have cords!

Albeit, black cords, but could work for the look.
sweeeeeeeeet...are you gonna wear an OP shirt?
Sadly not. All I have would be a polo shirt (not even Lacoste) and blazer. Do have wrist bands.
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You know Stig you could go all Miami Vice and wear a blazer jacket with a colored tee-shirt (pastel preferably). That was very '80's as were narrow ties.
(HS class of 1981) rolled cuff jeans, metallic studded jackets and Big guy hair (think Michael Jackson in Thriller or Sid Vicious)
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or you could "peg" your pants and wear your Nike hightops.

see ya all at 9ish
@nickandsusan avatar

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short and sweet parade..sorry I didn't get any other pics. I was too busy honking my ducky vespa horn and reving my motor with my Simonini pipe that needs repacking badly.
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A big thanks to everyone who came out for the parade. Though we had to wait a DANG long time before getting started, I think we still made a nice impression on the WG Community.

Some pics before we kick-started :
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