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Hello all,

Again, I did the search but found no answer to my question. Got a few parts linked below, originally made for the GTS but they fit on the GT. The HORN cover and the running light.


My question is, there is a connector in the compartment where the alarm goes that fits the running light connector (https://static.modernvespa.net/pix/techlib/gtsglovebox/3.jpg) does it have ignition ON power or where could I tap in to have the running light run.

Does this light bulb (led bulb) have the "BACK OFF XP" effect?
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It's unlikely to have a connector as the GTS looms and the GT looms are very different. Splice into the wire for the running lights nearby or at the headset. American wiring is different from euro.

PS I might stand corrected here...
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I spliced the ALARM connector for more power besides the pizo buzzer and that was not good as there was not enough so when I turned the left signal light it was fine but when I turned the right signal light the running light and the signal light would blink.

So I took the SWITCHED 12V from that connector and the GROUND elsewhere and everything works now.

I am writing this in hopes someone will save time because of my error.
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Re: Power for the running light on the GT200?
That is what I did just used the alarm connector and inserted spade terminals directly into the plug, has been working fine. Make sure you find the power source in the plug that works only with the key on.

My question is, there is a connector in the compartment where the alarm goes that fits the running light connector (https://static.modernvespa.net/pix/techlib/gtsglovebox/3.jpg) does it have ignition ON power or where could I tap in to have the running light run.
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I learned the hard way, but not that big of a deal, I just think that it was to much for that tiny wire to support both the PIZO and the RUNNING LIGHT, it runs fine now.

That connector exists but there is no switched or non switched power, I checked. So I used the big connector in the same place and tapped in to the 12+ switched and I got the ground elsewhere on the body of the GT.
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Re: Power for the running light on the GT200?
tunin wrote:
Does this light bulb (led bulb) have the "BACK OFF XP" effect?
What their description (below) says is that this red bulb goes on with alternating, moving patterns when turned on, and goes solid when braking. By removing one of the pins, you can reverse this behavior.

JMHO, but I'm not sure if a relatively distant other car in traffic will notice much about those moving patterns (other than that something may flicker). But then, I would hope that car behind or in front of you pays more attention to traffic, than to a small LED on some scooter.

Die Twinkle Light Birne besteht aus mehreren im Kreis angeordneten roten LED`s. Diese laufen während der Fahrt in verschiedenen Programmen ab. Beim Bremsen leuchten alle rot auf. Durch entfernen eines Pins kann die Funktion auch umgedreht werden
My question is, there is a connector in the compartment where the alarm goes that fits the running light connector (https://static.modernvespa.net/pix/techlib/gtsglovebox/3.jpg) does it have ignition ON power or where could I tap in to have the running light run.

Not sure about that matching connector, I think it is for intercom, and therefore might not be what you need.
You can tap into the white and black wires going into the bigger alarm connector. That's switched + (white) and - 12V.
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