These books have been mentioned in various threads throughout the site, but wanted to introduce to newer (US/Canada-based) folks like myself to the works of David Hough, author of Street Strategies and Proficient Motorcycling. I checked out both from the library and have been learning a lot. More importantly, it's helped me be more conscious of potential dangerous situations as I scoot around town.
The books are also fairly entertaining as well - he tells these little stories about riding and something happening. He must go to the hardware store a lot because half the stories involve something happening either to or from the hardware store!
It doesn't hurt that he is a Northwesterner either, including lots of local info such as riding on wet surfaces, ice on bridges, etc.
Are there any other books that you would recommend, especially for scooters?
Finally, since this is a motorcycle-centric safety book, are there situations that are less dangerous for scooters (due to smaller wheels, lower center of gravity, etc.) or more dangerous?