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Piaggio MP3ie 400cc
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Piaggio MP3ie 400cc
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Finally got to ride my MP3 400 after staring at it for almost a month due to an injury that I'm currently healing from. I was both surprised and pleased with my short ride.

I've been a motorcycle rider for about 7 years, and this is my first scooter purchase. As a matter of fact I can't even remember a time I ever rode a scooter. It's always been motorcycles and mostly cruisers.

Few things I quickly noticed that I need to quickly get used too and find ways to compensate or improve them.

First this baby has no pickup on the freeway if you're trying to pass a vehicle (especially on an uphill) or trying to get away from a semi coming up quickly behind you as you foolishly tried to pass the vehicle on you're right. Wha? emoticon
Second no matter how natural the P3's seating position is, it's uncomfortable for someone who has been used to riding with his legs spread out for so many years.
Third, you will feel every bump, pothole or road imperfection on the front end of the bike which can be unnerving when you're not used to it.

Here's my quest for advice from those folks that have found the best combination of upgrades that would make this bike even better.
1. What do I need to do to get more pickup and get up and go from this bike? What's the best set of upgrades I can install to increase take off power from a stand still and passing power as well on the freeway?
I have my motorcycles bumped up in power a bit through pipes and jetting and so was wondering if this can be done on the scoot as well.
2. Where can I find saddles for this bike or someone who can remake mine? Also has anyone on the forum successfully installed highway pegs on the MP3 400? Need to add some to my bike as wel so I can spread my legs from time to time.
3. I guess since the bike has no fork suspension similar to a motorcyle it would only make sense that any bumps or jolts will be quickly transmitted to the front end and handlebars. Is this normal? and has anyone been able to do anything to customize the front end to minimize the jarring effect of the road.

Other than that this bike is awesome. I wasn't able to go far due to my injury starting to bother me so I had to go back. But I was able to quickly run it through some twisties, and freeway runs, before I had to go back.
Can't wait to ride this bike more and will be using it to commute to work as well. Compared to my motorcycles this will be a lot more comfortable on that 80 mile round trip each day, and a whole lot more storage space as well.

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Here's the thread you want for tuning the 400... with very good results using the Dr. Pulley sliding weights and HiT clutch. There is also the J. Costa variator which has not been as good on the 400 as it has on the 500 - but apparently there have been some updates done to it that improve it by quite a bit. If you search for J. Costa you'll find lots of good info here.


I've never ridden a 400 but I have heard they are slugs in stock form.

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The bottom line answer to your question is to search this forum for posts on performance and variators. You will get a small improvement, but remember this is not a sportbike. If you want a something like that then look at the Mana 850 GT.

Regarding seats, there have been tons of posts on that as well. Most areas have shops that can do custom work for $3-500. The other option is seat pads.

Good luck.

You can also check out my wiki below and view the mods.
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Piaggio MP3-500, Aprilia Mana 850, Aprilia SR 50 Factory
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Re: First Impressions and needed advice
deflorence wrote:
Finally got to ride my MP3 400 after staring at it for almost a month due to an injury that I'm currently healing from. I was both surprised and pleased with my short ride.

I've been a motorcycle rider for about 7 years, and this is my first scooter purchase. As a matter of fact I can't even remember a time I ever rode a scooter. It's always been motorcycles and mostly cruisers.

Few things I quickly noticed that I need to quickly get used too and find ways to compensate or improve them.

First this baby has no pickup on the freeway if you're trying to pass a vehicle (especially on an uphill) or trying to get away from a semi coming up quickly behind you as you foolishly tried to pass the vehicle on you're right. Wha? emoticon
Second no matter how natural the P3's seating position is, it's uncomfortable for someone who has been used to riding with his legs spread out for so many years.
Third, you will feel every bump, pothole or road imperfection on the front end of the bike which can be unnerving when you're not used to it.

Here's my quest for advice from those folks that have found the best combination of upgrades that would make this bike even better.
1. What do I need to do to get more pickup and get up and go from this bike? What's the best set of upgrades I can install to increase take off power from a stand still and passing power as well on the freeway?
J. Costa variator at the bottom of the link page
I have my motorcycles bumped up in power a bit through pipes and jetting and so was wondering if this can be done on the scoot as well.
2. Where can I find saddles for this bike or someone who can remake mine? Also has anyone on the forum successfully installed highway pegs on the MP3 400? Need to add some to my bike as wel so I can spread my legs from time to time.
Russell Day Long
3. I guess since the bike has no fork suspension similar to a motorcyle it would only make sense that any bumps or jolts will be quickly transmitted to the front end and handlebars. Is this normal? and has anyone been able to do anything to customize the front end to minimize the jarring effect of the road.
Not that I am aware of.
Other than that this bike is awesome. I wasn't able to go far due to my injury starting to bother me so I had to go back. But I was able to quickly run it through some twisties, and freeway runs, before I had to go back.
Can't wait to ride this bike more and will be using it to commute to work as well. Compared to my motorcycles this will be a lot more comfortable on that 80 mile round trip each day, and a whole lot more storage space as well.


MP3 500
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I almost hate to say this, but it sounds like you may have purchased the wrong vehicle for your needs. There's not much you can do to get bike-like acceleration from your MP3. I have a MP3 500, and have done all the performance mods (pipe, variator, etc...see "My MP3 500 Mods" thread) I could think of. The difference is, I did the mods simply for my own curiosity and to make the MP3 my own. I didn't expect much from them performance-wise. And I don't think the 500 is all that much faster than the 400, so I wouldn't recommend that "upgrade"

What drew you to the MP3? Was it the "twist and go" feature? If so, perhaps an Aprilia Mana might better suit your needs. Was it the "scooter fun factor"? Maybe a Piaggio Beverly 500 would fit the bill.

I guess the bottom line is get out there and test a bunch of different rides, and settle for the one that fits your needs best.
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Piaggio MP3ie 400cc
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Piaggio MP3ie 400cc
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Thank you for the quick responses. I'll be checking the links that you pointed me too.

As for my possible picking the wrong scooter, I don't think I did. I picked the MP3 for it's three wheels and the stability it offers. I'm finding more and more as I get older that it's getting harder and harder for me to hold me and my wife up on the motorcycle, and the idea of being able to lock the front wheels on stops on this bike is a God send to my aging legs. I was ready to purchase a trike but did not like the way they ride. I ride bikes because I love the way they lean on turns and a trike would just ruin it for me. I saw the MP3 and fell in love with it's technology. Plus here in CA I can still split lanes on my commute on the MP3. Can't do that on a trike.

I understand that these scoots can't compare to the power of motorcycles. I'm not looking for that. If I need power I'll jump on one of my motorcycles and get my jolly's off that. I chose the MP3 for it's comfort and ease of riding. Something me and my wife can go on rides together in quiet and easy travelling. Also as I had mentioned before I love the storage on this thing. Just from experience I happen to know that you can always squeeze a little more out of the stock motor and wanted to find out what's the best combo to get the most out of the engine and tranny. I also want to make sure that I do the work only once so wanted to know what upgrades the folks here have done that has worked best for their rides. I understand that I won't get the same performance upgrades as I have had on my motorcycles, and I'm okay with that.

Thanks again everyone for your advice. Really appreciate it. Also the bike is only on 235 miles and hasn't really been broken in yet. I'll wait until after 1000 miles before I do any changes to it.

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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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Being up in years also, I find 45 min time frame is my limiting factor for seat and back comfort. Not bad, but I start moving around to change position. So just take a 5 minute break often to stretch the body. Put a gel seat on, not much improvement. Now have an air hawk, but have not tried it yet. Considering a backrest and remoldling of seat in future. Now this MP3/500 would have been a blast 30 years ago! Think you are just so use to the "get up and go" of a real motorcyle. My MP3 is fine, and other bike is a goldwing. Two differant animals all together. A board member is in the process of making "bracket for touring pegs". It will hang out the sides, so a precaution of riding habit will be needed on heavy leans. Check the title listings for tour pegs.
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MP3 250 -> MP3 400 -> Gilera Fuoco -> SRV 850 -> Beverly 350
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I'm sure someone more knowledgable will come along and comment on performance, but I have an MP3 400 and had a 250 before that and have tried a couple of things.

I wasn't really going for performance change, but had an LV4Road pipe fitted. It maybe gave a couple mph top end, but no difference acceleration-wise (except it sounds faster!).

I wasn't really going for increased acceleration, but had a JCosta variator fitted. There were problems, but they were due to the kits not working on some 400s (depends on the engine year apparently). Anyway - as long as you are careful to tell them the year of your 400 and make sure your dealer is aware of the issue it'd be fine.
I got the JCosta to improve the smoothness at lower revs and the take-off, not for the acceleration at higher speeds. It does improves things throughout the range, though, I think, but it's more noticeable low down.

I'm pretty sure due to the closed system engine that you can't fiddle with jets and whatnot coz the chip will compensate everything back to fits its performance mapping - it would just probably stuff things up.
I don't know of anyone 'chipping' MP3s either.

If you're used to a crotch rocket I guess the MP3 may well seem to come up short in some departments - I've never ridden anything else and am more than happy - it's never upset me that power-rangers shoot past me on the motorways - I catch them in the corners and traffic and often ride by them then (they only seem to like straight open lines *shrug*)

If you like the other things you get (comfort, storage, protection, stability, etc.) then, short of small tweaks, there's not much can be done except get used to it and enjoy the ride

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