I've been a motorcycle rider for about 7 years, and this is my first scooter purchase. As a matter of fact I can't even remember a time I ever rode a scooter. It's always been motorcycles and mostly cruisers.
Few things I quickly noticed that I need to quickly get used too and find ways to compensate or improve them.
First this baby has no pickup on the freeway if you're trying to pass a vehicle (especially on an uphill) or trying to get away from a semi coming up quickly behind you as you foolishly tried to pass the vehicle on you're right.

Second no matter how natural the P3's seating position is, it's uncomfortable for someone who has been used to riding with his legs spread out for so many years.
Third, you will feel every bump, pothole or road imperfection on the front end of the bike which can be unnerving when you're not used to it.
Here's my quest for advice from those folks that have found the best combination of upgrades that would make this bike even better.
1. What do I need to do to get more pickup and get up and go from this bike? What's the best set of upgrades I can install to increase take off power from a stand still and passing power as well on the freeway?
I have my motorcycles bumped up in power a bit through pipes and jetting and so was wondering if this can be done on the scoot as well.
2. Where can I find saddles for this bike or someone who can remake mine? Also has anyone on the forum successfully installed highway pegs on the MP3 400? Need to add some to my bike as wel so I can spread my legs from time to time.
3. I guess since the bike has no fork suspension similar to a motorcyle it would only make sense that any bumps or jolts will be quickly transmitted to the front end and handlebars. Is this normal? and has anyone been able to do anything to customize the front end to minimize the jarring effect of the road.
Other than that this bike is awesome. I wasn't able to go far due to my injury starting to bother me so I had to go back. But I was able to quickly run it through some twisties, and freeway runs, before I had to go back.
Can't wait to ride this bike more and will be using it to commute to work as well. Compared to my motorcycles this will be a lot more comfortable on that 80 mile round trip each day, and a whole lot more storage space as well.