There may be a mix-up in our respective national terminologies here. The MP3 hybrid is indeed a trike, and requires no trike kit to make it so.
Probably a slight crossed-wires situation here...I view trikes as non-leaning, rigid scooters/bikes with 3 wheels, with the exception of a 'triked' MP3 which will have 5 wheels...shall we call it a 'Quike' from on?.
For whatever reason I myself can't even fathom, I've never viewed the MP3 as a trike. When I see one going down the road I don't say "oh, there goes one of those trikes"...I say "oh, there goes one of those really cool scooters". I know it's got 3 wheels and that technically makes it a trike, but I've just never viewed them as such. Weird I know.
I presume you are refering to an add-on wheel set that turns a carving or leaning vehicle like the MP3 (or any two-wheeled motorcycle) into a vehicle with a wide stance that does not lean while turning, such as the Tow-Pac (which jodeg and smrf swear by - the Smurfmobile is something of a legend here).
That's exactly what I'm thinking of doing to a scooter/bike and what I've been talking about in earlier posts.
I'm ideas gathering at the moment...seeing what's out there and what is workable for a trike conversion (the addition of 2 more wheels).
In that case, the current (150cc) hybrid would almost certainly be underpowered. Most of us would consider even a 250 as underpowered for that, but since the "250cc equivalent" performance of the hybrid is only good for as long as the battery charge lasts, that would seem a bad combination.
I couldn't agree more.
But again, the hybrid IS a trike,
If you say so.
...and you sacrifice a lot by changing it to a non-leaning vehicle.
If the MP3 is the scooter I decide to turn into a trike
then that's a price I'm willing to pay.
Not trying to start an off-topic flame war here, but I personally fail to see the point of attaching an MP3 to a Tow-Pac.
That's your opinion and that's absolutely fine with me.
I on the other hand think the MP3 COULD make a stunning 5 wheel vehicle.
Why not just get a less expensive, lighter, and likely more comfortable, two-wheeled scooter in the first place.
The MP3 is just one of the scooters and bikes I'm considering adding 2 extra wheels to.
Here's my list (in no order whatsoever):
Suzuki Burgman Exec.
Aprilia Mana
Honda Silverwing
I'm even looking at Vespas, but they might be a little on the small side to add 2 additional wheels to.
The features that make the MP3 so unique - and expensive - are largely negated by the kit.
Yeah, but it would look cool!
Yes, you'll still have two wheels in front, but the undisputable advantage in traction and manuverability provided by a leaning MP3, whose centrifigal loading is pressing the side of two round tires harder into the pavement, may or may not translate into superior handling with a trike kit.
That's a chance you take when you trike any scooter/bike. It may handle like a dream after the conversion or it may handle like a complete donkey! That's why I'm here, to try and talk to folk who have actually added these tow-pac kits to their MP3s and see what they're like.
I've still yet to hear from these 5-wheeled MP3 owners, so I continue to remain none-the-wiser at present. (That's not a 'dig' by the way. I appreciate folk lead busy lives, but until I can speak with these owners, all this will remain pure guesswork on everyone's part, including mine).
At the very least, I would ask smrf if the hydraulic lock feature provides any benefit when connected to a trike kit, as I understand that in Europe it is possible to purchase an MP3 without that feature for considerably less money.
Thank you, that's a good tip.