The Host with the Toast
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well today I raced the yellow gts vespa red light to red light on PCH and lost, Maria left me in the dust It was sad since I've been telling her the black gts came faster from the factory. To make a long story short she kicked my ass by at least 20 yards. I was WOT.
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GTS 250ie YELLOW N WHITE,Giallo Lime
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GTS 250ie YELLOW N WHITE,Giallo Lime
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What, you weren't told the truth, Gaillo Lime GTS vepsa are the fastest. 8)

The Host with the Toast
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I lost so I had to pay for Dinner at her favorate place.. I'll tell you I weight at least 100lbs more then her so her 250cc works less. I was hoping I could beat her with skill but no such luck she went WOT too and dusted me.

The Host with the Toast
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Her Victory Dinner

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GTS 250ie YELLOW N WHITE,Giallo Lime
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GTS 250ie YELLOW N WHITE,Giallo Lime
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175mws wrote:
Her Victory Dinner

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Great place to do my food shopping
and a great restuarant too. Thats just
up the street from me. Razz emoticon

The Host with the Toast
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Now I'm going to have to upgrade my scooter I hate to lose. Crying or Very sad emoticon
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YardSale wrote:
What, you weren't told the truth, Gaillo Lime GTS vepsa are the fastest. 8)
Is that what Piaggio called that colour. If someone asked me I would have said pustard (a cross between pus and custard) Razz emoticon
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Maybe you need to lose a few pounds!!! Laughing emoticon
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No shame in losing race, shame is not honoring bet- Confusis say...

Next time,go 7lbs higher psi on tires, hold left brake, throttle up RPMS and beat her in release off the line by a second. If she catches you then weight/air mass is your enemy. Crying or Very sad emoticon
Could swap and run again to see/feel if yellow really is the fastest.
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175mws wrote:
I lost so I had to pay for Dinner at her favorate place.. I'll tell you I weight at least 100lbs more then her so her 250cc works less. I was hoping I could beat her with skill but no such luck she went WOT too and dusted me.
Just after reading your inaugural message in this thread I knew that there was a question of weight !!! She's lighter than you and she won !!!
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175mws wrote:
Now I'm going to have to upgrade my scooter I hate to lose. Crying or Very sad emoticon
Wouldn't it be easier to quietly down grade her scooter
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mike_bike_kite wrote:
175mws wrote:
Now I'm going to have to upgrade my scooter I hate to lose. Crying or Very sad emoticon
Wouldn't it be easier to quietly down grade her scooter

It sounds more reasonable ....
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Physics will beat testosterone every time. BTW--so does most everything else.

Oh, it's talk like a pirate day today so: ARGH!!

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did you at least get some sympathy sex from her..ha,ha?
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She's a woman, she's just a (smarter, better, sexier) rider than you.

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Re: 1
1969lambretta wrote:
Maybe you need to lose a few pounds!!! Laughing emoticon
Or take her out to dinner a few more times so she gains a few. Razz emoticon
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She was obligated to the dinner date. Play your cards right and this may lead to something.

The Host with the Toast
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she"s just a friend a group of us hang out that work for the same company but she is nice. I talked to her today and she said that she had only half throttle, I'm going to race her again. I can't see only half the gas when I was WOT.

The Host with the Toast
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Munibonds wrote:
did you at least get some sympathy sex from her..ha,ha?
My wife would not like that one bit and I'm not that kind of guy.

Okay a few pounds or stones to lose is true in 4 years I gained 60lbs now I,m 220.

Maybe I don't know how to ride a vespa just yet I'm new at it.

I'll check tire pressure. my gas mileage is a bit low.

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Re: 1
Benito wrote:
1969lambretta wrote:
Maybe you need to lose a few pounds!!! Laughing emoticon
Or take her out to dinner a few more times so she gains a few. Razz emoticon
Oh no she is short so short and round is not good Wha? emoticon
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if you have a racing fuel supplyer then you could pick up some 100 octane fuel to give you the edge if you wanted it. i use 93 and 100 octane mix 50/50 and it really gives a good boost. i go to a local citgo and they have it. good luck.

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Re: 1
1969lambretta wrote:
Maybe you need to lose a few pounds!!! Laughing emoticon
Man you telling me, when I bought the Harley It was like taking a fat pill. I've been gaining weight ever since.
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Weight makes too much of a difference on our scoots when doing short point-to-point racing.
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Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where this guy keeps losing bets to get dates with Elaine. Sure you were WOT. -wink-

The Host with the Toast
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Yelgib wrote:
Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where this guy keeps losing bets to get dates with Elaine. Sure you were WOT. -wink-
Seinfeld is funny, but I'm sure I weight to much to be racing. I better try to lose 40 or so lbs
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175mws wrote:
I lost so I had to pay for Dinner at her favorate place.. I'll tell you I weight at least 100lbs more then her so her 250cc works less. I was hoping I could beat her with skill but no such luck she went WOT too and dusted me.
Wait. You knew that you have a 100lb disadvantage, and you thought you could win with skills? What skills? Wider that WOT? Or just the black?

Fill us in on your secrets, man.

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windbreaker wrote:
175mws wrote:
I lost so I had to pay for Dinner at her favorate place.. I'll tell you I weight at least 100lbs more then her so her 250cc works less. I was hoping I could beat her with skill but no such luck she went WOT too and dusted me.
Wait. You knew that you have a 100lb disadvantage, and you thought you could win with skills? What skills? Wider that WOT? Or just the black?

Fill us in on your secrets, man.
She is a horable rider I was hoping she would just crap out. trust me she is bad. much better 1 year after starting but still she is bad.
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mike_bike_kite wrote:
175mws wrote:
Now I'm going to have to upgrade my scooter I hate to lose. Crying or Very sad emoticon
Wouldn't it be easier to quietly down grade her scooter
EVIL! Typical male response....
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YardSale wrote:
If someone asked me I would have said pustard (a cross between pus and custard)
ROFL emoticon
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I'm waiting for the post frome the lady with the yellow scooter who had to have a "sypathy" meal with some guy 'cause his scooter was so slow...

The Host with the Toast
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justme wrote:
I'm waiting for the post frome the lady with the yellow scooter who had to have a "sypathy" meal with some guy 'cause his scooter was so slow...
No such luck she thinks the internet is a waste of time.
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175mws wrote:
justme wrote:
I'm waiting for the post frome the lady with the yellow scooter who had to have a "sypathy" meal with some guy 'cause his scooter was so slow...
No such luck she thinks the internet is a waste of time.
She's proably right, thats why wer'e heavier than her Laughing emoticon
When's the next race

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YardSale wrote:
What, you weren't told the truth, Gaillo Lime GTS vepsa are the fastest. 8)
No yardsale, Red is the fastest color on a GTS, trust me.
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Sarah123 wrote:
YardSale wrote:
What, you weren't told the truth, Gaillo Lime GTS vepsa are the fastest. 8)
No yardsale, Red is the fastest color on a GTS, trust me.
Grey GTV's are the sneekiest. one minute they are there, then there not Wha? emoticon like a shadow

The Host with the Toast
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Next not sure when the next race will be she also thinks riding for fun is a waste of time. she commutes with her vespa.
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"Riding for fun is a waste of time" The poor lady! I hope she has an epiphany and she understands that riding for fun is a reason to live. That and taking ladys to dinner, or cooking for them at home... R

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Still Shifting wrote:
"Riding for fun is a waste of time" The poor lady! I hope she has an epiphany and she understands that riding for fun is a reason to live. That and taking ladys to dinner, or cooking for them at home... R
We all ride for our own reasons, She is still new to riding so it may take time for her to find the way, "to each his own" in our area also we have to ride 40 miles to get to a good ride.
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175mws wrote:
she"s just a friend a group of us hang out that work for the same company but she is nice. I talked to her today and she said that she had only half throttle, I'm going to race her again. I can't see only half the gas when I was WOT.
Sounds like she is pulling your leg. Laughing emoticon

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I'm on a diet now,

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haha girl power!
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