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Just want to give a shout out to the many Toronto scooterist parked on sidewalks and on the streets that I saw this past weekend. Vespa's everwhere-modern and 2 vintage weaving and working their way thru traffic. If you cursed an out of towner in a silver Honda Odessy with Pennslyvana plates dogging along that was me-us playing tourist again
Did the ferry and bike ride on the islands, Casa Loma, and Ciric Solie (sp) with cousins.
Two areas I have not been before was Greek Town and St Micheals Hospital.
Parked across the street from the Fiddle and Fox and walked the area with my Timmy Ho's.
St Micheals was a late night admission for our cousin whose catheter caused him to have serious bleeding. Very nice staff. If you have friends who work there thank them for us please.
And the Westin did not charge us for going past our Sat checkout time. In fact we could have stayed Sat night Gratis, but he needed to get back in the states for health coverage insurance reasons it he had a repeat problem.
Course it was easy to spot the yellow and red GTS's and a Ivory GTV, After a while my wife could distingush a Vespa from others.
Would take awhile to to be savy to the ebb and flow of the cars, bicyclists, trolley tracks and the like if I lived there. Again, enjoyed your great city, no hits a few errors but drew no blood or left anyone injured. 8)
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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You should have let us know ahead of time that you were visiting! I'm glad you enjoyed our city, we've had a beautiful weekend for weather. I'm sorry that you had to spend time in St. Michael's and possibly cut your visit short as a result At least you got to see some new areas of town. We have a great system going up here for scooters, we can park on the street without paying and we can pard on the boulevard (sidewalk) as long as it is out of the way of pedestrian traffic. There's a good reason that you're seeing so many scooters here, especially Vespas, in a place where most cannot or don't ride in the winter.
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Could really do anything other than the wife's plans anyhow. If I goto Casa Loma one more time I'm going lock myself in the hotel bathroom till the group leaves. Excellant place and all but it takes up time to do other things.
The St Michael trip was'nt so bad, they had a Timmy Ho's to keep us awake and he's really a great guy who has beaten back prostate cancer and the like. So moral support and a little " dick jokes" ribbing helped him along.It was a quiet night trama wise in the city I quess- which was a good thing.
The Cirque DU Sooleil show was very interesting. Theme was insects called OVO. Hey they have a street named Villiers down on that area of the waterfront, who knew? or why? The young American tennis star of the US Open, Melanie Ouidin has a coach named Brian de Villiers. My only claim to famed is my picture on the front or our Clarence Bee newspaper next to a bright yellow outhouse I rented to protest the habitual delay of putting sewers up our street. It was time to needle the town board again.
Old hippies never die-A?
Maybe I can meet up with a Toronto group someday at a rally or on a solo trip. I'm not all that exciting these days-tragally unhip Nerd emoticon
I wonder what's tougher in Toronto riding a bicycle or scooter in the rush hour traffic. The bicyclest sure cut things close space wise between the parked cars and traffic. They made me more nervous than 4 wheel traffic.
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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I'd be more nervous riding a bicycle than a scooter in Toronto.
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I hear you, great concoctions on some of the island bicycle/trucks for hauling. Reminds me of when I was in S Korea and Japan in the middle 70's. What's old is new again.
Ride safe
I'll catch up to your water garden on the "garden" site.
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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You ride safe too.
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