Just want to give a shout out to the many Toronto scooterist parked on sidewalks and on the streets that I saw this past weekend. Vespa's everwhere-modern and 2 vintage weaving and working their way thru traffic. If you cursed an out of towner in a silver Honda Odessy with Pennslyvana plates dogging along that was me-us playing tourist again
Did the ferry and bike ride on the islands, Casa Loma, and Ciric Solie (sp) with cousins.
Two areas I have not been before was Greek Town and St Micheals Hospital.
Parked across the street from the Fiddle and Fox and walked the area with my Timmy Ho's.
St Micheals was a late night admission for our cousin whose catheter caused him to have serious bleeding. Very nice staff. If you have friends who work there thank them for us please.
And the Westin did not charge us for going past our Sat checkout time. In fact we could have stayed Sat night Gratis, but he needed to get back in the states for health coverage insurance reasons it he had a repeat problem.
Course it was easy to spot the yellow and red GTS's and a Ivory GTV, After a while my wife could distingush a Vespa from others.
Would take awhile to to be savy to the ebb and flow of the cars, bicyclists, trolley tracks and the like if I lived there. Again, enjoyed your great city, no hits a few errors but drew no blood or left anyone injured. 8)