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This poor scoot has sat outside for 20 years in Florida. What would you pay for this. It is really rusted. I told they guy that anything over $200.00 would be unlikely.
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does it run?

that's what mine looked like!

it looks bad, but from the photos, it also looks like it's surface rust... if you clean it up, might be slightly pitted in some places, but if there aren't areas where it's rusted through, it will clean up well. the frame looks straight.

the one thing i would worry about is the inside of the frame. when the seat wears away like that, water gets into the airway under the seat, and rain can collect and rust the inside of the frame.
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It has been sitting in the same spot since 1981. It needs everything.....
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rust?? .... i only see patina ..... it just needs cutting and waxing
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poor baby
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I give $200 for that. Might cost another grand to get it running $1500 to get it decent. $1700 for a P2 ain't bad.
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agreed, looks to be mostly surface rust, aka patina, it's probably recoverable, though you will have some filling and grinding to do, doesn't look too bad. from the photos, you have at least $200 worth of parts there.
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I hear what you guys are saying. Thanks for the input. Is this something a first-timer can tackle?

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Baudler wrote:
I hear what you guys are saying. Thanks for the input. Is this something a first-timer can tackle?
Wrap it in some tin foil and you will be alright.
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Tin foil??? LOL I want to pass on this scoot, but something inside me whats to tackle it.
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Where in Florida
Hey where in Florida is it I'm looking for another project bike
edmn1mpr@bellsouth.net EDM/N1MPR

nothing at all
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i would get it if its cheap

it deserves a new beginning and the motor is bullet proof
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