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This is so basic I should have asked the dealer . . . but for those that have them, the speedometer on 250 MP3s registers kilometers as the dominant feature, then mph as the smaller subordinate graphic. As such, is my odometer registering in miles or kilometers? If miles, why don't they make mph as the dominant graphic on the speedo for the USA models? Just wondering . . . Wha? emoticon

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You can change the odometer from mi to kl. Look next to the right of the odometer for a small Mi or K, this will tell you what mode it is in.

Wayne B
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kph or mph
I've finally done something about that darn speedometer. My brain just can not deal with interpreting my speed every time I look down. With a label maker and some white tape I redid the face of mine. It's not very pretty but it works. Now when I want to go 35 mph all I have to do is line up the needle with the 35 like it should have been coming out of Italy.

I think Piaggio ought to send every one of us a new faceplate.
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Re: kph or mph
agolfertoo wrote:
...I think Piaggio ought to send every one of us a new faceplate.
@ward22 avatar

2010 Mana GT, Former MP3 250
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2010 Mana GT, Former MP3 250
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Miles or Kilometers?
Thanks Wayne - my setting is mpg. As for the rest - you're all right - Piaggio should provide a USA faceplate for the speedo. It would be cheap, and help us middle aged riders to try and and keep our eyes on the road and not try to make the conversion . . . Wha? emoticon
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Molto Verboso
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In my dealer's shop they say the number of bikes sold here is such a small percentage of the bikes sold worldwide that they don't bother with US style speedometer. I took a picture of the speedometer and blew it up in Photoshop and made my own - picture below. It isn't pretty but I like it.
Later I added tape points (per jimc) to correct for speedometer error.
Later I added tape points (per jimc) to correct for speedometer error.
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Hi Jerryw,

That's what I want to do but don't know how. I think you did a great job, looks better than my labels and tape.
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