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HAHA, talk about ultimate mod'n you scooter out! Check out this classic italian scooter video, it like james bond but on a scooter. Classic story, there a mod'd vespa (or something), guns and girls...nice. It is in italian, but you don't need to understand to, uh understand.

Enjoy (delete it if this has been posted before)



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That's Maxwell Smart's Vespa.

Maxwell Smart could kick all the Bonds' asses.

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Wow that is an old old movie... the effects were very primitive.. They did make a vespa that could be converted into a gyro-copter, but you couldn't do it riding down the road. And a Vespa sub... ROFL emoticon ROFL emoticon ROFL emoticon
Thanks for sharing the movie...
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The movie seems to be Dick Smart 2007 (made in 1967) but is sounds more like a personal problem. I watched a few minutes and Dick used a radio the size of a shoe box to call the office and after all the Italian dialog his response to the office was "OK". I loved it.

OK..a I watched the whole clip and Dick has a Vespa Alpha the rides like shit, flies as a helicopter, is the world's slowest submarine (complete with nose-mounted chain cutter) and as a side flotation boat with outrigger for blondes.

In the image below you can see the helicopter form at the Vepsa museum . The cover for the propeller appears in the lower right corner.

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Here is another shot of the Alpha

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I think it belongs to Maxwell's Italian brother, Dick Smart, currently living in Brazil.

It definitely has a '30's Flash Gordon look transported to the '60's. I love it, especially how it looks like a fish when it's under water.

Awfully wobbly on the turns, though, don't you think.

And speaking of awful - how about the music? Bleh emoticon

I would love to see this concept updated with, maybe an MP3?
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This video cracked me up. They don't even try to show how all stuff comes out haha. And that poor woman at the end...How's he gonna land with her in the net .... LOL

man you have to long old tv, cuz when we were kids you know we believe all that crap! I mean I sworn they had a real hover board in back to the future...HAHA


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