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Hi All,

I'm getting ready to get my new lx150 this week - yay!

What concerns me however, is that I have no access to a garage, and my scoot will have to be simply street-parked I need a good cover..

I tried doing some research, and as far as I can tell the Dowco weatherall covers seem to be pretty good... I think I might order it online, but have totally no clue what size I should aim for..

Does anyone have an experience in fitting dowco over lx150?

Thanks a lot!
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I have an LX 150, and use a DOWCO medium size cover. Fits fine. I installed a flyscreen and a rear rack, still fits OK. I got the cover from newenough.com.
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Re: Vespa LX150 and Dowco Weatherall cover
Jusu wrote:
Hi All,

I'm getting ready to get my new lx150 this week - yay!

I tried doing some research, and as far as I can tell the Dowco weatherall covers seem to be pretty good... I think I might order it online, but have totally no clue what size I should aim for..
Welcome to MV Jusu and congrats on your purchase. You will love the LX ... they are great scooters!

I have been through several covers and several different brands. I have not yet tried the Dowco cover but I can tell you that it "looks" like a good cover. I currently have the Vespa covers because my previous covers wore out very quickly and the last one I had (a Prima) was completely useless. I had to struggle to put it on my scooter. It is supposed to fit with the top box and the windshield ... but it didn't. It ripped after only two months of use due to stress on the seams.

If you plan to have a top box or windshield ... be sure that whatever cover you get will fit. I have been unsuccessful buying online or sight unseen. Everything I get seems to be too small. The Vespa cover fits very well ... obviously, but I am not convinced it is the best quality out there. I have only had mine for a couple of months and already the line to tighten it has broken on one of the covers and the seam where the top box cover joins the main body is giving way. I am going to take it to have the line replaced and the seam reinforced.

If you do get the Dowco cover, I'd be really interested to see what you think of it!

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We have "large" ones for our GT & GTS

A picture of one on the husband's GTS:
External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text

I recommend them highly--they are very sturdy, well-designed & well-made
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Does anyone with a Dowco cover have both a tall or mid sized windscreen and a top box?

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TrafficJammer wrote:
Does anyone with a Dowco cover have both a tall or mid sized windscreen and a top box?
As you can probably see from my picture,
ours have quite a bit more room available in the front

I wouldn't expect a mid-sized screen to be a problem
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L from Jersey wrote:
As you can probably see from my picture,
ours have quite a bit more room available in the front

I wouldn't expect a mid-sized screen to be a problem
And the top box? It doesn't look as though there is an spare material there for a top box ... unless it is sewn in and zippered?

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Thanks a lot for you replies!

I visited a dealer today - going to pick up lx150 later in the afternoon can't wait!!

As for covers - I think I was lucky, as they carry Dowco covers there too...

The guy at the store said that I should get Dowco for scooters (like the other ones would be too big or something) - a medium one, but they did not have it in stock at the moment, so I could not even try it out...

BUT now I'm reading reviews on motorcycle superstore, and it seems like that the scooter one is not as sturdy and good as the heavier ones Dowco has for motorcycles... and some guys say that it actually does not keep a water away so great either...

L from Jersey, if I see correctly, the one on your GTS is the motorcycle weatherall, right?
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Aloha and welcome, Get the Dowco they are perfect. You won't regret it. TRAFFIC you will still have room for your topcase. Get the largest size one.
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judy wrote:
Aloha and welcome, Get the Dowco they are perfect. You won't regret it. TRAFFIC you will still have room for your topcase. Get the largest size one.
Thanks Judy! When my Vespa covers wear out, I will give it a go if I don't have a proper shed by then!

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TrafficJammer wrote:
L from Jersey wrote:
As you can probably see from my picture,
ours have quite a bit more room available in the front

I wouldn't expect a mid-sized screen to be a problem
And the top box? It doesn't look as though there is an spare material there for a top box ... unless it is sewn in and zippered?
There is a topbox on the GTS under the cover in the picture

This is a Dowco Guardian Weatherall Plus Motorcycle Cover,
such as you can find at:

Seriously guys!
L from Jersey

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Ok, little update Razz emoticon

I am now officially a proud owner of LX 150... and a dowco cover.

I went ahead and bought Dowco weatherall - not the scooter version, but supposedly a motorcycle one. Guy in the store kind of freaked me out - he claimed it is going to be too big, hanging around, and smallest wind blow will trip my bike over .... so I went with the small one, and gray.

Overall, the cover looks well made and strong. Small size fits lx150 just fine - though if I will ever (if ever) consider adding the top box, it is possible that I will need to switch it for a bigger one...

As for water-resistance thing... it did rain quite a bit this morning, and I found the scooter to be mostly dry. However, at least at one spot where the cover was touching the seat it was sort of soaked in water, and I could see the color of the seat right through it...
Now I'm not really sure how much I should expect .. did anyone find that they had to treat it with some water-resistant spray etc?

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JUSU you have to be careful with any of them since a good wind can cause them to act like a sail. CoolAss makes a seat cover that you should get. Totally waterproof and i carry mine in the pet carrier to put on for the sun and rain. Look on the tag it should repel water however if you really hard rain it still might come thru. Make sure you take it off and dry it tho. CONGRATULATIONS on the LX you'll love it. Do you have pics?

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Hi judy, yeah, thanks, that's what I've heard ...
Though I think I've found pretty nice parking spot on the driveway - where the scoot will be parked while covered - its basically a nice corner, shielded from 2 sides by a wall, and in most cases by a car as well.. I'm gonna keep an eye how it looks during winds, and yeah, if that will be necessary I'll just remove the cover.. guess better wet scoot than flipped scoot Laughing emoticon

Seat cover would be nice thing though.. I'll definitely check it out as now when I come to think of it, it could turn out to be really handy

And yeah, I already love the scoot.. slowly trying to get used to it Razz emoticon No pictures yet though - work keeps me waaaay too busy these days Crying or Very sad emoticon
But that's the priority on my list of "things to do".. just beside the "practice circles and 8's for your road test"

Thanks again
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Congrats on your new scoot!

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So I would like to get a Dowco motorcycle cover since those seem more sturdy. I do not have a top box or windshield. Will the medium size be too big? Some have said the medium works and there is another reply with a size small. I can't seem to find a small size with my googling. Also, will the motorcycle cover fit in the pet carrier?
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TrafficJammer wrote:
Does anyone with a Dowco cover have both a tall or mid sized windscreen and a top box?
I'm using the Dowco Guardian for my GTS. I first bought the Large, but it was too small. The XL works well with the fly screen and top box. It is tight, but still fits when I have the Vespa tall screen on. It has a soft material stitched in for the windscreens, and heat protective stuff down by the muffler. I wish it were waterproof, because my seat still gets wet (even after treating with some sprays). Except for that, I like it.
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i use a Stella cover for my S150 (same thing really) and it works great, it has hooks underneath to keep the cover on in a hurricane (no prominences) and it has zippers for more room under the cover such as undo a zipper in the back for a top-case or in the front for a windscreen. but i would also look into some reflective strips for your cover if it is parked on the street so people in cars do hit it.
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Re: Vespa LX150 and Dowco Weatherall cover
Jusu wrote:
Hi All,
The Vespa cover fits very well but I am not convinced it is the best quality out there. I have only had mine for a couple of months and already the line to tighten it has broken on one of the covers and the seam where the top box cover joins the main body is giving way.
Vespa covers suck. Got one for my et4 last May. After only 6 months, the clear plastic 'license plate' cover completely cracked and fell apart, leaving a huge gaping hole! EEEeeEerrrrrrrr!! And today I noticed tie string is completely wasted - stretched out, eroded and all beaded up.

I had the scooter Dowco just before the new vespa cover. I thought it was a cheap knockoff of the heavy duty Dowco, even though it held up better than the vespa cover. I then purchased the pricier vespa cover, expecting it to last at least 2 years.

There has to be a well made, reasonably fitting scooter cover out there that, right? I really don't want to have to go through this again next year.
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Re: Vespa LX150 and Dowco Weatherall cover
TrafficJammer wrote:
Jusu wrote:
Hi All,
The Vespa cover fits very well but I am not convinced it is the best quality out there. I have only had mine for a couple of months and already the line to tighten it has broken on one of the covers and the seam where the top box cover joins the main body is giving way.
Vespa covers suck. Got one for my et4 last May. After only 6 months, the clear plastic 'license plate' cover completely cracked and fell apart, leaving a huge gaping hole! EEEeeEerrrrrrrr!! And today I noticed tie string is completely wasted - stretched out, eroded and all beaded up.

I had the scooter Dowco just before the new vespa cover. I thought it was a cheap knockoff of the heavy duty Dowco, even though it held up better than the vespa cover. I then purchased the pricier vespa cover, expecting it to last at least 2 years.

There has to be a well made, reasonably fitting scooter cover out there that, right? I really don't want to have to go through this again next year.
Hmm. I've had my Vespa cover for six months and aside from some fading it's in perfect shape. My scoot lives outside, so it's in the elements every day. That being said, it hasn't been through the hot Southern summer yet...hopefully I won't be changing my tune in October.

On a different, but related note...does anyone have any rec's for a good cover that will fit a Piaggio LT150?
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