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Delirium Tremens

Innis & Gunn

Gulden Draak

Chimay Bleu

Pauwel Kwak
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Haha, as a fellow texan, I expected you to say Lone Star....the national beer of texas.

I always reach for a pabst before a lone star though.
Birdsnest wrote:
"Thinking Man's Beer"... huh. I prefer the Luddite approach: Less thinking more drinking.

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For All The Pabst Blue Ribbon Fans Out There!
If only they made it a ringtone....I would buy a mobile.
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Jeremy W wrote:
Rover Eric wrote:
Jeremy W wrote:
In the US that would be any beer that has a TV commercial.
Well...to be fair ... Sam Adams Boston Lager is a pretty damn good beer, when you compare it to every other beer with a commercial. It doesn't hold up well against hand-crafted stuff, but it's good if it's the best thing a bar has.
True, Sam Adams is the marijuana of the beer world. It's a gateway beer to the wonderful world of micros.
Mine wasnt Samy but Guiness, now I cant stand it. I love a good red or amber ales & lagers.

Top five beers
1) Fullers ESB
2) Firestone Double Barrel Ale
3) Redhook ESB
4) Samy Adams or Fat Tire
5) Coors Light, cold on a hot day.

Honorable Mention:
Cask Condition amber ale from Rockbottom Brewery, Long Beach Ca.
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have made a few brews of.... black rock cider from NZ recently

very nice stuff
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Time to bump the beer thread....

I was in Minneapolis last weekend for my daughters cheerleading competition at the Mall of America. 8.5 hours in the MoA is too much for any human being.

The good part was Saturday when we hit Blue Max Liquors in Burnsville, MN on the way up. They have literally 1000's of different cold beers arranged by country of origin. Picked up some Bell's Hopslam, and finally got to give that monster a go. Outrageously good beer.

That night, we headed to the Town Hall Brewery, one of my local favs up there. Great meal with great beer.

I've still got a growler of their Masala Mama IPA in my fridge for this weekend.

One of my best beer days ever... 8)
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3 Beers Fermenting
I hadn't brewed any beer for about a year. For XMas, I got some money in the form of gift certificates to buy beer equipment. So, I did the smart thing and bought myself a wort chiller.

Now I have three batches fermenting in the basement:

- British Pale Ale - 2-6-2010
- Weizenbock - 2-13-2010
- Red Hook ESB - 2-28-2010

I figure I'll be able to bottle the British Pale Ale sometime next week and the Weizenbock the following week. The Red Hook is going in a keg when it gets done in the bucket.

Gonna be a fun spring and summer.
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just got turned on to dogfish head 90 minute IPA o boy is it good strangely smooth for 90 I.B.U.s and 9% abv

i have a few
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these guys are amazing......


Their Sink the Bismark is meant to awsome, tho the punk IPA is a favorite of mine
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I just found this a couple of weeks ago. Not just a trendy label, but good brew too.

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astro, that beer has nice boobs.
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smallstate wrote:
astro, that beer has nice boobs.
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I hadn't paid much attention to this thread 'cause I don't drink (any more). It is gratifying to see that I am not alone in this choice. I also like an NA beer in the summer months and yet find that they grow too sweet and cloying if you drink them too often. But there is much to say for Scooting Sober! R
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Jeremy W wrote:
Iowa has archaic beer laws...
Update, for those who care about Beer and/or Iowa. Our archaic beer laws have been struck down. Previously, Iowa Brewers were limited to brewing their beers at 5.2% ABV. Which is riduclous as many great beer styles are much higher.

Additionally, any beer brewed outside of Iowa above that alochol content, was treated as "liquor". In Iowa, "liquor" is bought and sold by the state, not distributors, adding additional tax and expense. Of course a 7% beer is no where close to liquor. The worst part, wine was the exception. Wines are in the 10% range but didn't have to follow the same rules.

All of this is gone now, no state purchasing of liquors, no limits on ABV!

My faith in government has been restored, somewhat.
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Excellent news!!


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Some of my faves:
Dogfishead Indian Brown Ale
Three Floyds Dreradnaught
Shorts Brewing Huma Lupa Licious
Bells 2 Hearted
Anything I brew myself, I will be making a Blood Orange Hef Friday. I haven't been brewing much at all lately due to make scooter addiction. I just need to do some minor carb work to my Rally and V90 and then I should be good for the season, then its brewing time! Cheers!
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Man, this is a thread up my street!

I have been brewing my own for over 20 years, and I am a fully paid up CAMRA member, (Campaign for Real Ale). Drinking some kiwi wheat beer at the moment, and got some oatmeal stout bubbling away in one of the fermenters

I am in the fortunate position to be down in Kent, the garden of England, which used to be where all the British hops were grown. Most of the hops come from mainland europe now, but there are still plenty of small breweries round and about. I am also only about 2 hours from Belgium, so can get my hands on there loony brews at a reasonable price.

Current favs:-

Fullers Discovery, Hook Nortons old Hooky, Bernard Dark (Czech Lager), and my old favorite, Hoegaarden.

I have just come back from a long weekend in Budapest, and a few very good Hungarian Pilsners have followed me home as well.
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I drank quite a lot of this stuff on my travels if I wanted to or not.
Brewed in Sikkim. Only for sale in Bhutan. Drunk in 'Nepali' India.

'Knockout 2000' was another great named Indian beer.

All washed down with lashings of Black Mountain Whiskey

I guess the glycerine put me off it for a while.

It made me laugh that they didn't quite know how much the alcoholic volume was so they just put 'Alcoholic content not exceeding 8% volume.
The premium beers were anywhere between 5% and 8% Volume
And the weaker beers are for pussys so I never bought any.

In England a lot of the IPA and real ales are drunk by old men with beards. Is that correct Neil?

I ain't drunk
I' m just drinking
Hit beer
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buds not beer
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rastrike wrote:
buds not beer
Not opposed to that either.
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Ha Ha Ha, I haven't grown a beard yet, and I'm still (just about) in my 30's, but I have been to many Beer festivals, so I know where your coming from.

I have been known to take long train rides out to good Real ale pubs, and the first thing I do when travelling is try the local brew.

I met actually "her indoors", at Clapham beer festival in '95. She was a friend of a friend, and the leather biker jacket, and purple hair may have helped, but we still met over a few frothy pints of ale!
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I've been to ska brewing, nice people....mediocre beer.

Anyone try New Belgium's new Ranger IPA? Awesome stuff.
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nigelthefish wrote:
Anyone try New Belgium's new Ranger IPA? Awesome stuff.
I haven't really found a beer from New Belgium that I like. I think it's their proprietary yeast. It leaves a weird biscuity flavor in all of their beers, most notably the Fat Tire (which I believe is the single most over-hyped beer on the planet)
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Jeremy W wrote:
nigelthefish wrote:
Anyone try New Belgium's new Ranger IPA? Awesome stuff.
I haven't really found a beer from New Belgium that I like. I think it's their proprietary yeast. It leaves a weird biscuity flavor in all of their beers, most notably the Fat Tire (which I believe is the single most over-hyped beer on the planet)
I agree that there is a biscuit (best description I've heard actually) flavor to most their stuff but for the most part I like most of their stuff. Wouldn't go out of my way to get one but if it's the best choice of what's on tap (like at an Avalanche game) I'll have one. Not the best beer out of Colorado.....that honor belongs to Odell's Imperial Stout or their IPA.
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uncommon brewer Siamese twin Belgian double is strange and delicious if you can find it, it's brewed in Santa Cruz and has hints of lemongrass and coriander and 8.5%a.b.v.
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I was pleasantly surprised by the Ranger, I was expecting sub-par at best. I am a big fan of the Simcoe hop which is the primary hop in ranger.
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Now that winter is over it's time to get brewing again in Iowa.

Hitting my ferementer soon will be:

1: American Wheat Beer
2. British ESB
3. Rogue Dead Guy Ale Clone (made with their proprietary yeast!)
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Jeremy W wrote:
Now that winter is over it's time to get brewing again in Iowa.

Hitting my ferementer soon will be:

1: American Wheat Beer
2. British ESB
3. Rogue Dead Guy Ale Clone (made with their proprietary yeast!)
Nice selection Jeremy. I have to say though I thought winter WAS brewing season. Not that I didn't brew a lot in the summer before. I just knew not to expect much shelf life out of the finished product.
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crackhead wrote:
I have to say though I thought winter WAS brewing season. Not that I didn't brew a lot in the summer before. I just knew not to expect much shelf life out of the finished product.
I brew outdoors, or outside in my (unheated) garage. My brewing shuts down in the dead of winter because it's just too damn cold here.

I brew heavily in the Spring and Fall, and drink heavily in the winter and summer!
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Jeremy W wrote:
crackhead wrote:
I have to say though I thought winter WAS brewing season. Not that I didn't brew a lot in the summer before. I just knew not to expect much shelf life out of the finished product.
I brew outdoors, or outside in my (unheated) garage. My brewing shuts down in the dead of winter because it's just too damn cold here.

I brew heavily in the Spring and Fall, and drink heavily in the winter and summer!
Sounds like a plan!

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Sam Adams scotish ale
Sam Adams cherry wheat
Sam Adams Chocolate bock
Sam Adams Utopia
Delirium Tremens/ Nocturno
Jeremiah Red from B&J pizzeria
pete's wicked ale
medalla light from Puerto Rico

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Tecate for me, preferably in 30 pack format.
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joshzingzing wrote:
have made a few brews of.... black rock cider from NZ recently

very nice stuff
Just did a mini course on Scrumpy/cider

have put down the result today to mature. Made from squashed apple only!

Has anyone else got experience in making cider/scrumpy from scratch?
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Twin01 wrote:
Has anyone else got experience in making cider/scrumpy from scratch?
I've made two cider's. The first I just bought a high quality apple cider from the grocery store (just pasteurized, no preservatives) and added some dry ale yeast. Turned out a decent beverage.

The cider I've got bottled right now came from fresh pressed apples sourced from a local orchard. I fermented this with some Wyeast Sweet Mead Yeast as I wanted to leave some residual sweetness. It turned having great apple flavor and aroma, with some back-end sweetness and mild alcohol content.
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I made some cider from just juice from pressed apple pulp, and some ordinary ale yeast. It took ages to clear out, and still had a bit of yeast bite to it. I put a few bottles in the cupboard under the stairs, nice and cool and dark, and forgot about it for a couple of years. When I found it again it was clear, lightly sparkling, and like nectar. I wish I had the patience to stash it all away.

I got talking to a guy selling real cider in Borough Market, and he leaves his alone for at least a year, and the best stuff is even older.
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I've always been intrigued by brewing, but I don't drink, so I always assumed I was SOL. Recently I discovered that you can brew your own ROOT beer, and I decided to poke around with it. I enjoy being slightly odd with my hobbies (hey, I'm here aren't I?) so I thought it was an interesting twist.

I've looked around at recipes and realized I needed to either get real sassafras root, which happens to be carcinogenic and banned here in the US (cancer in my root beer? Wha? emoticon ) or get "root beer extract" which is basically just a bottle of flavoring that works well with the fermenting process. Well, I didn't have either on hand, but I found a recipe for cream soda, which I did happen to have all the ingredients for. I made a small batch in a 2L bottle. It's currently settling in my fridge after a couple days of fermentation. We'll see how I did probably on Sunday when I crack it open.

Any other non-alcoholic brewers around? *ducks*
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i use a champagne yeast for apple cider an ale type yeast is an interesting idea i might try it,, id imagine an ale yeast would be a faster brew in the fermenter than champagne

ive got a coopers lager and a black rock cider bubbling away now

can you buy Coopers beer in america and england?
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We have Founders Brewery over on the West Side of Michigan, in Grand Rapids..Every Monday, $2 pints after 7pm...... Guess they were ranked 2nd in the US in a beer taste off.....Good sandwiches too!
They also have dedicated Motorcycle, Scooter, and Moped Parking out front!

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You certainly can get Coopers in England, my local homebrew shop has Black Rock as well.

I will be having a boil up, and trying my hand at some oatmeal stout over the weekend.

I am very fortunate to have these guys half an hours drive away:-


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