I was debating posting this but now that I look back on it was pretty funny.
Where I work has a 9 story parking garage with those gates like the parking at airports have. They are arms that hinge in the middle that employees can open by scanning their badge. During normal rush hours they have the gates open so you only have to scan if you are early or later in the morning.
Yesterday I arrived at work early at around 6:45a.m. I keep my badge in my wallet. I have to fish out my wallet when I get to work and scan my badge so I can open the gate. Well I thought when I pulled my wallet out of my pocket I dropped something so I looked down. After looking for a second or two I put the wallet back into my pocket and proceeded to accelerate.
So half way through the gate the arm drops down and smacks me directly on the top of my head. The rubber on the bottom of the arm grabbed my helmet and caused my head to be jarred back and I lost control of my bike and dropped it. I am not exactly sure what happened but I stood up and didn't go down with it. I am fine with no injuries.
The bike has very small scratches on the mirror, bar ends, and the platform where I put my feet, which are not noticeable unless you really look. There is a more significant scratch on my belt housing, which is also not very visible because it is on the bottom of the housing.
Concerned about more significant injuries I told the building manager about the problem and surprised to me I guess the gate won't sense a vehicle there and the arm will come down and upon impact will stop. I incorrectly assumed it wouldn't go back down until 1 vehicle had passed. She did tell me that they would fix my bike so all is good.