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I was debating posting this but now that I look back on it was pretty funny.

Where I work has a 9 story parking garage with those gates like the parking at airports have. They are arms that hinge in the middle that employees can open by scanning their badge. During normal rush hours they have the gates open so you only have to scan if you are early or later in the morning.

Yesterday I arrived at work early at around 6:45a.m. I keep my badge in my wallet. I have to fish out my wallet when I get to work and scan my badge so I can open the gate. Well I thought when I pulled my wallet out of my pocket I dropped something so I looked down. After looking for a second or two I put the wallet back into my pocket and proceeded to accelerate.

So half way through the gate the arm drops down and smacks me directly on the top of my head. The rubber on the bottom of the arm grabbed my helmet and caused my head to be jarred back and I lost control of my bike and dropped it. I am not exactly sure what happened but I stood up and didn't go down with it. I am fine with no injuries.

The bike has very small scratches on the mirror, bar ends, and the platform where I put my feet, which are not noticeable unless you really look. There is a more significant scratch on my belt housing, which is also not very visible because it is on the bottom of the housing.

Concerned about more significant injuries I told the building manager about the problem and surprised to me I guess the gate won't sense a vehicle there and the arm will come down and upon impact will stop. I incorrectly assumed it wouldn't go back down until 1 vehicle had passed. She did tell me that they would fix my bike so all is good.
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Wow, that's great that they will fix your bike! Thanks for sharing your story, because every week I go into a parking garage with my badge...and now I'll be careful and remember what happened to you.
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Ugh, that sucks for you, at least you weren't hurt and they are going to fix your scooter for you.
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And your helmet. Most manufacturers recommend replacing the helmet after a impact. WHile probably not damaged, I'd ask them to replace it anyway; sounds like it was a pretty good wallop!!

Also, sure you have no neck injuries? You might want to have a doc look at it if it hurts at all. Somtimes those injuries take a few days before they manifest themselves. I've no experience with neck injuries but I think every situation is different.

Glad you survived!!
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Miguel wrote:
And your helmet. Most manufacturers recommend replacing the helmet after a impact. WHile probably not damaged, I'd ask them to replace it anyway; sounds like it was a pretty good wallop!!

Also, sure you have no neck injuries? You might want to have a doc look at it if it hurts at all. Somtimes those injuries take a few days before they manifest themselves. I've no experience with neck injuries but I think every situation is different.

Glad you survived!!
I am not too worried about the helmet. It stopped but the rubber on the bottom of the arm gripped my helmet and since I was moving forward my head stayed in the same place. There are no marks on the helmet. My other concern is I don't want to push it. I don't want to give up a very good paying job at one of the top places to work in my city because I am getting greedy.

The repairs for the bike are going to be around 300 dollars. My helmet on the other hand cost around 600.
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Glad you are unhurt.
Sorry about the damage to your scoot
Considering that it was their equipment which injured you and caused you to damage the scoot, it's only right the garage company or parking company pay for any fixes. You've got a case with the fact that the gate does not sense an object, and therefore can cause serious injury to anyone on two wheels or in a convertible. Get your neck checked out
Replace your helmet
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Wow, I'm amazed that they don't have some sort of sensor to tell the machine when it is safe to close! Bloody dangerous design! Glad you are OK and that the company is going to fix your scooter!
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I was on jury duty last week and had to park in an unfamiliar parking garage that had one of those gate arms. I was paranoid every time I drove under it! I'm so glad you're unhurt.
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I can usually drive around the arm at my building; however in the mornings they ask us to flash the badge as we are driving though so I keep mine on a lanyard around my neck so I don't have to fish around for it
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Torino wrote:
I can usually drive around the arm at my building; however in the mornings they ask us to flash the badge as we are driving though so I keep mine on a lanyard around my neck so I don't have to fish around for it
Unfortunately I am unable to get around mine. There is maybe a 1 foot gap between a cement wall and the end of the arm. That is a good idea about the lanyard. I hit speeds of up to 70MPH on the way to work so I don't know if it would stay put.
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Torino wrote:
I can usually drive around the arm at my building; however in the mornings they ask us to flash the badge as we are driving though so I keep mine on a lanyard around my neck so I don't have to fish around for it
Exactly what I do.

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Glad to hear you're:
  1. ok
  2. laughing
  3. getting the repairs paid for - definitely another thing to add to the list of "reasons to like [your] workplace"!
On the lanyard idea, a mate at work puts the pass in his jacket pocket and secures the lanyard onto a strap on the sleeve of his jacket. Makes it safe and easy to get at while allowing him to avoid faffing about once he's swiped it.
I carry mine in my glovebox.
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Wear the lanyard under the jacket.

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That's why in the City of San Luis Obispo and other CA Citys, motorcycles and scooters are prohibited in parking structures that are controlled by a gate. The reason, "To reduce the City's liabilty and protect the public from bodily injury or propery damage." - Here is a link to the SLO Grand Jury findings report. http://www.slocourts.net/downloads/grand_jury/2007-2008/Final_Motorcycle_Report.pdf

The conclusion? There was no data presented on litigation or injury from a motorcyclist being struck by a gate, nor did they recieve any data from Public Works or the gate manufcturer that supported banning motocycles for safety reasons.

So I think you may be right, this is the first time it has happened or at least somebody has admitted it happened.
PS. Glad you're OK and bike will be fixed.
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Glad you weren't hurt. Even in a car i always wonder if i'll get beaned across the hood. I have a honking metal one at the HMO i go to and it scares me. If i use the scoot i go out a different way. Glad they are ponying up.
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Another option for the security badge is get one of the Mil-Spec hi=viz vests that have pocket for your ID on the chest.

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There are several brands.
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paige wrote:
Wear the lanyard under the jacket.
My issue with the lanyard under the jacket is I need to have one hand on the brake at all times when going into the garage. The area where I badge in is on an incline and if I let go of the brake the bike will roll backwards. My winter coat has a velcro flap that covers the zipper so it would be hard one handed to get to the lanyard. I found having it in my pocket the easiest.

Usually I grip my front brake, take off my left glove, put over my left handgrip, get the badge out of my pocket, scan the badge, then accelerate through the gate with my hand over my left glove. I don't bother putting on the glove after scanning the badge because I park right on the other side of the gate.
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TechGuy9707 wrote:
Another option for the security badge is get one of the Mil-Spec hi=viz vests that have pocket for your ID on the chest.

External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text

There are several brands.
Is it easy to get the badge out of that? It is a proximity badge.
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dan g er wrote:
That's why in the City of San Luis Obispo and other CA Citys, motorcycles and scooters are prohibited in parking structures that are controlled by a gate. The reason, "To reduce the City's liabilty and protect the public from bodily injury or propery damage." - Here is a link to the SLO Grand Jury findings report. http://www.slocourts.net/downloads/grand_jury/2007-2008/Final_Motorcycle_Report.pdf

The conclusion? There was no data presented on litigation or injury from a motorcyclist being struck by a gate, nor did they recieve any data from Public Works or the gate manufcturer that supported banning motocycles for safety reasons.

So I think you may be right, this is the first time it has happened or at least somebody has admitted it happened.
haha thanks that was an interesting read. I always knew SLO was a strange town. The only place I have ever been to without drive thrus.
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I meant a lanyard like a necklace. Long enough to pull out and swipe. Don't even take the gloves off.

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So sorry to hear about this. I am glad that you and the scoot are are not too bad off. I bet that was a real surprise when the gate smacked you in the head. In retrospect, you may eventually find it funny. I am glad to hear that the building/your company is paying for the repairs. Be careful especially with this rain.
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If you could get your hands on the security video, maybe you could win the "Funniest Video" prize. That would go along way towards a new helmet. Or a least entertain some of us around here. Seriously, thanks for sharing and I'm glad you weren't hurt. I'll certainly be more aware of the risk.
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Re: I dropped my bike in I bet a first for MV
ummgood wrote:
So half way through the gate the arm drops down and smacks me directly on the top of my head
It's not wrong to laugh at that is it? I imagined the "doink" and ROFL emoticon

Glad you're okay though, could have been nasty 8)
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Well at least you got the first bump out of the way Crying or Very sad emoticon
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Re: I dropped my bike in I bet a first for MV
HotboxDeluxe wrote:
It's not wrong to laugh at that is it? I imagined the "doink" and ROFL emoticon
No I am laughing at it now.

Many of my coworkers are threatening to get the tape but I doubt they would ever release it.
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My Dad told me a while back how the gates at their garages do sense cars but not scooters, and one of the Vespa riders in fact had the gate come down on top of them so you aren't the first
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