piaggio mp3
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piaggio mp3
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I have a mp3 with alarm problem. When i start the bike the horn sounds three times. When i stop and take my wieght off the seat it will also sound three times. I have used the maintenance key and gone through the reset sequence with no luck. Can someone please help?
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Are you speaking to an anti-theft alarm or the normal "Beep" that occurs when you insert the key turn it to ON. What Model of MP3 do you have?

piaggio mp3
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piaggio mp3
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alarm ploblem
its a mp3 500 bought new in 08. its not the beeb, its the horn, its the same horn that would sound if the alarm went off.
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We ask again - have you got an 'extra' alarm fitted, and if so, is it a Piaggio one or an aftermarket one?

piaggio mp3
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alarm problem
no extra alarm just the factory anti-theft.
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@jimc avatar
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There is no standard 'anti-theft' fitment[1]. There is an OEM alarm that can be fitted as an option.

[1] There is the immobiliser, but that's not an 'alarm'.

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Then why is the title of your post "Alarm Problem" ???

Wayne B

piaggio mp3
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piaggio mp3
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alarm problem
give me a break! i bought the thing new as is, it came with an alarm. i am looking for helpful advice, thats it! i not looking to be schooled by anyone. dont care about your wealth of eom knowledge. can you help?
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@jimc avatar
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New off the shelf MP3s do NOT come with an anti-theft alarm, OK?

You might want to describe exactly what you have, and exactly what noises you hear.

Those of us who might want to help are being confused by descriptions that do not match common reality.

piaggio mp3
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piaggio mp3
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alarm problem
thanks for your time. i quess i need to do some homework and figure out what exactly what i am dealing with. i will get back to you all later. thanks again!
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@jimc avatar
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Sorry you have bumped into a wall of "Huh?" - but all I can suggest is that if the horn goes off when you turn the ignition on, this indicates there's a problem (as perceived by the electronics) of a hydraulic pressure problem with the suspension lock (part of the tilt-lock).

Three horn blasts is a new one on me though.

So please, more info. What model is it exactly? Some here might be able to spot something just by the VIN number (and that isn't a personal secret).

piaggio mp3
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piaggio mp3
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alarm problem
in an effort to provide more info about my bike i am providing my VIN zapm610x 385000395. strangely enough today for the first time in two weeks it started without the horn sounding.
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have you check all your fluid levels IE brake fluid resivoirs and front hyd resivior. Also do you maintain you battery on a tender and how frequently do you ride?
just trying to brain storm on possiblities.
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I'm now assuming the scoot is a 500 (it would be *so* useful if the OP could be bothered to state this), and the temporary problem had been there from very soon after purchase.

But hey, we can only guess with so little info.
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Is the bike outside and subject to "rain". Just a long shot!

piaggio mp3
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piaggio mp3
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alarm problem
as previously stated in the forum stream it is a 500. ur kinda kranky aren't ya.............
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Re: alarm problem
rlcadrift wrote:
as previously stated in the forum stream it is a 500. ur kinda kranky aren't ya.............
just a suggestion, if you changed your scooter description from piaggio mp3 to mp3 500 you won't get asked that any more.
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I have this sinking feeling this is going to be one of those long drawn out topics where it take 50 posts to just find out what the actual condition (and possible problem) is.

Why are some folk so unwilling to provide quick and easy detail?

OP - there's no way I'm climbing back every topic any poster might have posted in to find the one and only occasion they mentioned what exact scoot they have. Life's too fucking short, OK? If you want help, provide all possible relevant detail.

I wrote a lot more but have deleted it from this reply.

OP - look to your suspension hydraulics. There may have been a bleed problem (why this wasn't sorted at PDI who knows) or something else ongoing you need to attend to. Open up the front and check for weeps.
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OP - there's no way I'm climbing back every topic any poster might have posted in to find the one and only occasion they mentioned what exact scoot they have. Life's too fucking short, OK? If you want help, provide all possible relevant detail.
To be fair Jim, he did state it was a 500 in the 3rd post of this thread, right above your first response Razz emoticon
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Sure, but that was an hour earlier - are we meant to remember what scoot everyone has for an hour, while doing other things in the meantime?
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I think the main point is when seeking advice you are better apt to get good results if you don't make the people you are asking play 20 questions...oh and accurate initial details are nice too.
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a little bit off-Topic... What does PDI stand for?

thanx for not lynching me. Laughing emoticon

Greets from Germany,
Charles (Raven)
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Pre-Delivery Inspection. The quality of which will vary from dealer to dealer, and sometimes depends on whether the dealer estimates the customer will ever be seen again for routine services.
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Thanx JimC.
Seems like my PDI fell flat. I picked up my 400 LT and first notice the next morning when it was dark that the blinkers were cross-wired! Front left and right rear together and visa versa.


And now.... BACK TO TOPIC!!!
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the dealership should be able to get this info...

5 beeps is the hydraulics...

3 beeps also means something...i was told once, but i have forgotten...

but it is one of the computers error codes....

not alarm related...


piaggio mp3
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alarm problem
so the answer to the problem is the alarm module. i took it to the dealer they diagnosed the problem and replaced it under warranty. now i am having problems with the hydraulics. this is the second mp3 i have had, the first i had to return becuase it just quit running. the dealer couldnt fix it so the replaced it under warranty. sorry mp3 fans these thing are junk! i am going to get a honda.
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Goodbye, good luck.
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Re: alarm problem
rlcadrift wrote:
so the answer to the problem is the alarm module. i took it to the dealer they diagnosed the problem and replaced it under warranty. now i am having problems with the hydraulics. this is the second mp3 i have had, the first i had to return becuase it just quit running. the dealer couldnt fix it so the replaced it under warranty. sorry mp3 fans these thing are junk! i am going to get a honda.
I personally know a couple of people who have well over 12,000 on a MP3 with no problems. I currently have 6K on mine and no issues what so ever. So in closing I will echo Jim C words.
ps which year and model do you have whats the mileage and what do you want for the junk.
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I still haven't fathomed what this seemingly unique 'alarm module' is.

Hey-ho. On with life.
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I would like a piece of junk for a couple hundred just for garage art

piaggio mp3
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piaggio mp3
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alarm problem
jimc, get a life. you know there more to life than this little scooter forum? dont take things so personal. i am sure at some point you road real motorcycles with two wheels and gears. i can see by your t-shirt your retired, get outside and do something. these are your golden year take advantage of them.
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And can I say to you - if you ask for help, please provide the information requested, and not expect everyone and his wife to re-read all your posts and try to translate (perhaps with unfortunate misunderstandings) your mis-descriptions. I write this so others might take note!

You are a take-take person, not a give-and take. One can tell.
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Re: alarm problem
rlcadrift wrote:
jimc, get a life. you know there more to life than this little scooter forum? dont take things so personal. i am sure at some point you road real motorcycles with two wheels and gears. i can see by your t-shirt your retired, get outside and do something. these are your golden year take advantage of them.
To the helpful ones.

Why is it that the 'get a life' brigade can't spell and won't punctuate?

life. you... No capital

forum? dont take..... No capital, no apostrophe

so personal. ........ so personalLY

. i am s...... No Capital

some point you road real motorcycles...rode real motorcycles!

. i can see ................ No capitals

t-shirt your retired........you'RE retired

these are your golden year take ...........No capitals, missing plural.

C minus. Must try harder.

If an individual cannot take a little care with their written English, I suppose we should not expect them to show any courtesy, or put any effort into ensuring that they get the help they are looking for with their inquiry.

There are those of us who value your in-put, who are helped back on the road, who are enriched by your efforts.
In the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,
"If one is to enjoy the company of the butterflies, one must endure a few caterpillars.

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Some caterpillars are quite tasty.
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Nice attitude, Rlcadrift. Enjoy that Honda.
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Re: alarm problem
rlcadrift wrote:
so the answer to the problem is the alarm module. i took it to the dealer they diagnosed the problem and replaced it under warranty. now i am having problems with the hydraulics. this is the second mp3 i have had, the first i had to return becuase it just quit running. the dealer couldnt fix it so the replaced it under warranty. sorry mp3 fans these thing are junk! i am going to get a honda.
I think you need to change your dealer!
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Re: alarm problem
Soeley wrote:
rlcadrift wrote:
so the answer to the problem is the alarm module. i took it to the dealer they diagnosed the problem and replaced it under warranty. now i am having problems with the hydraulics. this is the second mp3 i have had, the first i had to return becuase it just quit running. the dealer couldnt fix it so the replaced it under warranty. sorry mp3 fans these thing are junk! i am going to get a honda.
I think you need to change your dealer!
I don't know if he should? He is getting a new scooter every month
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If his attitude to the dealer is anything like his attitude to this forum, we might like to spare a few minutes of sympathy for the dealer.

piaggio mp3
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piaggio mp3
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alarm problem
ok people i am 70 years old be 71 in days to old to waste my time with caps and ..,,?! save it for the 15 year old i am lucky i cam find the computer if i had a good product i wouldnt need a good dealer mp3 nothing but problems i need something i can enjoy today cause there might not be a tomarrow. i have riden my whole life had just about every style bike ever made. saw something new in the mp3 so i went for it. big mistake. it seems to me you all spend a lot of time on this site how do you have time to ride remmember cyber space is not a life. mybe this old man is just out of touch. to the grammer teacher get a life motorcycles are a counter colture or at least they used to be.

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Hum, I have an MP3 500 and it has never seen the dealers shop. It has 18,500+ miles on it too.

Wayne B
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