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Molto Verboso
2007 GT200L Graphite Black
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Location: Fayetteville, AR
Molto Verboso
@stanny avatar
2007 GT200L Graphite Black
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Location: Fayetteville, AR
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I know it's a 80% Harley event, but I noticed this year there was a Scooter Scavenger Hunt on Saturday. Since this is in my town, I'll head down and try to photo any scooters I see. It's always a very LOUD week here, but lots of fun. Anyone here planning on attending?
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Molto Verboso
2007 GT200L Graphite Black
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Posts: 1869
Location: Fayetteville, AR
Molto Verboso
@stanny avatar
2007 GT200L Graphite Black
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Posts: 1869
Location: Fayetteville, AR
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We hit the strip last night, and I only saw four scooters. Actually two of them were demos in the Honda tent. One was a ruckus with two riders, and one was parked and one of the ugliest damn scooters I've ever seen. It had a roof (which I didn't get in the picture) a little mermaid seat, a fan, and some kind of sign on it.

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