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2021 Honda CB500X
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i ride my Derbi weekends only. park it sunday evening until friday morning.
i check the oil/tire pressure etc every week b4 the weekend.

when i check the oil it shows on the dipstick to be down to below the half way point. But if i run the bike for an hour or so and check the oil it shows as being full. i have let it sit for from 10min to 1hr and it always shows full.

just to be sure i checked the oil 4 x today while doing errands. each time in a different parking spot. and every time it was full. To be sure i had it right i made sure i wiped the oil off and screwed the cap all the way down. repeated checks at the same spot reveals the same results.
i would hate to add oil at first check to find out late i have over filled it, but on the other hand i do not want to run it with low oil.

should it not be the other way around? and show full at start and less after running it for a while?
the oil is Repsol 5w40 full synthetic. bike has almost 24000km. runs great. still peppy. top speed 100kph+ ..gets regular service by dealer.
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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There's a min mark and a max mark for a reason. There's a range of spots where you have the right amount. You're right, normally it's the other way around, but liquids expand when warm, after a long ride the lighter portions evaporate, warm oil has a different viscosity,a slight angle makes a difference how it reads, whether or not the scoot is on the center stand, how long does the oil cling to the surfaces before it returns to the sump, and so on.

You don't want the oil to be above max or below min. Between half and full is even better. It sounds like you have no problems. The oil reservoir is smaller than a car so you notice factors you wouldn't in a car.

I'd say you have nothing to worry about.

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@jimbo avatar
2006 GT 200
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sniff test
Just as a precaution - check to see if your oil smells of gasoline. I recently had gas infiltrate into the engine case due to a problem with the carburetor float. It indicated high on the engine oil dipstick, but in my case it didn't go back down. Adjusting the float and replacing the float needle fixed the problem.

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