i ride my Derbi weekends only. park it sunday evening until friday morning.
i check the oil/tire pressure etc every week b4 the weekend.
when i check the oil it shows on the dipstick to be down to below the half way point. But if i run the bike for an hour or so and check the oil it shows as being full. i have let it sit for from 10min to 1hr and it always shows full.
just to be sure i checked the oil 4 x today while doing errands. each time in a different parking spot. and every time it was full. To be sure i had it right i made sure i wiped the oil off and screwed the cap all the way down. repeated checks at the same spot reveals the same results.
i would hate to add oil at first check to find out late i have over filled it, but on the other hand i do not want to run it with low oil.
should it not be the other way around? and show full at start and less after running it for a while?
the oil is Repsol 5w40 full synthetic. bike has almost 24000km. runs great. still peppy. top speed 100kph+ ..gets regular service by dealer.