I think it was less that I didn't want to do the work, and more that I thought (and probably still think a little) that we've bitten off way more than we can chew. Oh well, come what may, I'll just keep wrenching till there's nothing left to wrench on.
Rover Eric wrote:
Now.. you only really NEED the one castelated clutch nut remover tool. There's no real getting away from that.
You can MAKE a clutch compressor tool out of a couple washers, a bolt and a wingnut.
You can MAKE a flywheel holder tool out of a piece of flat stock steel that you cut a few notches in with a dremel or angle-grinder, and drill a hole into. If you want, i can take my flywheel holder tool and trace it on a piece of paper ...scan it, and upload the PDF for you for you to use as a pattern to cut your own.
Yes, but are all these tools the
same for older bikes? I've only seen one clutch nut remover between scootermercato and scooterworks, however I think I've seen 7 or so flywheel holder puller dealies, and none of them say anything like Super or VNC. What should I be looking for?
A .pdf would be super awesome. It'll give us something to warm up my welding guy with (I'll ask him to cut it for us) to give us a chance to show him the project instead of just showing up and asking him to do the big stuff on the frame right off the bat. Got any instructions/specifics on the clutch compressor tool?
Rover Eric wrote:
Also, an engine may seem like a valuable thing, because individually the cost to buy all those parts from a store would bankrupt you... but really, sprint / super engines sell for like $250-$300 COMPLETE. People practically GIVE away the stock top ends and other parts off of them, because they upgrade the guts and kit them out. As such, you could probably find folks on this forum who would mail you the stuff you need to rebuild that engine of yours. Folks tend to ditch the old engines in these models for P200's and LML150's / 200's.... or kit out what they've got, and the top end is the first thing to go, and crankshaft and carb second
Well, that's rather encouraging, but I honestly just haven't seen them. Now, I know for a fact that's because its not the type of thing I was looking for in the past, but is that sort of stuff on the classifieds here and scoot.net and things? Anywhere else I can look online, since there's not a club around here? Speaking of which, I swear, I'm going to start a club in Brunswick once I get a running bike. It's really ridiculous that the nearest club to me is 5 hours away. I see scooters everywhere in town, especially at the college, but apparently nobody knows each other. [/b]