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I tried to search so I wouldn't beat a dead horse but couldn't find anything. Here's a topic, the allure to me of scooters was the spare tire. I liked that if you got a flat on the road you could change your tire and be on your way. I realize the lx/s frame has 2 different tire sizes and the gt's back tire is wider but couldn't the smaller of the 2 tires be used for a spare or would there be some serious mounting issues? Another possibility would be a 3rd size tire that could mount on either front or rear and then where to place the spare on either the lx or gt frame. A leg shield mount would mean no more glove box. With all MV's having tranny & muffler on either side of rear tire mounting a spare under the cowling is no longer an option. I think the only possibility would be a chrome rear rack that would hold a spare and would be modestly priced by faco or vespa. discuss
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spare tire
Replacing the rear tire on your scoot involves removing the exhaust pipe. Not exactly something to do at the side of the road. A cheaper solution is Road Side Assistance. Good Sam and Camping World both have a service that will tow all your household autos, RVs and motorcycles for $69-$79 per year. Lets hope we never need it but its relatively cheap since it covers 6 vehicles in my case.
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Why bother with a spare tyre? Just carry a repair kit.

Most front and rear tyres are completely different anyway.
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For most modern Vespas, the issue goes far beyond different tire or wheel sizes for the front and rear wheels. The wheels are completely different: the front wheel bolts onto the hub; the rear wheel has an integral hub... so no single wheel would work on both front and back.
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spare tires on MV's
I guess it's mostly just aesthetics. A spare tire would only be good for the front tire which still can be changed like the old vespas w/o much difficulty. I don't know what good that would be but a few years back malagutti put a fake rear tire on one of their scooters that was really a storage box. I guess some designers are aware of this but like all things it all boils down to demand and that bike is discontinued. I saw a green slime roadside repair kit w/mini compressor that hooks up to your battery for about $25 at wally world. has anyone had experience with this?
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Re: spare tires on MV's
cheetohh wrote:
I guess it's mostly just aesthetics. A spare tire would only be good for the front tire which still can be changed like the old vespas w/o much difficulty. I don't know what good that would be but a few years back malagutti put a fake rear tire on one of their scooters that was really a storage box. I guess some designers are aware of this but like all things it all boils down to demand and that bike is discontinued. I saw a green slime roadside repair kit w/mini compressor that hooks up to your battery for about $25 at wally world. has anyone had experience with this?
I think a good plug kit like the Stop'n'Go and a CO2 cartridge inflator is the most compact, lightweight, and effective insurance (along with that roadside assistance policy for the eventualities that this won't cover).

That said, I think that -- if I ever were to take a long trip on my LX150 -- I'd carry the mounted front tire/wheel combo I have, given the limited availability of the 11" tires.
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Re: spare tire
burgman400 wrote:
Replacing the rear tire on your scoot involves removing the exhaust pipe. Not exactly something to do at the side of the road. A cheaper solution is Road Side Assistance. Good Sam and Camping World both have a service that will tow all your household autos, RVs and motorcycles for $69-$79 per year. Lets hope we never need it but its relatively cheap since it covers 6 vehicles in my case.
If you are an AMA member, you can get roadside assistance for free.
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