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I'm cruising down Clark street in Chicago at 2:45 am and I look at something coming at me fast to my immediate left. Just then a bird hits me in the shoulder. I didn't really feel it that much as it hit the shoulder pad area of my Corazzo jacket. After I realized what happened I look in my rear view to see a bird hit the ground. Being a animal lover I decided to swing around in traffic and access the situation. The bird was sitting in the middle of the street. After a flurry of cars passed I got right next to the bird and realized it was a European starling. I pulled up right next to it and reached down to pick it up thinking I could move it off the road. As soon as I touched it it flew off and landed near some trees on the other side of the road. I was happy that the damn thing was ok and that I didn't get hit in the face mask. Lucky fellow was just dazed. I continued on my trip thankful for the not-so-tragic incident that just occured.

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Bird strikes are pretty common. You and the bird and quite lucky, they can be much worse for both parties. Glad you and the bird were fine, that was nice of you to check up on it.
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Cue the Hitchcock music!

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We have lots of Falcons and Hawks around here. I am always worried they will do a dive bomb in front of me going after prey on the side of the road.

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glad you and the bird are ok...couldve been worse ya know...it coudve been bird crap that hit ya..
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About a year ago, right after dark I was about to cross a creek bridge and something came in fast from my left and hit my windscreen. I think it was a bat. Right size and color.
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gregt wrote:
Cue the Hitchcock music!
Actually, The Birds is one of those rare films that has no music at all.
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Glad neither of you were hurt.
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zachster wrote:
glad you and the bird are ok...couldve been worse ya know...it coudve been bird crap that hit ya..
Or, you could have had a mouth full of feathers. Bleh emoticon Glad you are OK.
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A couple of years ago a guy on a Goldwing was cruising around the airport perimeter road without his helmet and struck a bird. It hit his face at about 45mph and nearly ripped his mouth/side of his face off. Just last night I was leaving work and a pigeon landed right in front of me and then took off just barley missing the scoot. I was only going about 15mph.
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"a bird hit me..." sounds like shifting the blame. Perhaps you hit it. Glad you are OK and that the bird could fly again.

I have had two hit by my wind screen and neither fared as well. Country roads at 60+ mph a bit harder for the bird to survive.

The example of the helmetless Goldwing rider is another vote for full face helmets as part of all the gear. Animals frequently dart into the path with not time to react. Be safe.
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Glad you are ok. Nice of you that you to check on the bird.

P.S. Waiting for the Fabio on rollercoaster video to pop up on this thread soon.
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CatEyez13 wrote:
Glad you are ok. Nice of you that you to check on the bird.

P.S. Waiting for the Fabio on rollercoaster video to pop up on this thread soon.
Just for you CatEyez13
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Vezpa, not many people would circle back to check on a bird. Glad neither of you were hurt.

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it's Magpie season here and these aggressive little buggers will swoop down and attack anything (like people, bikes, and cars) that gets remotely near their nest without the nearest thought of their own safety.

Good onya for going back to check
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Glad you weren't hurt. We have Myna birds here that are a real PIA. I've hit them in the car My friend and i saw a owl get hit and retrieved it Which is pretty stupid since they have talons from hell He was stunned pretty well by the car so we were able to get him home and into a dog crate. The DNLR came and took him to the UH rehab place. wasn't a endangered hawaiian owl just a barn owl but i guess they are getting rarer.
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I'm glad you are both okay. That would have freaked me out! I almost hit a squirrel yesterday, and I wondered if it would have made me run off the road.
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Ol' Gregg wrote:
it's Magpie season here and these aggressive little buggers will swoop down and attack anything (like people, bikes, and cars) that gets remotely near their nest without the nearest thought of their own safety.

Good onya for going back to check
you guys have all kinds of crazy things to deal with down there. Maybe crocs ambushing you at stop signs or something Laughing emoticon
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peabody99 wrote:
Ol' Gregg wrote:
it's Magpie season here and these aggressive little buggers will swoop down and attack anything (like people, bikes, and cars) that gets remotely near their nest without the nearest thought of their own safety.

Good onya for going back to check
you guys have all kinds of crazy things to deal with down there. Maybe crocs ambushing you at stop signs or something Laughing emoticon
speaking of crazy, i got airborne off of hitting a squirrle once! sadly it did not live. it just kinda shot out from the side of the road and under the tire. i had a lot of these things happen to me on the scoot, then i put on the prema pipe and the small critters seem to stay out of the road.
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I'm a bird lover myself, so I'm torn to hear about the starling. Unfortunately, European Starlings are pretty invasive - they're one of only three birds in the US that are afforded no protection whatsoever under the law, you can kill all you want (the other two are the european sparrow and rock pigeon).

The story of how starlings got here kind of sucks- they were released in central park by an english lit person who thought it would be good to have all the animals mentioned in shakespeare there in the park. On the other hand, I'm sure they would have found their way over anyway (and I'm not sure that story is anything more than an urban legend). Either way, they (like the european sparrow) do a lot of damage to native species. On the third hand, they're pretty birds and it's always a bummer to run something over. So on balance, I'm glad it wasn't dead. Running birds down with a vespa probably won't bring back chickadees and finches.
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LOL Thanks!!!!
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