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hi all (newbie)
looking for a bit of advice
riding today on gt200 i got a month back
two up into strong head wind after about 15 miles i noticed my right leg was feeling wet
looking down i see coolant all over floor boards and me
i traced this back to the header tank lid which is fine but seems to have been blowing fluid out through it
there was alot of fluid loss but on inspection when cool the level was just below the min level
any ideas as to whats going on here
(the guy i bought it of said he had topped it up with coolant,i'm just hoping that it was over full and it's blown the excess out)

thanks in advance
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Re: wet legs help
suggest you edit title from "wet legs help" to "coolant leak GT200 help".
blackie wrote:
hi all (newbie)
looking for a bit of advice
riding today on gt200 i got a month back
two up into strong head wind after about 15 miles i noticed my right leg was feeling wet
looking down i see coolant all over floor boards and me
i traced this back to the header tank lid which is fine but seems to have been blowing fluid out through it
there was alot of fluid loss but on inspection when cool the level was just below the min level
any ideas as to whats going on here
(the guy i bought it of said he had topped it up with coolant,i'm just hoping that it was over full and it's blown the excess out)

thanks in advance
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as you say
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Re: coolant leak GT200 help
blackie wrote:
any ideas as to whats going on here
(the guy i bought it of said he had topped it up with coolant,i'm just hoping that it was over full and it's blown the excess out)
That would be my first thought. If it happens again, check the fan comes on.
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@blackie avatar
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thanks i'll check fan tomorow
however the temp doesn't seem to get much higher than just under 1/4 is this ok.
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@jimc avatar
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Does it get to that temperature pretty rapidly? If so the thermostat is working OK, and it's just that the sender and gauge aren't well matched for some reason. If it takes an age to get there, then the thermostat is stuck open to some extent. << p.s. and this should then be looked at!

Actual GT owners may have better ideas on this than me though.
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