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I'm now trying to start my GT200 after letting it sit for ages. I learnt how to get the spark plug off this weekend so I did that 1st of all. The plug looked ok and I got a spark when turning the engine over on the starter. A yellow sort of spark if that means anything.

The battery did have a load of deposits around the +ve terminal (which I cleaned off) and it took a while to charge but my charger said it was charged. It did turn the engine ok (not as lively as my GTS though) and I did get a spark so maybe the battery is fine.

I'll have a look at the air filter next. Maybe put in some new fuel.

Anything else to look for?
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The carb will almost certainly need some attention. How long are we talking here? "Ages" for me is like, two weeks of riding someone else's bike, but could be years for some.

Air filter is probably bone dry, save for accumulation at the bottom if liquid oil was used.
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Probably ridden twice her in past 2 years after I got my GTS - I aim to share my time a bit more between them once I get her running sweet.
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Definitely carb clean, air filter re-oiling, and ideally coolant and brake fluid flush if you're up to it, as Piaggio recommends it on a two-year interval.
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Air filter - re-oiling I think I can do.

Carb clean - I assume this means more than giving the silver top a little polish? Could I put redex in the fuel and would that do the same thing?

I'll probably leave the coolant and brake lines - I'm sure they'll need doing at some point but who uses their brakes these days? I guess neither will stop the bike from starting though.
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I don't know what the experts think about Seafom, but it may be a quick fix to get you going.

I just resurrected my wife's Honda Metropolitan after sitting for a year.

It didn't want to start. I replaced the gas with new gas treated with Seafoam. Got it running pretty well. After riding for about half an hour it's starts first crank every time now.
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Here is what I have done...
I have a carbed motorcycle that sits for many months at a time, and I can get it to start on the first real crank. I am not sure everything transfers to a Vespa, but here is what I would do, were I you...

1. Recharge the battery. If you don't have a charger, get one.
2. Get a new spark plug, but don't attach wire yet.
3. Squirt some carb cleaner into the carb --directly into the fuel passages/jets if you can, or the intake passage somewhere (don't overdo this, just a squirt). Close it up again.
4. If you can turn off the fuel (is there a petcock, I dunno...) Turn it Off. Maybe pinch off the fuel hose for now (?)
5. With the spark plug wire disconnected and moved out of the area...Crank the engine a bit. Let it sit a minute or two. Crank again.
6. Squirt some more cleaner into the carb, repeat the cranking steps with NO SPARK. Let it set a while.
7. Do two more short cranks with fuel turned on/available, and NO SPARK.
8. Hook up spark plug, and now get dressed, get cleaned up, let it set for a few minutes.
9. Come back, push the button and ride away.

I think that:
the cold cranks circulate oil, and lube many components, cold cranks draw the cleaner into carb so it will begin to dissolve or thin the viscosity of existing sludgy fuel residue as it is drawn into the carb and the cylinder; turning off the fuel may prevent flooding of the carb; last cold cranks draw excess volatile cleaner out of the engine...

This really does work for me. If your carb is gunked up you may need to squirt in lots of cleaner and let it set a long, long time. Or take it off and clean it. My engine is way bigger and harder to turn over, and she fires right up. Good Luck.
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Re: GT 200 - trying to start after long rest
mike_bike_kite wrote:
Maybe put in some new fuel.
Definitely! Our fuel doesn't contain ethanol, but still 'goes off' somewhat in a matter of weeks, and after 6 months might not even start a lawn-mower...

So drain out the old stuff - keep it for cleaning things. Put in the new, all may very well now work.
Anything else to look for?
Quite possibly not.
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All running now - it was a fuel issue - those that want to think I'm reasonably intelligent should stop reading now.

I put the spark plug back in - it was much easier putting it back than getting it out. I then gave the bike a good shake to hear how much fuel was in it. It was strangely silent - so I syphoned some fuel out of my other scooter and dropped a few cups into the scoot. It started first time. I was reasonably sure it had fuel before because I've started it up a number of times just to check things were all ok. I guess the last time I started it it must of sucked out the last of the petrol. I suppose I can have a go at changing the oil next and cleaning the air filter.
  • I presume I can use the same 5w/40 synthetic 4t oil in both the GTS and the GT?
  • Suggestions of where to buy oil at good price in London?
  • Will any oil that matches these specs be ok or do I need special scooter oil?
  • I assume I need the o-ring when changing the oil or is this optional?
  • How do I clean and coat the air filter?
  • Any ideas of a good place to get the standard belt and rollers from in London reasonably cheap?
  • How do I get rid of the taste of petrol from my mouth?
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mike_bike_kite wrote:
All running now - it was a fuel issue - those that want to think I'm reasonably intelligent should stop reading now.
BTDTGTTS... Crying or Very sad emoticon
I presume I can use the same 5w/40 synthetic 4t oil in both the GTS and the GT?
Suggestions of where to buy oil at good price in London?
Will any oil that matches these specs be ok or do I need special scooter oil?
I assume I need the o-ring when changing the oil or is this optional?
I've never actually replaced one...
How do I clean and coat the air filter?
Zip-lock freezer bag. Petrol. Insert filter. Squish gently to clean. Dispose of dirty petrol. 50:50 mix petrol/oil - squish as before. Remove filter, squeeze out excess, install.
Any ideas of a good place to get the standard belt and rollers from in London reasonably cheap?
Any Piaggio dealer should have them in stock, or next-day delivery. No way to sensibly get them cheaper.
How do I get rid of the taste of petrol from my mouth?
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Jim, you're rockin' tonite!

Wait til you meet Mike, I suspect you two will get on like a house on fire.
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Thanks for your help guys - I'm slowly working my way from mechanical numpty to mechanical monkey. Currently celebrating bringing scooter to life with a few beers.
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jimc wrote:
mike_bike_kite wrote:
How do I get rid of the taste of petrol from my mouth?
ROFL emoticon ROFL emoticon

I just had to give jim the thumbs up for that one, made my day.
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jimc wrote:
Now why didn't I think of that.

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