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Hi all. Having become a member of the august body of scooterists when I purchased an ET4 last July, my son, Ben (23), who is living in Athens, Georgia, decided to join the ranks and bought himself a new Kymco People 150 (there is a Kymco dealer in Athens - I've encouraged him to join MV, but I think he's feeling underrepresented).

Here's the plan: Next May, he and I will ride to meet up in central Virginia, about midway between Albany NY and Athens, Georgia, and then tour about, taking in Skyline Drive and the Shenandoah National Park. It some 300+ miles to get there, so we're talking about 800+ miles over a week or two.

Here are the questions:

1. Am I crazy? Should I cancel this idea before I even start to plan (I've only had a couple of months experience with no long distance riding - and I'll be 60 yrs old)?
2. Has anyone travelled by scoot from upstate NY to Virginia?
3. We'll be planning this out over the winter months, any suggestions for how to even plan such a trip?
4. Can an ET4 150 festooned with gear haul itself around on Skyline drive in the Shenandoah mountains?
5. Without getting into details at this stage, any overarching views on how to travel and what to expect?
6. What add-ons would be suggested for my scoot that I can save for and purchase over the winter in preparation?

The questions go on, but this will be good for starters. Any advice will be taken in good spirit. Thanks,

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@bobovespa avatar

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Great plan, very doable! Lots of people have done much longer distance riding; there is a whole section on this board for such tales. We rode cross country with a group that included 2 guys who are 10 years older than you. Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway are incredibly scenic rides on roads built for comfortable scooter speeds. You'll want some more riding experience first, but that will come naturally as the weather warms up.

Yes, the ET4 is fine. A few years ago I rode my ET2 (souped up to 70cc) on Skyline Drive and it was OK. You'll probably be most comfortable staying west of the big cities on back roads though. People in the Three Mile Island club in Harrisburg can probably help you pick back roads in Pennsylvania. In Virginia, US 522 is a nice ride to Front Royal.

You'll find pretty much everything you need to know by searching old threads on Modern Vespa. There are lots of good ones on how to pack for a long ride. Once you know what you want to pack, post it and people will give you constructive comments about what else you need, and what you can leave at home.
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for recommended reading before or during the trip,
Bill Bryson-a Walk in the Woods. Hilarious travelography about an out of shape baby boomers hike of the Appalachian Trail.
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+1 on the book recommendation. Your route could basically parallel the trail. Feel free to contact me for route information if you decide to ride down through the Harrisburg, PA area. I'm following up on Bobo's suggestion that those of us in the Three Mile Island Scooter Club can help you with this part of the route. We can probably even meet up and ride a bit with you. We're always looking for another reason to ride!
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Thanks for the encouragement. I've been reading through several of the travel threads for a while, that's what gave me the idea. I'll continue. And I'll check out the book, sounds like a fun read.

It would be a thrill to meet up with members of the Three Mile Island Scooter Club along the way! Fantastic. I'll be happy to pick brains about a good route through PA, too.

I'll keep you all posted on my planning and research.
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Scott&Nelli wrote:
Here are the questions:

1. Am I crazy? Should I cancel this idea before I even start to plan (I've only had a couple of months experience with no long distance riding - and I'll be 60 yrs old)?
Yes. You are crazy. We're all crazy who do this. Enjoy!
(I'll be 55 years old...not that far apart, are we?)
2. Has anyone travelled by scoot from upstate NY to Virginia?
I'm guessing, yes. It's certainly doable.
3. We'll be planning this out over the winter months, any suggestions for how to even plan such a trip?
I often spend more time planning the route than anything else. Take your time making your maps. Use Google maps to make sure your are not riding on roads you want to avoid, high-speed highways, etc. Don't trust the "avoid highways" option.
When I have my route, I break it up into segments, print a map for each segment, and carry only the map I currently need on me in a waterproof, improvised map holder. The rest are stored on the scoot with spares. That way, if a map gets blown away or lost, or it gets soaked and becomes useless, I won't lose my whole trip plan.
Even if I have a GPS, I still make paper maps for long trips.

Sign up for motorcycle roadside assistance. It saved my last big trip. Bring your cell phone so you can call for help if you need it. A GPS or a GPS enabled cell phone is handy too...if you need help, you can tell them exactly where you are.
4. Can an ET4 150 festooned with gear haul itself around on Skyline drive in the Shenandoah mountains?
Yes, but expect to be going slower than the speed limit of 45MPH going up some of the hills, especially loaded with gear. You'll go downhill just fine. Razz emoticon
I ran the parkway during the weekdays and had no problem at all with other traffic.
You didn't mention if you are camping or not. Are you?
In either case, travel light. You can get your meals on the way, so I wouldn't worry about carrying more than snacks and a drink bottle in that regard.
5. Without getting into details at this stage, any overarching views on how to travel and what to expect?
It's just like riding any other road, but for longer periods of time. If you want to take it easy, plan for maybe 300 miles per day. I usually do more, but my butt appears truly to be made of iron. The biggest problem is getting tired. Pull over. A short rest from time to time is better than crashing. I always take some energy drinks with me, too. I find they can really help.

This is important: In May, you are gonna be cold. Especially in the higher elevations. Sometimes, teeth-chatteringly cold. Make sure you have riding clothes that will keep your body warm for hours at a time. If you you are cold too long, you're going to get tired and lose concentration.
6. What add-ons would be suggested for my scoot that I can save for and purchase over the winter in preparation?
I don't know what you can really do to prepare the scooter itself if it's maintained well. If you are due for a belt/roller change, do it before your go. Also, don't do any maintenance are make changes just before the trip...do it a few weeks in advance so any bugs can be worked out before you leave. I'd bring some spare gas in a fuel bottle as there are no gas stations on the Blue Ridge itself and there are no signs (that I noticed) indicating which exits have gas stations nearby. I also carry spare motor oil and check my oil often if I'm traveling long days. Just in case.
You might want to look into some sort of windscreen, considering the May temperatures.


Check here for some routing ideas:


I've found this site to be particularly helpful (also in the article):


Find some routes on your way that look good and connect the dots.

OK, I'm a cheerleader for scooter trips. I love 'em.

Best advice: Take some practice trips first. That will give you a good idea of what you'll need, what to leave behind, and how your packing plan works out.

Oh, one other thing...Call your credit/debit card company and let them know when and were you are traveling. A lot of small purchases (like scooter fill-ups as opposed to an automobile fill-ups) crawling across the map may set off some alarm bells that cause them to put a hold on your card without notice. They'll appreciate it.
Carry some cash, too.
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Doable but I think the fascination will wear off fast on a 150.
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VEZPA wrote:
Doable but I think the fascination will wear off fast on a 150.
I beg to differ. That's where the fun is at.
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Scott&Nelli wrote:
Thanks for the encouragement. I've been reading through several of the travel threads for a while, that's what gave me the idea. I'll continue. And I'll check out the book, sounds like a fun read.

It would be a thrill to meet up with members of the Three Mile Island Scooter Club along the way! Fantastic. I'll be happy to pick brains about a good route through PA, too.

I'll keep you all posted on my planning and research.
Yes this is doable.... While at Amerivespa, met the lady who road her LX150 from Nova Scotia Canada to Los Gatos Ca, camping along the way. Over 5,000 miles, ridden on that LX. So yes your ride should be very doable, and way too much fun, so go for it, plan it out then jump on the scoot and play it by ear, or in this case play it by rump. Razz emoticon Enjoy the ride!!!
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Menhir, Thanks for the detailed and invaluable reply. I will follow up on your suggestions and spend a good deal of time planning and mapping (half the fun!). I do have a GPS and recently installed a 12v outlet and Ram mount. But I'll have hardcopy water protected maps and the gps in my iPhone as double and triple backup.

Vezpa, It's a good reminder that the novelty of long distance travel by scoot will wear off faster than the butt of my jeans! I'm lookin' at it as a grand voyage with all its hardships and thrills and just plain tedium, too. As long as there are no catastrophes and I have enough time to look around, rest, and enough money to buy that extra beef jerky for the road, I'll be ok (er, I hope). I'll be taking some longish rides before then to get myself acclimated.

Thanks, everyone for your looking ahead support. This is a great community.
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+1 for the practice trips.
You'll start off packing all sorts of "essentials" that you dont need and forget a couple of things that you really wish you had. You want to find this stuff out before the big day.

I have a list of things I take on each trip, while I'm away I review the list to see what I haven't used and ask do I really need it.

Make sure you have earplugs on the list. That wind noise gets really annoying after a few hours and will increase the fatigue unless blocked.

Sounds like a great trip.
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Copper Dolphin wrote:
Yes this is doable.... While at Amerivespa, met the lady who road her LX150 from Nova Scotia Canada to Los Gatos Ca, camping along the way.
I could have sworn that was a P...
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Begin riding to get your butt in long distance riding shape. Essentially, start one week and then each week or two add miles to increase you tolerance and get used to riding for long periods of time.

Next make a list of stuff that you think you need and pack it on the scooter to see how much space you have and how weighted down the scooter is. Review your list to determine what you really need, and then post your list and ask for suggestions.

Lastly, have fun and be safe.
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Rent one of these.
Stick your scoot in, drive down, arrive relaxed, have fun, drive home.
Leave the pain for others.
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aldo wrote:
Rent one of these.
Stick your scoot in, drive down, arrive relaxed, have fun, drive home.
Leave the pain for others.
Could happen as I get closer if I'm feeling overwhelmed. Do you speak from experience? I guess the question might be who has done a thousand mile trip more than once for fun?
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Do I speak from experience?

Yes, I don't like to suffer, as a matter of fact I had a toothache once and I was very upset.

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jess wrote:
Copper Dolphin wrote:
Yes this is doable.... While at Amerivespa, met the lady who road her LX150 from Nova Scotia Canada to Los Gatos Ca, camping along the way.
I could have sworn that was a P...
That's what I remember her ride was too.
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Go for it, life is an adventure.
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Sorry Assumption on my part... I was told it was a 150...ass u med it was an lx... Razz emoticon
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Scott&Nelli wrote:
I guess the question might be who has done a thousand mile trip more than once for fun?
Many times. Coast to coast and back. Up and down the West Coast. Maryland to Tennessee and back. Yes, I do have a family and a life. Many others have done it, too. For me, it was fun every time!

Try a 100 mile ride. If that feels fun, then you'll enjoy the 1,000 mile ride too.
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I say do some long day trips this fall to see how it goes. Absolutely go for the may trip but it might be a bit overzealous for your first time out. It's definitely doable. Skyline drive is beautiful and i wished i had done t by scooter when i lived out there I either hiked the Appalachian trail or rode the PKWY with the T-Top off my Z I would use backing equipment it's much lighter. Hit the LL Bean store at CrossGates Mall for your gear. Get a GPS and start doing some online blog searches. Hopefully my friends will have a scooter for me next year when i go back in Sept. They go to the Saratoga MC auction and will buy and store one for me. Leaves in the fall very cool 8) Good luck and keep us posted on your plans
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As to age, we wish we had done this when we were 60, rather than waiting Laughing emoticon

Cross country riding on a Vespa can be fun, if you select the route carefully and simply enjoy the ride. Yes, a larger machine makes you freeway capable, but will riding the freeway provide the scenic experience?

Go for it and ignore the naysayers.

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Bobovespa, Ahh, that's what I needed to hear! It's not all fantasy, but IS (or, at least, can be) actually fun (given the ups and downs traveling by the seat of your pants). Did you travel solo or take your family and life along?

Judy, thanks for the tip about L.L.Bean in Crossgates and searching blogs, good ideas. Hope I'll be a veteran of long distance riding by the time we meet in September.

A&A, just looked at your pictures from Italy, wonderful. I spent several months teaching in Florence in '08, so they brought me right back to the stone streets and the constant buzz of scooters. Didn't scoot while I was there (but picked up the infection!), but did manage some road trips by car. Never made it to the Dolomites. How incredible are those?!

You guys were traveling so light, hardly anything on your scooters. And just the two of you? What a great way to experience Italy. I'm heading back for a week in January, I hope to rent a scooter while there (even though it will be chilly and likely wet).
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Bobovespa - Bobo- I just connected you on this thread to the terrible tragedy. My response wasn't insensitive, just ignorant. So sorry to hear of your gigantic loss, what a horror. I hope your girls are doing ok. Thanks for taking the time to respond and being here, still.
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I was much younger (MUCH!), but I rode an 8 hp Honda S90 from Pipestone, Minnesota to Ainsworth, Nebraska (600 miles round trip) twice.

It was slow, a bit daring perhaps, and fun.
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SCOTT&NELLI it's a date
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Riding in a cage with your scoots in a trailer will not be the same trip as riding a scoot that same distance. The feeling of riding a scoot thru the beautiful ( and less than) countryside is an experience I would not miss. In my simple ride up to Tahoe (400 miles over 3 days) I learned that riding a scoot is SOOOOOOOOOO different than any drive I ever took. You are one with the countryside and not isolated from it.

You experience every breeze, every bump, every smell, every wiff of life on your ride. You are one with the world and not isolated and distracted by what happens in the car/truck/RV. I became 100% engrossed with the experience.
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