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I'm all for using good taste and good manners.

But, it concerns me, when discussion is blocked when there is diverse points of view.

On the subject of Karma....Benito seemed to stomp his foot and declare opposing points of view are "beating a dead horse."

Hmmmm, I wondering...Isn't one the points to having a forum?

Oh well, I'm just one the forum peons. I know I'm a peasant. Now, I've been told, my opinion doesn't matter...I guess I should simply acquiese and be grateful I get to raise my hand....

No hard feelings...I'm just realizing how the world works...

cheers ya'll.....good luck....jacq
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Jacq, the problem is that the karma system has already been beaten to death in terms of discussion. If you look at the number of threads o this and how poorly they ended each time you will realize this. We have had long discussions in the Moderators Lounge about this very recently. In the end, it was decided that we've had way more discussions about the karma system than needed and that we would end discussions if and when they come up. I believe Jess and the vast majority of us are quite tired of rehashing this topic.

This has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's opinion about you or anyone else, really.
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that people get this worked up over a karma feature on a messageboard about scooters never ceases to amaze me.
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Benito wrote:
Jacq, the problem is that the karma system has already been beaten to death in terms of discussion. If you look at the number of threads o this and how poorly they ended each time you will realize this. We have had long discussions in the Moderators Lounge about this very recently. In the end, it was decided that we've had way more discussions about the karma system than needed and that we would end discussions if and when they come up. I believe Jess and the vast majority of us are quite tired of rehashing this topic.

This has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's opinion about you or anyone else, really.
Good call Benny. I think it is less important than people give it credit for as long as we are all striving to get along, who cares ! I mean one of the moderators has positive karma and negative bias so clearly we all think differently on this planet.

So about those Vespa's, haha.

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In fairness to Benny, he did not stamp his foot, nor was his statement directed at anyone in particular. You hang out in different forums and rarely come to the general discussion forum ... so it is highly likely you have missed all the goings on over the past several months. You might notice that the thread was posted by Jess last March and here we are 6 months later still yammering about it!

To put it mildly, the horse has been beaten to death to the point of desiccation. People are sick to death of hearing about the Karma system ... particularly the moderators and Jess.
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My problem with it, other than I see it as unnecessary, is that people can affect your rating anonymously without having to defend their reasoning.

If somone has the potential to affect your standing they should be required to state why.

But I really don't care other than from the sociological standpoint of watching people just hit karma buttons for things (such as my ribbing of Jess) they have no involvement in.
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Gee Whiz, Guys....I've been busy...I can't help it, if I'm playing catch up. Besides, isn't that what the forum is for?.

The End...I'm done with writing about it...I just wanted to Communicate my concerns...once, again...you prove my point better than I can.

Gee Whiz....At ease...J
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If you feel there's a niche for an open free flow scooter forum, start one!
Put in the work and let us know how it how you like the idea after six months. Or check out the International Scooterist BBS.

I feel the 'open forum' concept rapidly degenerates into a forum I'm not interested in contributing to- full of old grudges and unwelcoming to new members. In addition this forum is bought and paid for by one person, who does the day to day work and cleans up the trash (or trash- talking threads) with the help of a few motivated members. It's like having an 'open social' in someone's house- great fun for the party goers, and a pain in the ass to clean up after. If you want to party, but don't like the rules your host imposes, there's plenty of other parties to join, but don't complain that your host won't let you smoke dope in the bathroom.

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Jacq wrote:
Gee Whiz, Guys....I've been busy...I can't help it, if I'm playing catch up. Besides, isn't that what the forum is for?.

The End...I'm done with writing about it...I just wanted to Communicate my concerns...once, again...you prove my point better than I can.

Gee Whiz....At ease...J
Hi Jacq,

I know you spend most of your time in the MP3 forum where I am a quasi-regular too.

Honestly, no one is trying to shut you up. The folks who have chimed in are right, the Karma threads have been beaten to death, resurrected and then beaten again.

I know that you are new to the discussion, and if you are really interested in looking at all the different points of view on the subject, they are there for you to read. Why not do a search, read the threads, and see if you still feel the same way?

I know I wince every time a Karma thread is reborn, so I actually hate to even respond to this one, but I just wanted to assure you that no one is trying to treat you like a peasant.
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I certainly had no intention of making you feel like a peasant and I apologize if you did feel that way. There is just a huge sense of frustration with the complaints and long divisive discussions about the karma system. I know that Jess is quite sick of the discussions at this point in time.
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I'm not advocating a wild west, say any darn thing you want to. I think we need to behave like civilized adults....

I was trying to say, I think the whole show a virtual gold star thing or little dot thingy...is kinda highschool....

But, hey, if you like it, fine.....

I'm not that emotional about it....You guys like to show approval or disapproval...go right ahead....Censorship and Rewards must have some merit.

I'm here to communicate and learn....


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