TechGuy9707 wrote:
I guess my suggestion is to write in clear, concise English. The readers here are mainly in the USA and UK with some other English speaking countries and your style of writing relies on too much slang that make you sound like a 14 year-old punk with attitude.
I am going to guess that average rider here is 30-45 years old and is slightly more likely to be male than female, but not always.
FYI... Calling a 300 a "plastique" scooter is not going to win you any friends. A china-scoot or a Fly is ... but certainly not a metal bodied, fast VESPA scoot many riders aspire to own.
There are many idiomatic expressions in English, depending on the region. I don't expect those from the UK or other areas speaking "the Queen's English" to stop using them just for the benefit of us in the USA. Ditto for southern US versus northern, East Coast versus West Coast. Just ask if you don't know. There is no need to insult the poster by calling him a punk.
As for the 'plastique' comment, I agree that it insults my GTS 300, by implying that it's not as valued or well made as a vintage scoot. I like vintage, but that doesn't mean I have the time to tinker about with one. Maybe someday, but not now.
We are united by our love of scooters, be they Vespas or Hondas.