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Here is a good idea for those who want GPS without the hassle of a permanent installation. I imagine that the iPhone could be carried in your pocket instead of the helmet mount shown in the video.

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I've been waiting a long time for something to completely disable my field of vision while I'm riding... A Pirate eye patch would be cheaper though.

It's a cool concept, but totally impractical, even for walking around in a city. You're just begging to get mugged and then when the police ask what the suspect looked like, all you you'll be able to say is, "I'm not sure, kind of like a city map punching me in the face and running away."

Put it in a transparent face shield on a helmet and then we'll talk.

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Yeah, might as well put a patch over one eye.

Wayne B
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Forget that, for the KITT 500, my install will be the iphone underneath(safely and protected from wind/rain) my Givi screen with this handy app running...

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I prefer to get lost so I have to ride an extra set of twisties to get home.
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kevink wrote:
I prefer to get lost so I have to ride an extra set of twisties to get home.
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Re: iPhone HUD
jmd wrote:
Here is a good idea for those who want GPS without the hassle of a permanent installation. I imagine that the iPhone could be carried in your pocket instead of the helmet mount shown in the video.

Pretty cool. It is similar to Trijicon's Bindon Aiming Concept. I have one mounted on my Calico 9mm carbine. Both eyes open! No loss of peripheral vision.
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luthorhuss wrote:
Forget that, for the KITT 500, my install will be the iphone underneath(safely and protected from wind/rain) my Givi screen with this handy app running...

I have a HUD that is built into my car. It shows speed, and what gear you are in. It is very readable at night or on cloudy days, but bright sunlight or a light colored road surface washes out the image. This idea might work under almost all conditions if you put a black rectangle on the windscreen where the iPhone image is reflected. Black tape on the outside of the windscreen is one thing to try.

Following your Youtube link I stumbled upon this very funny iPhone video:

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My .02$:

I've been thinking about such a system for while now, although my primary intention was to output the feed from a Flir PathfindIR thermal camera into my helmet, enabling me to see better at night and in poor weather conditions.

Mounting the Flir camera would obviously require some custom body work (especially in order to prevent someone from stealing the 4000$ camera), but that's not the hard part. The hard part is finding a motorcycle helmet compatible HUD that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Several exist and are typically made for military applications, which means that they are rugged, waterproof, reliable and... expensive.

The one that fits my requirements best is the Tac Eye from Vuzix. I should have a price on a compatible system by next week.

Below is a picture of a live system installed in Ralf Schumacher's F1 helmet. I'm guessing that if it's possible to drive a formula one at over 200 mph and glance at the HUD at the same time, it shouldn't be a problem on a bike that cruises along at a much more reasonable speed, no?

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The Tac Eye supports input from a variety of sources, so it should be fairly to input additional data from a GPS and a radar detector.
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Hmmm....Don't combat pilots have some flippy little square thing on their helmets sometimes....

I don't know how it works, but I'd try it...Maybe, cool and as dangerous as I can imagine....
Oh heck, riding in Austin is Russian Rouletter everyday. So, if I could miss the busier sections of town, I'd be willing give it a try.
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I would be careful making comparisons between what combat pilots and F1 drivers do to riding on public roads. Besides the obvious differences, those guys are specialists at multitasking. Not sure the rest of us would cope quite so well.

Having said that I love the idea of a helmet HUD but I have to think it would be difficult to do. Wouldn't the image have to be out of focus so you could read it when you are focusing on the horizon? I could be wrong but I think changing the focus of your eyes is deadly slow compared to a quick glance.

I am interested to hear of your progress on that.
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I'll keep you posted as the project comes to life.

This is something I've been wanting for myself ever since I saw the BMW thermal camera demo (it's available now as an option on most BMWs).

Now, about the fighter pilor HUD: they're not the same as the Tac Eye for two reasons:
1/ fighter jet HUDs are transparent and sit above the plane's instruments, quite a distance away from the eyes, in order allow the pilot to both fly the aircraft and see critical flight info at the same time (i.e. without looking down).
2/ Because fighter plane HUDs are trasparent, they are not suited for video display, whereas the Tac Eye display in the picture uses high intensity LCDs to display video. They are not transparent.

Transparent helmet mounted HUDs exist and would be suited to replicate either speed, direction and GPS turn by turn instrcutions, but not video.

alba: in all honesty, all motorcycle riders are capable of multtasking. Those who can't probably shouldn't be riding in the first place! My guess is that peripheral vision should allow me to pick up a unidentified heat source without having to glance at my HUD constantly, thus safely keeping my eyes on the road.

Or I could use it to watch "The Hills" while riding. Just kidding. I hate that show.
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V-Cockpit GPS is my HUD of choice:

Toggle on the cockpit audio and it's just like being in a Tomcat, even the jet engine rpm's rise/fall as you gain/lose elevation. Who cares if it's practical, it sure is fun.

mjm50cal: That HUD solution is not based on Trijicon's concept. Trijicon's premise is that both eyes are focused on the reticle whereas that helmet contraption is placed squarely over one eye. I do love my Accupoint and hope to be pointing it a buck tonight.

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in my last job before I went into the medical industry. I helped design the HMD for the JHMCS and the JSF. Rockwell just announced they are closing the factory in San Jose canning 600 jobs and moving to Iowa. I suspect they will sell off the line back to Boeing or Ebit.

The suppliers I met and worked with were always trying to lower the cost of the optics to sell it commercially.

The challenge is the plastic dimond turned or molded polymer optics are extreemly expensive. Just getting a prototype made is like $300,000.The cost of each optical lens is $180-300 dollars and you need like 8-10 of them. The technology is about 10 years away. But then watch out! They will be selling like crazy.

I tried to get a JHMCS dummy gifted to me for my MP3. I think the smarter way to go is a visor than just an eye peice. The problem is the visor costs $800 dollars and the relay optics to project the image on a windscreen is $10K. External inline image provided by member with no explanatory texthttp://www.flightgear.dk/pic/jhmcs1.jpg
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I just want the stick thingy you pull back on to get the machine to gain elevation. Needn't be a lot, twenty feet would probably suffice for a serious amount of fun.
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Has anyone thought about doing this to their helmet?

Using a iPhone video glasses, ripping it apart, and attach it to their helmet to display iPhone HUD?

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I have tried it different ways.

What I have found the best solution for me was to use a Garmin Zumo Device. Waterproof device, touch screen with gloves, and battery life is about 5 hours. I use the USB Connection quarterly and download the latest map data to keep it current. It's stand alone, mounts well on a RAM mount on the multiple bikes I own.

The problem I have found with the Iphone Applications, they are dependent on a Broadband connection all the time. The screen is two small for me to see while riding. With the price of data plans, as I don't have one of the older "No Limit" ones, it can get expensive if I go over my Bandwidth limits.
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