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I am planning some day rides in southern Vermont or western Massachusetts on my S150 accompanied by my wife on a Honda Metropolitan (49cc). We can haul the scoots in a trailer to any starting point. I know the Met tops out at 40 mph, so we need some quiet back roads for safe riding.

Any suggestions for where to ride?
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Did a ride before to the Ben & Jerry's factory in VT. That was a great excursion. I think it was a smaller highway (if I recall correctly) Route 100 to get to it from the local town. Not sure of the exact speed limit, but I'm sure there are multiple ways to get there.

Ben & Jerry's Factory Tours
1281 Waterbury Stowe Rd
Waterbury, VT 05676
(866) 258-6877
Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ben+%26+Jerry's+factory,+vt&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=28.252954,67.763672&ie=UTF8&ll=44.664746,-72.268066&spn=0.791137,2.117615&z=9&iwloc=A&cid=11026070832538578832
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Yes, the roads around Stowe are great and the B&J tour is fun, but I am looking for some quiet low speed country roads and small towns more to the south.
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I think the problem is the Honda Met. I had one, and top out it does at 39-40, there is no power left. The VT traffic , although light, still rolls along pretty well and adding hills and no shoulders, I would not think the Met is a good idea. So. Vt, you are in and out of a town pretty quickly and the roads that really connect point - RTs 100 and 4, move at speed. I wouldn't think the Met could maintain speed on the hills enough to travel very safely. Certainly a great idea for a nice road trip but on a 150 or more is better suited. You are almost better off going to the N. Vt boarder / Lake Champlain area where there are also lots of nice flat valleys.
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How about a ride from Northampton to Shelburne Falls and check out The Worl Famous Bridge of Flowers. This is 30 miles one way.


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This is a great ride MA, NH, VT, and NY. About 130 miles, but you would need a 250 or larger scoot for the hills.


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How about over towards Stockbrige MA and up to Bennington VT. Leaves should be turning. Williamstown MA has Clark Art and Mass MOCA which are cool. I think the rides would be doable but you really need to check with a GPS or something since the met might have some problems.You might have to trailer it do some places then trailer to the next spot. Hard with some of those mountains.There might be some roads that don't go over the mountains but around. Never done them in a scooter but i grew up in that part of the US. Good luck and have fun

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i'd have to agree with everyone concerned about the honda's power up those vermont hills. you may have better luck to the south in berkshire county riding between, say, lakes like Goose Pond, Beckett and around Great Barrington.

if those hills are still too much, you might jump over the border and ride the farmland in columbia county, ny. specifically, the corridor between ancram up north to chatham. route 13 is, arguably, one of the prettiest roads in the area and much of the terrain just to the west of route 22 is lovely without being too steep. elevations in that area don't get much above 1000 feet.
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TROUT i grew up in canaan SKIP if you get oveer to New Lebanon you can see where they filmed the new movie Taking Woodstock. With some back tracking you can do it around there. Lebanon MTN is a bitch but if you head back towards stockbridge and take 43 to pittsfield then onward you should be ok.
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Thanks for the suggestions. I know that the Metropolitan was aptly named. It's best suited for riding in town. I know some nice roads near my home in Connecticut. In Farmington there is Deercliff and Old Mountain Rd. In Avon is Nod Road and Terrys Plain. In Bloomfield there is Duncaster and Hoskins Rd. It takes some effort to find them, but quiet country roads in New England are wonderful.
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Take route 44 over to The Vanilla Bean Café - Pomfret, CT 06258 Map Plenty of nice riding in the quiet corner of Connecticut. Lots of hills, but doable on a 50 if you have plenty of time.

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Rt 7 through Stockbridge, MA is great this time of year.

A little further North you can drive Rt 7 into Bennington, VT which is a cute little town with nice restaurants and shops.

Another cool ride is Rt. 2 through North Adams, MA. You can get there either taking Rt 8 from CT or drive up to North Adams and cruise Rt 2 through the Mohawk trail up and around Mt. Greylock with all of the beautiful views.

Western CT is nice too. Cornwall and Kent with the covered bridges. Rt 7 will get you there.

Litchfield county is great as well. Rt 4 gets you there.

Hope this helps you find some fine riding!
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Took the Met and the S150 over to Brooklyn CT and rode up 169. Speed limit ranged from 30 to 45 but there was very light traffic. Beautiful fall colors. Explored many side roads with even less traffic and lower speed limits. Stopped for lunch at the Vanilla Bean Cafe in Pomfret. At least 30 motorcycles were in the parking lot. Got many smiles when we parked the scooters next to the Harleys. Thanks for the suggestion TFauch.
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Re: Day trips in western New England
skip wrote:
I am planning some day rides in southern Vermont or western Massachusetts on my S150 accompanied by my wife on a Honda Metropolitan (49cc). We can haul the scoots in a trailer to any starting point. I know the Met tops out at 40 mph, so we need some quiet back roads for safe riding.

Any suggestions for where to ride?
There is a quaint little Town in Mass that has lovely back road, West Newbury. It's on the Merrimac River, Amesbury is close by. Once I got out of the ARMY I bought a home there and loved it, lots of small twisty roads. I am sure you both would enjoy the area. My address was 375 Main Street West Newbury, Mass 01951.
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