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Hey Guy's-n-Gal's, Has anyone installed one of these Cruise controls (throttle locks) on an MP3 or other Scoot? http://www.brakeawayproducts.com/pdf/5CP02%20Instructions.pdf

They are a bit expensive but really very well designed and are auto drop out when brake is applied.....very nice set up indeed.
I contacted the company to buy one and they told me they hadn't tested one on a Hyosung and treated me as if had the plague for not owning a Harley..... :-(

Just wondering if anyone else has experience with this device.....there are other manufacturers of throttle locks I know but I really like this one.
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No, but think I like my throttlemiester better. Can adjust the friction to any level of choice. Just to many points of screws on the "breakaway", design for me.
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I have the Throttlemeister and it is great to have on long trips. I use a grip buster around town. The first costs about $135 and the second $12.
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Throttlemeister / Grip Buster
Yeah, I tried the Grip Buster and found it got in the way when not being used...just my opine... As for the Throttle meister, I'd like to try one as somehow having effectively a sticky throttle doesn't seem too attractive, but I'm open to try it and will reserve my opinions.....thanks guy's for taking the time to reply with your thoughts.
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You can roll off and on the Throttlemeister easily. It is especially good if you are riding an Interstate and keeping a speed. It adjusts well when traffic slows or picks up. I like the grip master in town for keeping down hand and forearm tension. I have a JCL 250 for running around (never go over 50 on it) and use one there. I just added one on the 500. When I take a road trip the grip master will come off.

Another good thing about the Throttlemeister is you don't have to add a lot of crap to the bike. You just change out the bar ends - both of them and the system is hardly noticeable. The left one comes included to balance out the bike.

I wouldn't do business with anyone who "treated me as if had the plague for not owning a Harley." That shows me they don't know much. Next time you talk to them ask why so many Harleys wind up in the ditches or ravines on the Dragon.
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Brakeaway doesn't make a model they have tested nor recommend for the MP3...unless someone's gonna cough the money up and find a model that can be modded to fit...I'd like to see it if someone does. I was interested in this but since no one had one on an MP3, I ended up getting a throttlemeister, which I'm happy with but wish it had the auto release though I practice rolling off it when I brake in case of emergency.
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Auto Off feature....
Exactly my point, I personally prefer the throttle to be set so it returns automatically if I roll it off or just let go....many years ago in my foggy distant youth I had a bike with a sticky throttle take off on me at traffic lights and unceremoniously dump itself in the road a 100 or so yards away.....wasn't a pretty sight as I looked on from ground zero where I'd fallen off!
OK some explanation is in order I guess.....the bike was a two stroke and regularly decided to run in reverse....the small keyway that locks the magneto was so worn the timing for the ignition would get all out of whack.

The engine would quit sometimes too, which it did at the traffic light, I was quite practiced at runing along side and bump starting it while sitting sidesaddle....this day I fell back off the sidesaddle position I was in :-)

I certainly agree that the auto off feature is a good design feature of the Brake Away product.
Dave Vancouver BC
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Throttlemeister does not work like a sticky throttle.
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