Positives are endless but there are a few things that piss me off about this unit as well.
The positives and some negatives:
I love the remote on the handlebars. This is by far the best feature as my hand never leaves where it is supposed to be. There are 5 buttons on the remote: >, <, +, --, and a source button on the back (controlled by your thumb).

At first I found that this got in the way of my turning indicator controls but I quickly got used to that. You can toggle between "FM", "Bluetooth Stereo", and "Phone" as the "Source". Supposedly you can wire in a device as well (ie iPod or other) as an additional "Source", but I have yet to try this. (For those with GPS: You can connect this to a Garmin Zumo).
The one caveat about the handlebar remote is that sometimes (literally not more that 2% of the time) the buttons have a delayed effect and freeze. For instance I press the source button and nothing happens until another 2 seconds or nothing happens at all. In which case I turn the unit off and on (which requires my hand going up to my ear to hold down the button) and I'm all set.

If you are in the middle of listening to music on any of the "sources" and the device is connected to you phone (via Bluetooth) it will automatically interrupt your music and announce who is calling, when you hang up it will resume the music.
The Parrot automatically imports your phonebook upon connection to your phone and then gives you the option to voice dial. Which is a really nice !
Unit: Who do you want to call
Me: "name"
Unit: Home, Work, Cell Phone
Me: Cell phone
Unit: Calling "name" cell phone
Ring... you get the idea
The unit also has an option to increase volume as the ambient noise increases so you can go from a stop light to cruising at 60mph and still here the radio or other person on the line. This function is great but doesn't react real-time to the ambient noise levels, so it lags about a 1 or 2 seconds behind which makes me say "I'm sorry can you say that again" as I'm accelerating, and makes the other person voice exceedingly loud when I decrease my speed quickly.
The sound quality is good and the volume goes high enough for me. I find volume mostly depends on the helmet as opposed to the speakers. In my few months old HJC IS-MAX the volume is plenty, but in my old Hawk helmet the volume seemed a bit low.
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