analog10 wrote:
Stanny wrote:
I don't get it either, but I still forget. Pisses me off and I usually yell a string of explitives at myself when I realize it. It's SO dangerous to do, but yet I still forget from time to time.
Yeah I forget from time to time but it has only happened maybe 3 or 4 times in 3500 K's of city (Melbourne) and country ridding. I certainly don't think I'm perfect Fay and I'm sure your just having a bit of fun with me
but I'm just one of those people with an "if I can do it anybody can" attitude.
Yes.... and!
The problems with digital communication and shades of meanings, not withstanding those damned emoticons and IMHO's and FYI's!
I ride a Lambretta SX on a Sunday afternoon, (The Mp3 is for real, the SX because I bought it in 1967 and it would be silly to sell it now.) The SX doesn't
have indicators and I still check and try to cancel them. I have ridden it rather further than 3500K in 40 years.
I do a little Scuba diving, and there is a school of thought referred to as DIR, Do It Right. I understand the logic and the necessity, especially if pushing the edge of the envelope. Without it, lives can be put at risk. However since the arrival of the PADI system thousands of people have been introduced to the joys and beauty of the sport and many have progressed to DIR later.
However, (there is often a however and here it comes; no; there it went.) there are times when a well intentioned drive for perfection in all things can have an opposite effect on new arrivals in a system. What is appropriate in one place just will not work in others.
Melbourne, and country riding may not equate to the viscous cut and thrust of serious urban riding,and may require different techniques.
I worry that too dogmatic an approach can result in unexpected consequences. Of course we should all remember to cancel our indicators, and maybe in the peace and quiet of the Australian countryside, or the calm surroundings of a Melbourne suburb, (Might be a misconception of the situation, but I have only watched a couple of episodes of Neighbors) a beeping indicator is an irritant. In the Euston Road it can save a life. A new arrival on the scene might be persuaded that to be a 'proper' Vespa rider it is a bit 'Non-U' to have a meeper and so, not wanting to appear a twat they abjure it's use and suffer the consequences. I worry about that.
A long time on this planet has also shown me that there are a few things I can do that some other people will never get the hang of, (I am a magician, and some people should
never be left in charge of a pack of cards in public), and there are very many things that other people do, that I will never be able to emulate, especially as joints stiffen and eyesight fails.
There are ways of enabling people to get round their shortcomings in order to function, wheelchairs and prosthetics for instance, but we still need to put ramps and lifts into buildings.
So where does that leave us, in my eternal search for a few Karma points?
By all means search for perfection, by all means try and do it as right as you can, but also try and bear in mind that what works for you might not be the right thing for others doing it right in their own environment.
What you can do might just be the wrong thing for somebody else to do.
Please feel free to add whatever emoticoms and acronyms will make everybody feel better, to add a little gentleness to this post.