glover wrote:
Never had my cel come on at all despite over 500 miles since I did the mod.
So, have you deliberately checked your CEL at high speeds? That would then be a clear confirmation. Thanks.
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29,000 miles on my atlantic pastel green 2007 GTS 250
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![]() 29,000 miles on my atlantic pastel green 2007 GTS 250
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glover wrote: Never had my cel come on at all despite over 500 miles since I did the mod. So, have you deliberately checked your CEL at high speeds? That would then be a clear confirmation. Thanks. |
P2, Leather covered '56 Douglas 42l2, vespa/lamby hybrid chop, GTS 250, Lambretta GP, The mighty Bajaj "bad korma"
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I go everywhere at high speeds and recently had some weird rattlings (not connected) so was checking it a lot.
My pear-shaped hole mikes mod now has over 2000 km on it, and the results have been excellent. It certainly works well in combination with a PM tuning exhaust! Never had any engine light issues. Apart from the pear shaped hole, the only other difference is that the cutout in the external inlet is smaller than Mike's- more of an equilateral triangle. It's worked for me
Couple of things...
1. I have been an advocate of the Pod Filter for a long long time... I just tried this mod on my Beo 500... I would say that it actually gives 90% of the same benefit as the pod without all the noise!!! HELL yeah... I am keeping this mod and ditching the pod (for now... I change and tinker every few months) 2. The mod doesn't work on the BV250ie... the airbox already pretty much has the mod done to it... it's a different shape to the Vespa airbox... it might also explain why the BV has been faster than any Vespa I have ridden with... Anyways love this mod on the Beo 500ie... when I first did it I didn't reattach the hose to the throttle body properly, which made me a bit dubious as to how good this mod was as I felt like there had been a drop in power... Turns out that Mike is correct, the hose length has been tuned by Piaggio... when I reattached the hose correctly, the torque increase is CRAZY!!! Anyways... a job well done mike... |
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GTS300 Super 2023 Beige
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Thanks, Bunnybash. Still waiting to hear from Mikegil.
Still have never had my filter budge, with my original design. Even after fitting a Malossi cylinder and head, which I am sure breathes much more deeply. Wish I could think up a similar mod for the exhaust, to make it breathe easier without the extra noise! Mike |
initial findings seem good, definately smoother on the uptake and town riding alot easier, have got a rideout on sunday so will have a better idea over longer periods
Mike |
Hey Mike! Er, Holland that is. Get a PM pipe and a set of earplugs! That plus the airbox mod is a good combo.
You know you want to, the Aussie dollar is particularly good right now... |
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GTS300 Super 2023 Beige
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Come off it, Brad!
I had a PM pipe on my GT200, and had to replace the wadding twice in the short time I had it. Have never had to do that to the standard exhaust - it doesn't use wadding! Anyway, how about you fitting a Malossi cylinder and head? You know you want to! I'll let you have a spin on my scoot next time we meet up. Mike |
I finally got around to finding the time to do this mod but found that my air box is not like the others pictured here.
The airbox cover that holds the foam filter already has much larger air paths than the ones with the U shaped cut-out. There is an additional pipe that is in some of the drawings on this thread but I haven't seen any pictures of it yet. The pipe routes dirty air from the atmosphere at forward end of the air box, through the filtered air section (where the engine intake pipe is) to the dirty side of the foam filter. The pictures explain it better than me. I'm all keen to go with my drill and Dremmel and now have nothing to do. I just put it all back together. This is on a UK spec GTS 250ie and I can see the date stamp (clock like things with arrows) in the moulding of the air box cover indicating a manufacture date of July 06. ![]() Air Box Cover
![]() Air Box
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GTS300 Super 2023 Beige
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Fascinating! Thanks for posting those pics and sharing with us.
It looks as if the air would have a much easier flow than in my filter. The path is still convoluted, but that twisted pipe should let more air in than the snorkel of my filter, and then once the air is through the filter it has a much clearer path to the end of the induction pipe. So the air pases through the filter in the opposite direction. The one thing you could do is make those flat supports in the top photo narrower to give the air an even clearer path through to the induction pipe. I can't help wondering what was going through the designer's mind when he designed that, and then again when he altered it to the later design! Mike |
That looks like a GT airbox to me. Is it possible the Italians used some leftover GT bits on early build GTS's? I wouldn't put it past them! Has it been replaced at any stage?
I haven't replaced it but the scoot had suffered minor accident damage on that side before I bought it. I had to get a new side panel so I guess its conceivable that it had been repaired on the cheap with an incorrect part.
It looks like it all fits properly and it seems to work fine, it has no trouble hitting the rev limiter. It's the only scooter I've ever ridden so can't compare with anything. It gets curiouser and curiouser. |
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Vespa GTS 300 - LX 125 and many more NotSoModern
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![]() Vespa GTS 300 - LX 125 and many more NotSoModern
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I tried to find the topic and pictures on the English GTS forum, but can't find it.
Someone have the link or can share the toughs of CheekyThomas ? |
I think that air filter box was made that way for a reason, but then again... modding is a habit so... here we go...
![]() zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ![]() bbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ![]() me so cool riding with modded filter, YEAH.... (btw didn't notice ANY difference, since it is too late at night to go for a ride. will post impressions tomorrow) |
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GTS300 Super 2023 Beige
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Just a warning to all those who copied my original version of the mod. After many months of hard riding, my filter element did finally shift out of place. So Cheeky and others were right, the top of that U should not be opened. Rather open it up below, or else drill holes in the panel.
I resolved the problem in my case by fitting a Malossi filter element, which is stiffer and slightly larger so that it gets clamped around the edges better. Slightly louder, but still very accceptable, and not noticeable if you have an aftermarket exhaust. The symptoms of a shifted filter element are more noise and the engine feeling rough (don't ask me to explain that). Mike EDIT: I have now fitted a bar across the gap to hold the airfilter, and re-installed the original filter element. The bar is made from some stiff plastic, glued to what remains of the dividing panel. ⚠️ Last edited by Mike Holland on UTC; edited 2 times
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
09 GTS (sold) 2014 NC700XD
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Molto Verboso
2003 ET4, 2005 LX 150, 1964 GS 160
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Molto Verboso
![]() 2003 ET4, 2005 LX 150, 1964 GS 160
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ok I am trying to figure out if I want to do this.. so mpg is getting better with this mod... I have leo vince exhaust for a few months now and looking forward to install it on my gts when I come back from florida in two weeks, been gone for almost two months and using my burgman 400.. I miss my gts so bad haha it's so lonely in the shed
I've done the mod. I have cut out the V on the outher shell, made a cut out on the inner shell but left the upper opening the same size.
With the mod I have added a Malossi double red Air filter. Put this in without any oil on it. And I've resetted the Ecu My other (tuning) mods Leo Vince 4 road exhaust J. Costa Variator Corsa Power booster Irridium NGK sparkplug Malossi double red air filter For the sound: no difference, the exhaust overwhelmes For the Speed: not really noticable, but definately not slower either. The bike was damn fast already. With small windscreen touched the 148 km/h on the GPS (156 km/h on display with 130 front tyre) |
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Molto Verboso
2006 GTS 250ie in Silver
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I have also completed this mod. My observations:
Faster - Yes, it pulls harder when at speed. Louder - A little. I have the following mods installed as well as this airbox mod. Malossi Red Chili Air Filter Polini Variator Leo Vince 4 Road Hands down this is the best easy mod to gain .3 hp for a GTS. |
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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i came across this mod yesterday when looking for some tips on changing the airfilter.
i had a malossi filter laying around to get fitted and after 13000km it was time to swap the filter. i tought about it and said to myself "aa what the heck" and i just did the airbox mod when putting in the malossi filter. i did a fast scoot around the blok without resetting the ECU. the sound had more grunt(me like allot )and it seemed that it picked up the revs faster but i have to say that the stock filter with 13000km on it was pretty dirty. so putting in a fresh filter and on top of that a sports filter always gives that amount of impact on hte revving... i'm now resetting ECU and later on i will do a decent test drive and test a some pieces of road where i know perfectly how fast i can drive there from one point to another. i will report back ! |
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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despite the windgusts up to 90kmh(oiii) i drove the vespa to relearn the ECU with the new airfilter and filter mod.
she is wayyyy more responsive on the throttle, 80kmh on the dash is doable with 1/4 throttle instead of 1/3, acceleration and respons @ any speed is better + accelerating to topspeed is easyer. you can really feel her "pull" when you accelerate and from 60kmh when the variator is getting in the steep part of the torque driver you can really feel the torque and especially from 90kmh when the variator is fully closed and the revs build up to get to topspeed you feel a huge difference ! i can describe it as if the motor can catch his breath at higher rpm's and is'nt restricted anymore ! no regrets, thank you for the TS for sharing this unbelivable efective mod !! 8) |
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GTS300 Super 2023 Beige
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Thanks for the enthusiastic response, but I suspect most of what you got was from putting a clean airfilter element and not from my mod!
Mike |
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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Mike Holland wrote: Thanks for the enthusiastic response, but I suspect most of what you got was from putting a clean airfilter element and not from my mod! Mike i can still remember how it drove since day one and it did'nt drive like this, it actually never drove like this before not even when i did a 4000km with my GPR exhaust before i took it of. the GPR made the response beter, acceleration a bit and getting up to top speed was way better. i am sure this mode made it even a little bit better regardless of changing the filter + the sound is really nice, not to loud and a nice grunt. in means of power i'm use to compare because i do this all my life, trying out different parts from different makes on my scooters/cars, i have a pretty good idea on that matter because i also raced cars and scooters etc. also the fact that on a particular road that i use for testing response between braking points when exiting the first corner @ 40mh i could pull upto 65kmh untill the next braking point fully stock. with GPR i got a speed up to 72+- and now with this mod and the airfilter + ECU reset 79kmh but i braked a little earlyer because the road was wet. you can really feel her pull and the part where she runs out the variator makes me excited, she never did this ike this, again you feel her want to make more and more revs instead of calming down and making noises and crawl to topspeed(yes even when she was new). with other words : the torque curve is better(i'm not saying more torque) in higher rpm's. also, normally i do these kinds of tests with a stopwatch and a GPS to compare but because of the stormy weather over her i knew those test would be of the chats and unreliable. so i went out and trusted my gut and feeling capacity every time the wind settled a bit. |
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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ok, now i got some aknowledgement about this airfilter and airbox modification.
today my best friend and formerly mechanic/tuner came by to invite me on his birthday next week. the last time he have riden the vespa was with the GPR exhaust and he felt that the exhaust ave the 125 some extra power but mostly at higher speeds. now i told him to ride it again but this time with the stock exhaust back on, i did not tell him anything about the mods and told him "hey try her out now, the exhaust is gone and the power to" just to mislead him. he came back after 10min and he asked wat the F did i do to it to make her drive that good ! (lol) i asked his opinion(still not telling him what i modded etc.) he said : "the powerband is better over the whole range, the little dip around 60kmh is gone and it pulls from a dead stop up to 115kmh(speedometer) without hesatating anymore". then i showed him this thread with the photo's and told him about the mod, filter etc. he was stumped that a filter and airbox mod could do this, he also has the same opinion about the mod and that is that the filter has given the most gain and that the airbox mod helped a bit. he looked at the photo's in this thread and he says that the flow is significaly better, the airbox is tuned to baffle the sound because the diameter of the hole between filter and intake is relatively small in opposite to the intake itself. this creates a chamber and helps the sounds reflect more in the box. he also told that you can tune the torque curves by adjusting the diameter for you needs but because these are 1 cilinder 4 strokes the powerband is pretty narrow and you roughly said need al the torque and hp in a powerband relatively high and spread about 3000rpm so opening up the baffle room as he called it was smart, you only hear the induction sound better(but we are not complaining huh ?? ). i also asked him about the malossi unit i talked/asked about in another thread to mislead the ECU and inject more fuel and he told that this would probably give even more gain but if i now put the GPR back i would make it a 125cc monster acording to him ! the only downside is that i already sold the GPR... |
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GTS300 Super 2023 Beige
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![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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this forum is like poison for my wallet(lol), a full V4 kit is about 1000EUR excluding work but i want it o so bad !
the only thing i fear is a 'nervous' scooter, i use it as a cruiser basicly, only now and then i drive more sporty and i also hate noise if it's to much. like the GPR, very nice exhaust but to noisy compared to the speed of the vespa. i i can find a exhaust that growls but not that loud that it makes me def at 100+kmh i wil buy a new exhaust, i was looking at the AKRA but i think it's also loud. the airbox makes a nice sound now, you can hear the engine but not to overwhelming, this kind of sound i really like, if i can find this kind and level of sound in a sports exhaust i would be verry happy. |
hey sleeper , how did you exactly do it on the 125ie, ... is it cutting or taking away the inner pipe? thanks
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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knifeman wrote: hey sleeper , how did you exactly do it on the 125ie, ... is it cutting or taking away the inner pipe? thanks |
so both the snorkel thing and then the compartment divider ?
![]() this is how it looks inside appearantly, what did you do with the inner pipe ? |
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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no, i mean like the post of mikegil on this page, i did exatly the same except for the "V" shape...
mmm tempting... only the fact that the machine still has 1,5 year of warranty is holding me... I should get an extra airbox then
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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or else begin with mounting the double red sponge from malossi, costs 2X nothing and i personally think that piaggio can't say anything about that because it's a 2-stage filter and the stock vespa filter is only a one-stage.
this will increase airflow the most, the airbox mod is'nt as effective as the filter, combined they give a better effect but if the airbox mod takes up 20% of that effectivness it will be much(our guestimate). |
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GTS300 Super 2023 Beige
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Paul Melici (PM Tuning) tested my airbox mod and found a 1/3 hp gain right across the rev range. Do you have any figures for the Malossi filter?
I have tried both, and felt they gave about the same results. But I thought my mod sounded much better than the Malossi filter. Mike |
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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0.3hp is neglectable, you can not feel that kind of power gain but it is he torque you get from these mods is what we feel and described numerously in this thread.
i would like to see some torque figures pre and after the mod straight from the crank, not the rear wheel. i have no numbers to show you for the malossi filter but it is generally known that every sportsfilter gives more throttle respons, i put in every car i owned untill now a sportsfilter and you always feel the difference. in my case, the dirty stock filter swapped out by a nice clean sportsfilter + the airbox mod given me a outcome of tremendous amounts of torque(for a scooter) + you are right about the sound, it really is a nice upgrade, i would only do it for the sound if i was'nt a gearhead but you say something vry interesting, you tested the malossi filter and then you tested the airboxmod with stock filter and came to the same results ? or did i understand it wrong ? |
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GTS300 Super 2023 Beige
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Yes, I did test both, but it was just a seat-of-pants test, so don't put too much into it.
It seems that all the tests of the Malossi filter are also seat-of-pants. If there is a real result, why has no-one ever shown it on a dyno? I have googled the filters, and cannot find any decent test, only opinions. None of the marketers of Malossi filter elements claim any performance improvement; they only say it improves airflow! So I guess you just have to go by the seat of your pants too. Mike |
![]() GTS 125 I.E.
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JTbme wrote: Would a customized "plate" work with the GTS airbox? Airbox modifications i read of better mileage etc and i have to say, normally i drive +-190km before the warning light goes on, @ 170km it starts to go "on and off". well i'm currently at 180km and still no light flashing...(and i'm riding more WOT then ever because of the recently gained power) i report back with my exact mileage ! |
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