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Anybody got an opinion on a quiet helmet? Hard to know in the shop if its going to be quiet or noisy on the bike.

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any good fitted FF helmet with ear plugs will work and and 3/4 may be just as good. look for one that has foam to the ears
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I dont want to use ear plugs cause I like to listen to music.
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Try getting behind a tall OEM windscreen. Its very quiet. I can talk to a passenger in normal volume at 50 mph and clearly hear the engine. WHen I stand up a little bit so that the wind hits my face, its a roar. I've had windscreens for the last 5 years and would never have another bike without one. It does change the aesthetic look of the bike and some, perhaps many, don't care for the look. But you asked about quiet.
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GJN wrote:
I dont want to use ear plugs cause I like to listen to music.
Ironically, this is when earplugs work! Ear plugs dramatically reduce wind and motor noise and all you have to do is turn up the volume on the helmet speakers. It will come in plenty loud and clear. I know it sounds wrong, but give it a try, you might be as amazed as I was.

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shoei helmets have a good visor seal inside the helemt, which helps to disipate the noise.
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My Ruby helmet is made of carbon and has lots of padding on the inside. Can't hear a thing. Which is good and bad.
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The windshield thing is a good idea. I have a small one and I think I might go up.

Helmet speakers. Do you have to get a helmet with them in or do you install them in an existing lid?
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I use my ipod with around the ear bang olfusen headphones.
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GJN wrote:
The windshield thing is a good idea. I have a small one and I think I might go up.

Helmet speakers. Do you have to get a helmet with them in or do you install them in an existing lid?
There are headphone buds out there which provide a good amount of noise reduction. I use them at work (in a noisy office) & a friend uses similar ones when he rides his scooter. They're different from the ear buds in that they provide a bit of a seal around the bud part which itself acts like an ear plug. I paid about $60 for mine as I have a bad habit of getting up from the computer & going to walk away with the buds still in my ears, but you can buy them much cheaper than that.
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Also as far as the look with a windscreen goes its like the scooter thing. You are who you are. I spent 6 years in the army, 3 years as a correctional officer working in maximum, I have worked as a part time pub and club bouncer through all that time. My last job was 22 years as a cop, major crime, organised crime and drug squad, (I wanted a change from the dark side and now have a paramedic qual )

But I ride a scooter. So I am sad and gay according to some people. Putting a big windscreen on it will obviously make me sadder and gayer and next will be a fluffy white dog for my man handbag.

But ya know, I enjoy my scoot more than all the motorcycles I have ever owned (a lot) and that is what its about. Also scooter people are kind of independent minded secure people. Otherwise they would get a Harley and hide behind shades black t shirt and a tattoo.
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Best of both worlds
Etymotic Research ER-4P

35db noise reduction + audiophile quality sound. Protects your ears and allows you to hear music very well with minimal volume.

A FF helmet sans windshield and earplugs will destroy your hearing in short order. I know it gets preachy around here about earplugs, but it's true and can't be said enough.

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