Vespa S 150
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Vespa S 150
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Hi all,

I just purchased a like new 2009 S 150 with just 25 miles on it a couple weeks ago. I've since put 80 more miles on it until I ran into this problem this weekend where the scooter will start just fine but when I try to apply the throttle it will die on me.

The strange thing is the problem started occurring when I tried to ride it again an hour after I rode from my gf's place back to my place (3 mile trip) yesterday. And since then I have not been able to get it to run at all.

At first I thought it was out of gas, so I added gas. Then I checked the oil and that was fine too. I then resorted to reading up on all the stalling posts on this forum and tried the evap trick too to no avail.

Does anyone know what might be the problem?

Thanks in advance,
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You may have a clogged Main Jet in your carb.(is 2009 carb or injected?)
If injected I think Seafoam is not the correct thing to add.
Alot of poeple add an ounce of Seafoam per gallon during fillups
to prevent clogs.

You can try adding the Seafoam and running it.
If you are lucky It will clear.
Most likely you need to take the Carb apart and clean the jet out.
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The carb/fuel lines could be full of muck from the fuel sitting in them for ages and ages. Cleaning the carb and fuel line would likely help with that. Many people find adding Seafoam to the tank can help.

Another thing is that your bike probably has the evap. system still. If the scooter had been put on its side or if you had accidentally over filled the tank, you could have clogged the air filter with gasoline causing this behaviour in your scooter. You can open up the air filter and squeeze out the excess gasoline to resolve this problem.
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Late to the party again since FLY and BENNY gotcha covered. But i will extend a warm aloha and welcome to the forum. Love the 150's and can you post some pics of it? Enjoy your new scooter

Vespa S 150
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Thanks for the suggestions and warm welcome! I'll try the Seafoam and cleaning out the air filter and see if that'll work. If that doesn't work and the carb needs to be cleaned out then I might just tow it in for the (premature) first service. They do say 600mi or 4 months right?

Has anyone had any experience with Piaggio's roadside assistance?

Vespa S 150
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So I finally succumbed and brought it to the dealer today since I don't have the tools, workspace, or time to try and clean the carb or the air filter myself. The dealer tells me the reason why the scooter stalls is because there's water in the gas. They're going to charge me an hour's worth of labor to clean out the fuel tank/system in addition to rebuilding the carb (which is covered under warranty).

Does this sound kosher? Has this happened to anyone else?
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hooligan wrote:
So I finally succumbed and brought it to the dealer today since I don't have the tools, workspace, or time to try and clean the carb or the air filter myself. The dealer tells me the reason why the scooter stalls is because there's water in the gas. They're going to charge me an hour's worth of labor to clean out the fuel tank/system in addition to rebuilding the carb (which is covered under warranty).

Does this sound kosher? Has this happened to anyone else?
If they have a one-hour minimum, then sure. It could take an hour to do this, I guess, depending on how thorough they are.

The carb rebuild isn't covered by the Vespa warranty (it's due to neglect, not a manufacturer defect or failed part), so you may be getting a good break there. Did you buy it used from the dealer?
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hooligan wrote:
So I finally succumbed and brought it to the dealer today since I don't have the tools, workspace, or time to try and clean the carb or the air filter myself. The dealer tells me the reason why the scooter stalls is because there's water in the gas. They're going to charge me an hour's worth of labor to clean out the fuel tank/system in addition to rebuilding the carb (which is covered under warranty).

Does this sound kosher? Has this happened to anyone else?
Sounds like revenue enhancement to me. They have no way of knowing whether there is water in the gas. I'd also like to know how they propose to "clean out the fuel tank/system" as this is usually accomplished by draining the tank or running an alcohol-based additive through or both.

Vespa S 150
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Vespa S 150
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Well, the dealer in question is Vespa Brooklyn. I didn't buy it from them. I haven't read anything bad about them after a quick search on MV so I guess I'll give them the benefit of the doubt this time...

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