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Molto Verboso
2007 LX190 RIP 1980 Honda CM400T SOLD 2013 Shadow 750 RIP
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Molto Verboso
@got_mine avatar
2007 LX190 RIP 1980 Honda CM400T SOLD 2013 Shadow 750 RIP
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Sorry if you have seen before..
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
@lobogobo avatar

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@lobogobo avatar
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Splitting the taxi fare.
@raputtak avatar

2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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@raputtak avatar
2016 GTS 300 Super - red, of course.
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Here's a challenge: someone with photoshop (or whatever) skills put helmets on them all!
@the_mocker avatar

2010 Orange S150
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@the_mocker avatar
2010 Orange S150
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I'm wondering how many more babies in buckets are on the right side of this scoot Maybe they have all the luggage on that side & the baby acts as ballast Laughing emoticon

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