Hey Now!
new member here....currently tho I don't have my vespa......YET...I should take ownership of in the next week or so.....I am getting a 2004 GT200 with 2400 mi. on it...I have always wanted a vespa...almost got a deal on one last yr, but the fella was being an ass about it, so I picked up a yamaha vino 125. See, I have never had a motorcycle lic. or really ever rode on one, but loved the look of a vespa. So I figured that for half the cost I could try it out and see how much I actually scooted....well its been not quite a yr since I got my first scoot, and I have logged about 1200+ mi.
I have been lurking for too long, so hello!!
side note...where does one buy those MV stickers I see blasted on some of your scoots?