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Sorry if this has already been discussed on here.

Who is attending the 1st annual speed trials this november and what are you bringing?


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The "rules" are a bit troublesome. Best of luck for those who do head out.
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Tony, What do you mean mate?

The rules:

General Information

The Southern California Timing Association (SCTA) has been hosting land speed trials at El Mirage Dry Lake for more than 60 years. Their "Motorcycle Rules" requiring a minimum of 15" wheels preclude most motor scooters from participating.

The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) and BUB Racing host an annual motorcycle only world land speed event in late August at the Bonneville Salt Flat. We are working with Dennis Manning of BUB Racing to integrate motor-scooters into the 2011 AMA/BUB Bonneville program

We are going to keep our first annual event extremely simple. We're essentially running a "run what you brung" speed trial for scooters only. Scooters have two small wheels! We're self-proclaiming this to be the First Annual Motor Scooter World Land Speed Trials, so if you set the highest speed in a particular class you will hold the "Motor Scooter World Land Speed Record" for that class.

We're not requiring more safety equipment on the lake bed than you use on the street. The aforementioned race organizations require Snell-approved full-coverage helmets, one-piece racing leathers, leather racing boots and leather gloves. Many of us ride on the street with half-pot Davida or DOT approved helmets, goggles, gloves and athletic shoes. If it's good enough for the street, it's good enough for El Mirage.

So following this line of reasoning, you needn't drill and safety-wire your crankcase drain-plug, replace your rubber valve-stems with metal ones, or wire up side and center-stands. To keep the playing field relatively level we ask that you use pump gas. You can add octane booster.

We will not distinguish between 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines. Similarly there will be no distinction between carburetion and fuel injection. Scooters fitted with superchargers, blowers or turbos run in-class, but are designated "Turbo" and run separately from normally aspirated scooters. No Nitrous Oxide allowed. No "class-jumping". The class you compete in is based on your scooter's actual displacement.

The classes for this first event are:

Scooters modified with Turbos will run in their own class for that displacement. Scooters equipped with sidecars will run in two classes: up to 250cc and 250cc and up.

You are solely responsible for your own health and safety, and transportation to a hospital if you require emergency medical treatment. You must sign a written waiver before competing.

We will run one scooter at a time over a measured half mile course marked by cones. We will designate a Radarperson and an Assistant Radarperson, both of whom will use new radar guns to record scooter speeds. Any discrepancy between recorded speeds shall be resolved by averaging the two recorded speeds. No appeals. No arguing with the radarpersons.


Trophies will be awarded to persons attaining the highest top speed in each class. The records will stand until broken at the next annual event. No recorded speed at any other event affects the records established at the First Annual Motor Scooter World Land Speed Trials.

Trophies for Scooter Land Speed Records will contain a "1st" place insert and be engraved thusly:

NOVEMBER 21st 2010

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I'm in with 2 bikes so far. May make it 3 by the time the deadline hits.
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jimh wrote:
Tony, What do you mean mate?

We're not requiring more safety equipment on the lake bed than you use on the street. The aforementioned race organizations require Snell-approved full-coverage helmets, one-piece racing leathers, leather racing boots and leather gloves. Many of us ride on the street with half-pot Davida or DOT approved helmets, goggles, gloves and athletic shoes. If it's good enough for the street, it's good enough for El Mirage.

You are solely responsible for your own health and safety, and transportation to a hospital if you require emergency medical treatment. You must sign a written waiver before competing.

Having been out to a speed event or two, the lack of on-site ambulance is the most troubling, especially due to the lack of proper safety gear. Closest trauma center is going to be 35 miles away or so, in Hesperia, correct? That is a long time to wait for crew/transport to arrive if someone does get hurt. Perhaps I just misunderstood and there is going to be an onsite EMS crew? If not, I personally would feel safer staying in my city and doing highspeed runs on the highway. If nothing else, I would be closer to qualified medical care if something were to go wrong.
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I think the rules a more of a guideline for this first year and if you build a bike and sign up you'll find the rules will change to accommodate you. That has already happened with the turbo.

As for the safety gear, you will not see me trying to top 100mph in less than full leathers and a very good helmet. Agree that an EMT would be a good thing.

Anyhow, I'm glad that the event is taking place as it seems to be helping to get the scooter class recognized.
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Tony, I share your concerns too mate. However, this is the first year and i hope many will show up for this event.

Patrick, i have to ask if you are bringing a lambretta? Also, what classes are you running?

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So far I'm bringing my smallframe in the 150 class, an LX in the 200 class, and maybe a buddy in the 175 class.
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I'm in for the 200 class. Well, almost. Apparently I need to upload a recent photo before I can submit the application.
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I'm planning on spectating. It will be awesome.
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Dang! and we just sold and traded off our two 650 Burgmans!

Wonder if I can I use the 1400 Concour? it's covered in acres of plastic.
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ericalm wrote:
I'm planning on spectating. It will be awesome.
Please make sure to post some pics for those of us not so lucky to go!
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