Thanks folks for such positive comments and ideas.
I am away for a couple of weeks holidays but upon my return I'm thinking of going for...
FRONT: same design but pushed further up to the left hand corner so that the bottom stripe sits just above the horn cover. (Which I think I will fill in the top half of & mesh the bottom half.)
REAR: Will either be angled the same as the front 3 lines sloping from top right down to the left.
A bit different here... Might need a picture to show this idea off, but I don't have a photoshop software.
The first stripe starting from halfway along the right side of the seat and at about 45 degs sloping to the rear down the side panel. The second stripe going in the same direction from under the rear of the seat, so top right to bottom left. Then the third stripe would start halfway along the left side of the seat and slope forwards down the side panel.

I did say a bit different.
(Yes better wait for the photo eh!!
Thanks again & I post photos again when I return.