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jimc wrote:
I object to riding being called 'driving'.

Do you 'drive' a horse? A bicycle?

Humbug say I.
I agree that "riding" is commonly used for motorcycle passengers whether they are at the controls or riding pillion whereas a car differentiates between driver and riders. When someone has spent time on the backseat I can understand wanting to specify they are now the pilot not the navigator.
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heinlein wrote:
jimc wrote:
I object to riding being called 'driving'.

Do you 'drive' a horse? A bicycle?

Humbug say I.
I agree that "riding" is commonly used for motorcycle passengers whether they are at the controls or riding pillion whereas a car differentiates between driver and riders. When someone has spent time on the backseat I can understand wanting to specify they are now the pilot not the navigator.
I believe it goes back to pre-motorized-transportation days. You drive animals ahead of you (like on a cattle drive). So you drive a horse-drawn (or ox or whatever) wagon. But you ride a horse.

So now you drive an automobile or truck, but you ride a motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle.

I don't think it has anything to do with the difference between being pilot or navigator.

I thought about this with the original post, just like jimc, but didn't write it.

Interestingly, the latest Jeep slogan is "Riders wanted" or some such. Is there a subliminal message here differentiating Jeeps from other cars and comparing them to motorcycles?
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mpfrank wrote:
heinlein wrote:
jimc wrote:
I object to riding being called 'driving'.

Do you 'drive' a horse? A bicycle?

Humbug say I.
I agree that "riding" is commonly used for motorcycle passengers whether they are at the controls or riding pillion whereas a car differentiates between driver and riders. When someone has spent time on the backseat I can understand wanting to specify they are now the pilot not the navigator.
I believe it goes back to pre-motorized-transportation days. You drive animals ahead of you (like on a cattle drive). So you drive a horse-drawn (or ox or whatever) wagon. But you ride a horse.

So now you drive an automobile or truck, but you ride a motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle.

I don't think it has anything to do with the difference between being pilot or navigator.

I thought about this with the original post, just like jimc, but didn't write it.

Interestingly, the latest Jeep slogan is "Riders wanted" or some such. Is there a subliminal message here differentiating Jeeps from other cars and comparing them to motorcycles?
Interesting insight into possible historical reasons why we use the words the way we do.

In modern times if someone asks a group who arrived by car "who drove?" they are clearly differentiating the active driver from the passive passengers.
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heinlein wrote:
mpfrank wrote:
heinlein wrote:
jimc wrote:
I object to riding being called 'driving'.

Do you 'drive' a horse? A bicycle?

Humbug say I.
I agree that "riding" is commonly used for motorcycle passengers whether they are at the controls or riding pillion whereas a car differentiates between driver and riders. When someone has spent time on the backseat I can understand wanting to specify they are now the pilot not the navigator.
I believe it goes back to pre-motorized-transportation days. You drive animals ahead of you (like on a cattle drive). So you drive a horse-drawn (or ox or whatever) wagon. But you ride a horse.

So now you drive an automobile or truck, but you ride a motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle.

I don't think it has anything to do with the difference between being pilot or navigator.

I thought about this with the original post, just like jimc, but didn't write it.

Interestingly, the latest Jeep slogan is "Riders wanted" or some such. Is there a subliminal message here differentiating Jeeps from other cars and comparing them to motorcycles?
Interesting insight into possible historical reasons why we use the words the way we do.

In modern times if someone asks a group who arrived by car "who drove?" they are clearly differentiating the active driver from the passive passengers.
I see this as a silly question, because you can clearly note who drove and who was a passenger. Just simply look at their faces and who looks calm and cool drove, the others with the scared shitless looks were passengers.
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For me, target fixation means seeing an oncoming car - I'm not really worried about it or anything, but my eye just naturally follows it for a second. At least my eyes, if not my whole head, bobs at the "target" and my line bobbles a little right along with it. I'm working on it.
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Don't look at the cars, look at the gaps.
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