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O.K. GT series owners.....What options is there available for a spare tire or handling a flat tire, other than having road side assistance on your scoot.
Not the most brilliant idea, eh? What have you done in the past?
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Get a Stop & Go tire plugger system. If you get one that includes the C02 catridges, you won't even have to carry a pump.

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bklwashere wrote:
Get a Stop & Go tire plugger system. If you get one that includes the C02 catridges, you won't even have to carry a pump.

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1+ this is what I have...kit + CO2 cartridges (from a corded tire repair kit). BTW...if you haven't had the opportunity to do a patch...you may want to see if you can practice on a discarded tire.

Note: Be careful on the amount of thread or the size of the puncture. I found that it you have a hole ~ 1/4" in diameter (the size of the hole will be slightly larger after reaming out) or a worn tire (thread depth) the amount of surface area that the plug can hold onto ain't much...so you need to exercise caution.
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Those kits do work, but be aware that using one menas the tyre is scap and should be replaced ASAP. Once one iof those kits have been used it's not possible to make a permenant repair.
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I had my tyres Ultrasealed. It's use is in advance of a puncture.

If/when a puncture does occur, the formulation seals the leak.

It can be washed out so there should be no additional labour costs, which some places will charge if the thicker stuff's been used after a puncture.

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MOD i have almost the same thing. It's called Ride On. Got a case sitting in the garage for the gang here. I recently had to plug a tire and it was scary. Hole was rather large and it kept getting larger. Don't know what i hit but i had about 35 miles to go and it wasn't fun. I know people ride with them but my back tire was all over the place or at least to me it felt like it. BTW it might be a British company because they spell tire wrong Razz emoticon
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judy wrote:
.... BTW it might be a British company because they spell tire wrong Razz emoticon
Cheeky Razz emoticon

Yes, it's the same stuff. I believe there was some fallout over the name and the same formula is called different things now. jimc put me on to it. If it's good enough for the Curmudgeon and Grumpy Old Git etc etc
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Slime is more readily available these days - very much the same formulation, but the bits of suspended rubber don't get to quite the same size I'm told - so Ultraseal can cope with a 6mm diameter hole, Slime apparently up to 4mm - but that's most screw/nail punctures.

Courier's tip that I was given (and it works!) is to carry some countersunk self-tappers of various sizes. A good get-you-home solution.
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MOD ROFL emoticon Cheeky's my middle name. Laughing emoticon Seriously i remember reading a book (British version) that my dad brought back from one of his trips abroad. I was about 8 at the time. After reading it and all the "British" spelling versions of the words i got in trouble in school because i liked some of your versions better. Teacher nailed me on a spelling test and wouldn't listen to me when i said "it is to English" I lived in the country where i don't think most of the kids or teachers had been out of the state let alone overseas Now that i look back on it the teacher probably wasn't loving the fact that she was being told off by a precocious 8 yr old Laughing emoticon Dad had to go to school and have her give me a different test where he made me write our English
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Judy, I enjoy the language - and useage - differences. English has always absorbed language elements from elsewhere, and US English has gone in a different direction, to, well.. English English Laughing emoticon

They're both right.

For my shame, I'm a smoker (the cowboy brand), so when I say "I'm nipping out for a fag", my New Yorker son in law thinks it's hilarious.

I say tomarto, you say tomayto etc. Vive la différence !
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MOD I think were the only English speaking country to write it differently. Guess when our founding people came over they waned to start anew Laughing emoticon Speaking it well that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
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Up here in Yorkshire we talk a different sort altogether.

Eee, by gum.
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60yoMod wrote:
Up here in Yorkshire we talk a different sort altogether.

Eee, by gum.
I have a customer who's a Yorkshireman, and -- when he calls on the phone -- I can't understand a thing he's saying. Laughing emoticon

He might as well be speaking Hungarian!
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