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Well, my Vespa is a little dirty from the monsoon storms we've been having but I couldn't wait to post pictures of my new leather Vespa bag so hopefully you'll excuse my dust!

The bag is all hand-tooled and attaches on the bottom and on the back of my little rack with a total of 4 straps. The tooling is beautiful! I LOVE the retro styling. I was trying to decide whether to go a little modern with the styling on my new scooter (like with decals, etc.) or to go retro but this bag cinches it for sure! It holds a ton of stuff too! I fit a sack lunch AND dinner and my sandals in it, plus a pretty thick book. I also love the low profile and the curved style of it. I don't so much like the Vespa storage boxes that you can get so this was the perfect option for me!
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Wow, that is very nice. Did you make it yourself?
@lobogobo avatar

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Yup. It sure is real nice. I love the patina of the leather.
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Very nice looking bag.
@sandman avatar

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Very cool.
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Its beautiful. Really nicely tooled.
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Nice... I especially like the checker work on the sides - cool touch.
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very very nice tail bag. The craftsmanship looks great. the styling is perfect, the color is sweet.

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I totally dig it.

Would you be willing to share the name of the craftsperson?

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Craftsman for Vespa Tail Bag
Yes, of course I'll share! His name is Chris Anderson and he's a local guy here in Arizona. He makes custom orders and probably some plainer designs as well. I'll have to look around and find his contact info again. I'll get back to you asap.

Thanks for the compliments!

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Looooove that case so much!
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I love it, Megan! I've never seen anything remotely like it!
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Very Nice!

Your feet must be much sweeter than mine... I'd never put any of my footwear and food in the same enclosed space. Razz emoticon

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CHET we can smell your feet over here Razz emoticon Wow i love thee case and it has a little native american flair to it. Sweet. Thanks for sharing
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Can you tell us how much it cost?

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judy wrote:
CHET we can smell your feet over here Razz emoticon
Wha? emoticon ROFL emoticon

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Very nice! That bag is classy.
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It is one of a kind. Sets your scoot apart from all the rest.
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A custom tunnel bag for my BV 500 would be cool!

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Tail Bag Craftsman Info!
Hi everyone! Finally found the guy's info who made my bag for me. I had to search through a pile of notes that I leave myself and then forget about!

His name is Chris Anderson. His e-mail address is azcustomleather@yahoo.com. I think he has a website too but I couldn't find that in my notes.

My bag was pretty darn customized. I think you can get a fairly plain or basic bag for less, and of course mine was even more customized with my name and some flowers on the inside. So mine was $250 and I believe they go down to around $150ish. The craftsmanship is really worth it! It was all hand-tooled and dyed. I got to see pictures as it was being created and assembled. It's a really neat thing to have an object that you know someone put so much heart into and, like you said, it makes my little scoot stand apart.

People come up to me constantly admiring my Vespa but the attention almost immediately turns to the bag as well. The pictures don't even do it justice. It's just beautiful! I LOVE it! And it has held up very very well so far, even in monsoon storms.

Thanks for the compliments! Hope you all can get bags too. I don't mind not being completely unique.


PS: As for the shoes being around my lunch...I'm a GIRL! Our feet don't stink! And we don't sweat either. We only glisten and shine! ROFL emoticon
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Other colors...
Oh yeah, and I believe it is very easy to get other colors of dye: darker, lighter, less red, more red and even the colors of the rainbow if you so desire!
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