GTV 400
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GTV 400
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Okay, the last time i wrote a long diatribe my safari quit "unexpectedly" and i lost it, but as the chinook pilot said, these dudes puling stunts on there crotch rockets is about as low on the risk scale to scooterists as anything i can think of. Now if the people blowing late yellow lights in their suvs were somehow showing off too... oh man, could we bitch about that! I just don't get how you guys don't think these extreme tricks are cool? guess you don't get how i do either... I have seen the same Harley gang almost get hit at least 10 times in my area, once i almost got nailed when one of em blew a light from like 5 cars back when i was turning left at the yellow... In that case i was like, "that's dudes gonna get smoked" BUT blowing a light on some loud overblown hog isn't cool; meanwhile pushing the limits on a sportbike is about as cool as you can get short of racing. Yeah it's kinda sad if they get hurt- but remember, they've surely wiped before, and they probably have friends who've died, but they still do it. I mean they're doing it for our entertainment, and i'm glad there's dudes out there with the balls to stoke me up.
Edit: i like vespas too.
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Burgman 400
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Burgman 400
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I have not had too many problems with sport bikes while riding my Piaggio MP3, if I have a problem with them it is while I am driving. I will get rude comments from teens on up saying that a scooter is not manly enough or other comments like that. The other comments I get are about the second wheel upfront, that real men ride on two wheels, but for the most part people usually ask how it works. I guess you just find a bad segment of society everywhere.
@scutrbrau avatar

The Beer Guy
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The Beer Guy
@scutrbrau avatar
2010 GTS 300 Super and 2015 Kawasaki Versys 650 LT
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I'm discovering that one of the nice things about getting older is that I care less and less about what other people might think or say about me, nor do I care much about what they do. IDGAF what kind of machine the other person is on, as long as you aren't putting my life or anyone else's but your own in danger, go for it. As Thomas Jefferson said, "It neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket." I haven't gone all Zen and serene and all - I'll still bitch about dumb people doing dumb shit - but with regard to other riders and me on my Vespa, what does it matter? I ride what I do because I like it. Someone else's attitude toward it means nothing to me.
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@santiago avatar
Vespa GTS
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I've posted some mean things here about maniac sports bike riders but maybe I'm just jealous of these young guys with all their youth, vigor and fast reaction time.
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