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I have been wanting a leather seat for my scooter for some time now. I considered a Corbin seat, a Pirate Leather seat, and a Vespa leather seat. I finally pulled the trigger, but I chose to go a different rout completely. I just bought a seat from a 2008 GTS on eBay for $60. I am going to have a local leather upholsterer reupholster it with the leather of my choice.

I think this is probably the most economical way to go, and I know others on here have done the same. Is there anything in particular to look for in a leather worker, or any pitfalls to going this route?

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I guess my only issue would be that if I were going to pay the extra expense for leather, why not go for something more comfortable than OEM. Leather won't do a thing for comfort.

Maybe your re-upholsterer can do something while he's applying the leather. But if that's not his usual business and he has no experience with comfort improvement then to me you are just gilding the lilly.

Currently I have an Air Hawk which is far superior, in my opinion, to the status quo. But I would like to try another riders custom seat. Just my two cents.
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Just a suggestion from personal experience. I bought a slightly used GTS with the very beautiful Vespa leather seat. I find it too slippery when braking (I slide forward.) When we bought my wife's GTS, it came with both the stock seat and a Ferrari suede which looks good and you don't slide on it. I'm thinking of getting rid of the leather.
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Kayemtee wrote:
Just a suggestion from personal experience. I bought a slightly used GTS with the very beautiful Vespa leather seat. I find it too slippery when braking (I slide forward.) When we bought my wife's GTS, it came with both the stock seat and a Ferrari suede which looks good and you don't slide on it. I'm thinking of getting rid of the leather.
I thought about suede for that very reason, but wont the rain ruin it pretty quick? What exactly is Ferrari suede?

I also thought about a distressed leather that may not be so slippery, or even a gel pad that may conform to my ass enough to hold me in place?
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tbooth wrote:
I guess my only issue would be that if I were going to pay the extra expense for leather, why not go for something more comfortable than OEM. Leather won't do a thing for comfort.

Maybe your re-upholsterer can do something while he's applying the leather. But if that's not his usual business and he has no experience with comfort improvement then to me you are just gilding the lilly.

Currently I have an Air Hawk which is far superior, in my opinion, to the status quo. But I would like to try another riders custom seat. Just my two cents.
Good point. I did want to possibly add a gel pad. There are 4 or 5 leather guys in my area, so I can always shop around until I find someone who does this kind of work. As far as comfort, the OEM Vespa seat is a heck of a lot more comfortable than EITHER of my other bikes, so I really cant complain.
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Sandman wrote:
What exactly is Ferrari suede?
The suede-esque material that Ferrari and Lamborghini use on some of their interiors (seats, steering wheels, dash, doors, headliner, etc.) is a fabric called Alcantara.

Like Kleenex, Xerox, and Q-tip, Alcantara is a brand name that gets used to describe any similar product to it. If you are talking with an upholsterer, though, they'll know what you are talking about.
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Masala wrote:
Sandman wrote:
What exactly is Ferrari suede?
The suede-esque material that Ferrari and Lamborghini use on some of their interiors (seats, steering wheels, dash, doors, headliner, etc.) is a fabric called Alcantara.

Like Kleenex, Xerox, and Q-tip, Alcantara is a brand name that gets used to describe any similar product to it. If you are talking with an upholsterer, though, they'll know what you are talking about.
Oh. So it's like Ultrasuede? That is definitely a possibility I hadn't thought of. That could work.
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I used a local company (Rayco in Cleveland) and spent $240 for a GTS seat in LEATHER...had it lowered as well. I had a minor glitch which was fixed asap.Anyway I love it, and i am glad I supported a local biz and can look a fellow (or gal) in the eye when I exchange $ in this day and age. This is crazy but leather really feels much better...and yes I have pants on so I can't figure out why that is. But it IS.
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Leather is overrated. With some of the materials available today you would be pressed to tell the difference and you can have better durability.

I would agree with the poster that suggested adding some comfort features, maybe gel or cut down the height a bit.

I have a Pirate and im more than pleased.
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I am sure there are more durable materials. But leather feels real good. It just does.
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Leather is quite durable so long as you oil it occasionally. Remember, our skins are leather & they last a lifetime I live in the PNW where it rains a lot. I rode year round with a leather seat for two years, only oiled it twice & never had any wear issues. I had no issues with it feeling slippery. It is a mystery to me why so many people on this site think leather is not durable or waterproof. Tell that to my 42 year old boots. Razz emoticon
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I have a 40 year old motorcycle, with a 40 year old leather motorcycle seat, and it is just fine. It doesn't look brand-spanking-new, but it has aged gracefully. In fact, I think I like it better with an aged look to it.
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I think the problem with slippage is...
On the single leather seat on the GTV, the story is that it leans down at the front, which is gonna make things hard--but read on. The full length leather seat I have seen on GTS does seem slippery to touch. But...

(I hope this is not an insight for folks, but here goes...)
On a scooter like the Vespa, having your legs & feet slightly in front of you on very grippy rubber strip gizmos gives you the ability to use your feet while riding. Put weight on your feet. If you are riding around like you are sitting in a lounge chair you are missing something. Hear me out...

You can use the legs & feet to help you steer, to stabilize the scoot at very low speeds, and to keep you from sliding forward on your seat under braking. Put weight on your feet & legs. Try it. You think motorcyclists riding on pegs only use their arse for holding up their body?

I have a non-Vespa leather seat on my GTS and it is somewhat slippery, but I never slide as my legs are part of my support structure.
The Mocker wrote:
Leather is quite durable so long as you oil it occasionally. I rode year round with a leather seat for two years, only oiled it twice & never had any wear issues. I had no issues with it feeling slippery. It is a mystery to me why so many people on this site think leather is not durable or waterproof. Tell that to my 42 year old boots. Razz emoticon
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Our friend Ross owns a leathergoods store in Santa Cruz CA: www.leatherwise.com. We don't see him that often but he's told me he has lots of motorcyclers coming in and asking about leather goods. He's knowledgeable (Been selling leaterh products for 20+ years) and will be honest with you about leather products/grades, etc.

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Older leather was different stuff from the modern leather. It could take a lot more abuse and still stay nice. So a 40 yr.old seat made today wouldn't last as long. I like the look of leather but I never would want a seat out of it. I have a lot of leather stuff and break-in time, care, etc. is a pain. Water buffalo and deerhide can be quite grippy and soft though.
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tercesflow wrote:
Older leather was different stuff from the modern leather. It could take a lot more abuse and still stay nice. So a 40 yr.old seat made today wouldn't last as long. I like the look of leather but I never would want a seat out of it. I have a lot of leather stuff and break-in time, care, etc. is a pain. Water buffalo and deerhide can be quite grippy and soft though.
I am not trying to be smart (or even dense for that matter), but what about cows have changed in 40 years that would impact their hides? Now craftmanship may have changed, but if it is hand sewn then I would hope for the same result.
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peabody99 wrote:
what about cows have changed in 40 years that would impact their hides? Now craftmanship may have changed, but if it is hand sewn then I would hope for the same result.
You are, of course, right. There are poorer quality hides and split hides - but there always were. Quality leather that has been well tanned and finished is just as durable as it ever was. A lot more expensive , of course. I'm with you, leather seats and leather riding gear have an appeal that just can't be matched by synthetics. If you like it, you like it - for those that don't care or don't notice the difference - don't worry about it.
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Dooglas wrote:
peabody99 wrote:
what about cows have changed in 40 years that would impact their hides? Now craftmanship may have changed, but if it is hand sewn then I would hope for the same result.
You are, of course, right. There are poorer quality hides and split hides - but there always were. Quality leather that has been well tanned and finished is just as durable as it ever was. A lot more expensive , of course. I'm with you, leather seats and leather riding gear have an appeal that just can't be matched by synthetics. If you like it, you like it - for those that don't care or don't notice the difference - don't worry about it.
+ one million. Take care of it & it will outlast you
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I am not trying to be smart (or even dense for that matter), but what about cows have changed in 40 years that would impact their hides? Now craftmanship may have changed, but if it is hand sewn then I would hope for the same result.
After much searching I admit I cannot find the reference. It was about how to clean saddles and that older saddles could handle poor cleaning/care routines because the leather was better; and to not listen to old tales of how to clean leather.
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tercesflow wrote:
After much searching I admit I cannot find the reference. It was about how to clean saddles and that older saddles could handle poor cleaning/care routines because the leather was better; and to not listen to old tales of how to clean leather.
? not sure what you're asking here. Saddle soap & mink oil work well for me.
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Sorry Mocker, I did not add the previous post I was quoting. Edited to fix.

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