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Brand new to the site, just wanted to show off some photos of my new Vespa. I had a black 2007 150, but traded it in for this one. Its not as fast off the line, but still handles pretty well.

Looking for some ways to make it quicker, if anyone can recommend a website or catalog that makes performance parts i would appreciate it, thanks!
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@clodis avatar

GTS 250 ie RED DRAGON & new primavera red
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GTS 250 ie RED DRAGON & new primavera red
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Very nice !
@1drunkparrot avatar

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@1drunkparrot avatar
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Nice scooter. Congrats.

Motorsport Scooter has some performance parts for the 150.
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2007 Vespa GTS 250
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Not bad! Clap emoticon 8)

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Try again, perhaps?

125 et4 with an LX heart
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125 et4 with an LX heart
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sweet. love the matching lid

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Very nice, I agree with your choice of year, make and model, only differ on the color!

Here's a pic o mine- you'll see I went to great efforts at posing the bike... too busy riding it at the moment for much more than this, but soon, better!


Is Red, Ferrari Red!
Is Red, Ferrari Red!
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S 150, VNB 150, 101 Allstate, 01 ET2
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scooterwest.com would have a 70cc upgrade kit for it. but i am not too fimilar with the new 4valve system. but to keep in mind is that the motor is easy to remove and is the same frame as the 150cc so you could always drop a new motor in it. good luck with tinkering.
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I've seen a few posts on de-restricting the 50cc, claiming to boost the mph by 10 or so. I may ask a dealer about this, seems a bump to 50 from 40 mph would be plenty.

(have gone 48 down hill, but 35 uphill is a wee slow in traffic... if this can go to 58 and 45- sweet!)

P.S. Took better photos, up shortly...

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