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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@gatekeep avatar
1974 Rally USA 200 1980 P200e
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I was picking out my nags in the NY Daily News today when I came across a article and nice picture of some old scoots.

Its a pic of a old codger with what looks like six old scoots(Lammy's & Vespa) Blinged out to hell! Weather he did the work himself or he bought a few all ready chromed is yet to be determined. The article goes on to say what respect he has for older scoots .

I like the press for old time scoots but IMO its a bad example.


p.s. I cant find the story online sorry...
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Why do you think it's a bad example? Because he likes bling?
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@jsharpphoto avatar
1974 Vespa Sprint Veloce, 1963 VBB 180 Custom
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i can only speculate, since i'm not the OP nor did I see the article, but my guess is it's "a bad example" because noob's will see all the bling, get excited and the next time they see a bodgy deathtrap for sale, they'll assume they're the same thing, and lay their credit card (and their life) on the line.
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