old as dirt wrote:
TheO.Z. wrote:
Smorris wrote:
Bill's riding a 150cc
California Scooter Company Classic in the CBR this year, a Chinese copy of the old Mustang. It looks uncomfortable as Hell, but he just rode it on the 650 mile Lake Erie Loop this summer. We'll be watching how he does.
Wait, in scooter cannonball? I don't think it meets any of the qualifications. It's very clearly a motorcycle. The Mustang was only referred to as a "scooter" in the parlance that most harley riders used to call their bikes "scooters" in the middle half of the 20th century.
rule it qualifies.
So it does. I suppose it also qualifies a monkey bike. Probably not exactly the spirit of the rule, but... it still seems to qualify.
You miss the point with the 50cc comment, btw. You do every time this comes up. It doesn't need to be rehashed, but again, absolutely nothing prevents people from making their own ride, right?
Here's a slightly different way to approach this, and see how it's vexing: every time this comes up, the people who actually participate in the event say they dont' think maxi-scoots have a real place in the event itself, and say they don't want to have them there. Yet you want to change the rules so you can join, instead of making your own ride for maxiscoots. Why do you want to ride for 10 days every day hanging around with people who don't think you should be on the ride? Wouldn't it just be better to make your own, similar ride with different rules?
Why do you
want to spend lots of time, money, and effort, to force yourself around a ride where the actual participants are saying they don't believe you belong?
I don't really get that.
absolutely nothing prevents you from this. In fact, people who didn't agree with the general sentiments of the rules, etc, have made their own events that have been reasonably successful: e.g., CORSA IFP. They've enjoyed those events, and continue to put them on. And that's awesome.
you say you have limited funds; why put them to use that way instead of making something that's yours, that does things the way you want to?