Vespa Rally 180
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Vespa Rally 180
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Hi guys

Any idea what the best carb would be for a P200e engine with a malossi 210 kit and ported casings and hopefully a 226 vintage exhaust. was told if i go too big may have problem with fuel flow and as its in a Rally 180 I don't want to mess about with fuel injection etc
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62 vbb ratbike, 64 vbb,56 bella r201
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62 vbb ratbike, 64 vbb,56 bella r201
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28-30mm delorto or mikuni flatslide
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GTS 300 super
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deffo 28mm dellorto for that set up works really well
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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have had my share of faggy mopeds in my time
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I can't stand Dellortos. Mikuni Flatslide is great. I run a Mikunk TMX 35 and it is great - easily dialed in but it does suck the fuel.
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62 vbb ratbike, 64 vbb,56 bella r201
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62 vbb ratbike, 64 vbb,56 bella r201
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ive got a 28 delorto phbh it works fine but parts are harder to find. i would go to a mikuni if i felt like spending the money but my shit is dialed in on point with perfect plugs and no flat spots im not sure i wanna ruin that.
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sprint v p210
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sprint v p210
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I tried the mikuni TM28 on my malossi 210 sprint, with a uni sock filter, JL lefty and I used a polini intake manifold to bridge the two. My cases are welded and ported and I did the piston mod cuts. I use a mazz cut crank as well. I dialed in the main jet first with an egt, then the clip on the needle put my midrange in tune but I wasn't ever able to get the idle to work. I tried almost the whole range of jets and ended up putting on my old vortex from hot rod al. That thing is cake to dial in compared to the hours I spent with the mikuni. Its better with fuel consumption as well.

My 190cc lambretta has a mikuni 24 and its spot on again in the top and midrange. Its the fluky idle that gets me confused.
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62 vbb ratbike, 64 vbb,56 bella r201
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62 vbb ratbike, 64 vbb,56 bella r201
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i run it rich without a filter the pod filters and the k&n made it bog out before i could wind it out its been running great for 2 years without a filter. i think im going to get a velocity stack for it.
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