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@tante_sophie avatar
2006 LX150 Azzurro Sky
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can you put the supposedly premium aprilia sr50 NGK ZMR7AP plug on an lx150? will it do anything different than the stock champion?

has anyone done a spark plug showdown for the lx like this one http://www.apriliaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=122094&highlight=shootout for the aprilia SR50?


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what is the stock champion number? you can cross that number in the NGK site to the proper Ngk plug.
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ZMR7AP won't work but exotic metal plugs are available.


Expect quicker starts, smoother idle, maybe better throttle response. Thin center electrode fires at lower voltage so it's like bolting on a higher energy ignition system.

Not gonna be as radical a difference as on the SR (I had one). The search for the "holy grail" plug on those was to compensate for the crap direct injection fuel system.
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2006 LX150 Azzurro Sky
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2006 LX150 Azzurro Sky
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thanks for the answers.

is the CR8EIX the same as the CR8EIB (the one from scooterwest)? ive had a look at the ngk site, the former is "iridium ix" and the latter "laser iridium" but i cant work out whether or not i could use both.


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The only difference between the EIX and the EIB is that B stands for special design - in other words it has the special top which doesn't unscrew!

Personally I'd avoid the Iridium plugs. If you want a decent replacement go for the CR8EB or the CR8EKB which has twin side electrodes and is used in the GTS 300.
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