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lol Just had to post this picture from a ride out ,my buddy Ed's son lol bless him look at his wee face lol
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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Bless him. Taking it like a man though.
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look at his face, Bless him..... and the lads face is a picture too
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Well, in the end, it may be a good lesson for him, and perhaps save him from a life of dissolution, mindless mayhem and riding without a helmet.
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He shoudda made a run for it.
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Always wanted to say that Razz emoticon
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Great pic
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He'll be alright mate, he gave him your name & address. Laughing emoticon

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Sorry I'm American, but what is a kid that young riding a Scooter?
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that is god damned fantastic. thanks for posting!
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Scooterhenry wrote:
Sorry I'm American, but what is a kid that young riding a Scooter?
Are you serious? The photo is obviously staged.

Also, it's in the UK where the laws are much more reasonable strict than here in 'mercuh.
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@theoz avatar
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thefuzzylogic wrote:
Scooterhenry wrote:
Sorry I'm American, but what is a kid that young riding a Scooter?
Are you serious? The photo is obviously staged.

Also, it's in the UK where the laws are much more reasonable strict than here in 'mercuh.
No no. let him run with it.
@xmanhoe avatar

Molto Verboso
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thefuzzylogic wrote:
Scooterhenry wrote:
Sorry I'm American, but what is a kid that young riding a Scooter?
Are you serious? The photo is obviously staged.

Also, it's in the UK where the laws are much more reasonable strict than here in 'mercuh.
N.Ireland lol very lax laws lol He loves out on the Vespa , goes on all our ride outs , he is like our mascot lol This was at a run for our local special needs school and the PSNI (Police Service Northern Ireland) kindly gave us a full escort, kids loved it , playing with the sirens lights etc
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I treat all Police bikers as my friends - and this exemplifies just why.
@xmanhoe avatar

Molto Verboso
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jimc wrote:
I treat all Police bikers as my friends - and this exemplifies just why.
+1 same here , I fond the bike cops to be more " advice-giving" lol In the few times I have been stopped on a bike they have "told me off" as opposed to writing me a ticket ! case of "now I am going to give you some advice sir "
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