After taking off my air filter and intake boot to the throttle body, to make a measurement for a friend in need. I reassembled and all is good UNTIL.
Yesterday I met up with cubsking and was going for a ride to show him some of the area. WELLLLL.
Before I actually met up with him when I left the house the scoot seemed a little funny like it didn't have any get up and go to it. I tried fully opening it up and could only get to 60 mph. I am thinking WTF. So I stop along side the road and I though well maybe this new air box mod is just toooo restrictive . I took off the end cover and my drain tube fitting over the filter and off I went again. WELLLLL
Still no good amd I am thinking WTF.
So I stopn once more and I feel back towards the throttle body and open the throttle up (with the engine off of course) (I know what some of you lot where thinking right then) And the throttle cable butterfly mechanism is hitting that darn hose clamp screw on the intake boot. Whooo . no biggee loosen clamp and rotated it up some more and off I go again
Oh so much better when you have full power again.